How one holds a drink tells a lot
A new study claims that the way people hold their drink reveals their personality. [Agencies] |
A new study claims that the way people hold their drink reveals their personality, The Telegraph reported. |
據英國《每日電訊報》報道,最新研究顯示,一個人手握酒杯的習慣可以暗示他們的個性。? |
All revelers fall into one of eight different personality types by their drinking techniques, Dr. Glenn Wilson, a consultant psychologist at King's College, London, said. He has categorized them as the "Flirt," "Playboy," "Fun-Lover," "Gossip," "Wallflower," "Ice Queen," "Jack the Lad" and "Browbeater." |
英國倫敦國王學院的心理咨詢師格倫?威爾遜博士依據豪飲者的動作將他們歸為八種類型,分別為:調情型、花花公子型、享樂型、閑聊型、局外人型、冷美人型、酷哥型和吹胡子瞪眼型。 |
The first three types were the most open to be chatted up. The latter four were harder to crack. The Browbeater should be avoided. |
他表示,前三類最平易近人,后面四類則不容易對付,而吹胡子瞪眼型最好敬而遠之。 |
Jack the Lad is conscious of his image and will drink a bottled beer, or cider. The Wallflower represents a shy, submissive individual who holds the glass protectively. However, the Browbeater prefers large glasses, which he uses as symbolic weapons gesticulating in a threatening way.
( October 17, 2011) |
其中,酷哥很注意自己的形象,常喝瓶裝啤酒或蘋果酒;局外人則自我保護意識強,膽小溫和,一直緊握酒杯;而吹胡子瞪眼男更喜歡使用大杯,感覺就像自己拿了武器,頤指氣使,趾高氣昂。 | |