Recent surveys show infertility rate is on the rise in Chinese between the ages 25 and 30, reported. |
據新快網報道,最新調查顯示,我國25歲至30歲人群中,不孕不育者的數量正在上升。 |
Repeated abortions, excessive sex and unhealthy bodyweight have all lead to this rise, Dr. Zhang Meimei, a chief gynecologist in Guangzhou Women's Hospital, said. |
廣州女子醫院張梅梅主任表示,反復流產、性生活過于頻繁和不健康的體重都導致了這一趨勢。 |
Zhang said that repeated abortions will severely damage the women's physical functions, resulting in infertility. |
張梅梅醫生說,反復流產會嚴重損害女性生理機能,導致不孕。 |
Zhang also said young couples who plan to have children tend to be indulgent in sex, wishing to increase the odds. "That's also bad for health and will reduce the ability to have children," Zhang said. |
她還說很多夫妻為了能早日生育,不控制性生活頻率,“那對健康不利,而且也會降低生育能力”。 |
Moreover, unhealthy bodyweight -- too heavy and too thin -- may also be a major cause, Zhang said, adding that first-time pregnancy is the most important, and young couples should cherish it.
( October 14, 2011) |
此外,體重過胖或過瘦也是不孕不育的主要原因。張醫生還提醒,第一次懷孕非常重要,夫婦都要特別珍惜。 |