
Expat Tales
Magical shock and awe
Faced with a tragedy that threatened to destroy his life, Australian Vasilios Elovalis found an unlikely calling that has taken him around the world where he spreads a little magic in the lives of everyone he meets.
Hark! Hark! The Shark
Not everyone can get in touch with their warm cuddly side when living in Shanghai, but Julie Adams is helping to save the environment with the help of her cuddly alter-ego Sammy the Shark.
Send Your Stories
- Magical shock and awe
- Hark! Hark! The Shark
- 'Kind of crazy' French singer pursues China fame
- Friends forever
- In the city's heart
- Driving sideways the route to a fulfilling career
- Man on a bicycle becomes a star of Chinese TV
- China, take your partners!
- Riding sideways to success
- Between the lines
- The man for all seasons
- Of parallel journeys and coalescing cultures
- Icon love affair leads to a tribute
- Life, games for a China player
- Nothing like a Dane
- Films on a shoestring budget
- Mr Manners grooms white collars for global success
- Beijing in the Eyes of Foreigners
- 'Tender China' - French lensman cherishes the ordinary people
- Behind the silver screen
- Hard-won habits
- Road to redemption
- The foreigner who's 'not Da Shan'
- Stretching, tumbling and cartwheeling around the globe
- Gallic guide to the city offers tips for new arrivals
- The play's the thing for Brit founder of Zuloo drama
- 'We showcase the good, the bad and the indifferent'
- Aiming high for a grassroots rejuvenation
- Sweet taste of a very high life
- Healthy French cuisine? mei wenti for expats, Chinese and ayis
- Final farewell to one 'who truly loved China'
- Covering the China beat
- 'I miss China': wife of former Bangladeshi ambassdor to China
- In pursuit of purity and the water of life
- Adrian Geiges - Reconciled revolutionary
- From rocket-ship dirt biker to TV show inventor
- 'Mad genius' tones down to hone kitchen arts
- Sinful sartorial splendor - From Siberia to Shanghai
- Clucky couple come home to roost
- American entrepreneur bitten by the 'China bug'
- From high-flying corporate world to a bamboo startup
- The frequent flyer
- Sphere of influence
- Course took perseverance
- China 'tougher, but more fun'
- All creatures, great & small
- Fire horse fuses Chinese, Western healing
- Fashioning Chinese brands for Chinese market
- The accidental expert
- Always the wicked laowai - mafioso, magnate, spy
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