Abandoned train tickets may reveal personal information such as a person's ID card no., the Guangzhou Daily reported. |
據《廣州日報》報道,隨手丟棄的廢舊火車票極有可能泄露購票者的身份證號碼等個人信息。? |
The real-name train ticket is printed with a two-bar-code which contains personal information. However this information can be translated and read by software which can be downloaded for free from the Internet. |
實名制火車票上印有包含個人信息的二維碼,而從網絡上下載的一些免費的“二維碼識別”軟件可輕易“翻譯出”二維碼中的信息。 |
Most two-bar-codes in China have only one algorithm which can be easily copied and cracked. |
目前,國內大部分使用的二維碼只有一種算法,并且已經被復制和破解。 |
As a result, the only safe and effective method to prevent personal information from being revealed is to tear up the ticket before discarding it.
(China.org.cn October 5, 2011) |
因此,目前防止信息泄露的最好方法是在使用完車票后撕毀再丟棄。 |