The new "Twilight" film "Breaking Dawn: Part One" has caused viewers to have fits during a graphic scene in which the heroine, Bella, gives birth to the child of her vampire husband Edward, The Telegraph reported. |
據英國《每日電訊報》報道,新《暮光之城》系列電影《破曉》(上)里女主人公貝拉生下吸血鬼丈夫愛德華的孩子的一幕場景,一度引起觀眾不適。 |
Brandon Gephart of Roseville, California, was watching the film when he began having convulsions, CBS Sacramento said. Gephart remembered waking on the cinema floor and struggling to breathe before being taken to hospital. |
哥倫比亞廣播公司薩克拉門托市(加州首府)電視臺報道說,來自加州羅斯維爾市的布蘭登?格爾法,看這一幕時開始抽搐。在被送往醫院前,格爾法在電影院里走動時呼吸都困難。 |
His girlfriend, Kelly Bauman, said he was "convulsing, snorting, trying to breathe." |
他的女朋友凱莉?鮑曼說,他當時一邊抽搐一邊喘著粗氣。 |
The rest of the screening was canceled but it is not a one-off. |
那場電影后來被暫停放映,但類似事件并不只有一起。 |
One man in Utah blacked out during the film with witnesses describing him shaking, mumbling and blinking rapidly. |
猶他州一名男子看電影時直接昏厥過去,目擊者描述說,他當時抽搐,說胡話,還不停翻眼。 |
The symptoms are said to have been experienced during the birth scene which contains flashes of red, black and white. |
據說,這些癥狀都是由生孩子那個場景里紅、黑、白不停閃爍造成的。 |
Dr. Michael Chez, an epilepsy specialist, said the scene could be triggering episodes of photosensitive fits.
( November 28, 2011) |
癲癇癥專家邁克爾?切茲博士說,這樣的場景可能引發光感不適反應。 |