A product safety watchdog in Guangdong Province has ordered a recall of the cooking oil suspected of containing high doses of a carcinogenic mildew that triggered public concern after it was found in milk products from a popular dairy, Xinhua reported. |
據新華社報道,廣東省產品質量監管部門下令召回致癌霉素含量超標的食用油,該霉素之前在一個知名乳制品商的牛奶產品中查出,引發民眾擔憂。? |
The recall covers cooking oil produced by three companies - Fusheng Oil, Manyi Peanut Oil and Mabao Oil - that contains excessive levels of aflatoxin, quality supervision officials said Thursday. |
質量監管官員周四表示,此次召回的黃曲霉毒素含量超標的食用油由三家公司生產:富盛糧油廠、滿意花生油廠、孖寶油有限公司。 |
The companies have had their storage facilities shut down and licenses revoked with an investigation under way. Their factories were ordered to suspend operations. |
這些公司的倉庫已被查封,執照被吊銷,公司的工廠也被勒令停產。目前,調查還在進行中。 |
It was not immediately known how much of the tainted products entered the market. |
至于有多少受污染的產品流入市場,尚不清楚。 |
Aflatoxin is produced by a fungus that commonly grows on crops such as grains and peanuts. High levels of the toxin may lead to cancer in some animals. |
黃曲霉毒素由一種通常生長在谷物、花生等作物上的菌類滋生。毒素含量高,可在一些動物身上導致癌變。 |
The mildew recently caught the nationwide attention after it was found in high doses in dairy products from Mengniu Dairy Group. |
最近,含量較高的霉素在蒙牛乳業集團的乳制品中查出,引發全國性關注。 |
An initial investigation showed that the contamination was caused by mildewed feed given to cows in a plant in Sichuan Province.
(China.org.cn December 31, 2011) |
初步調查顯示,四川省的一家工廠給奶牛喂了霉素飼料,污染了奶源。 |