Guo Jingming (郭敬明)
Royalty income: 14 million yuan (US$2.24 million)
Bestseller: "Tiny Times" series 《小時代》
Age: 29
2011 Ranking: 1
Born in 1983 in Zigong City, Sichuan Province, Guo Jingming is a best-selling young writer, especially popular among Chinese teenagers. In 2002, Guo published his first work "On the Edge of Love and Hurt." However, fame came a year later with the publication of his fantasy novel "Ice Fantasy,", a hit among Chinese readers and one of the country's best-selling books.
His works mainly deal with the lives, thoughts and romantic loves of urban youth, as does his "Tiny Times" series. The teenage icon has been among the top five richest Chinese writers since the list was first published in 2006. His combined royalty income amounts to over 111 million yuan (US$). In 2009, the writer claimed that royalty revenues only accounted for 20 percent of his total income.