China's new Mandarin test has raised public debates as some experts express doubt about its effectiveness in enhancing native speakers' language abilities, Xinhua reported. |
據新華社報道,近期公布的“漢語能力測試”引發公眾熱議,一些專家對其提高國人漢語能力的效用提出質疑。 |
The National Education Examinations Authority said in August that the Chinese Proficiency Test is designed to promote people's interest and ability in their native language. It evaluates listening, speaking, and reading and writing abilities at six different levels. |
國家教育部考試中心今年8月稱,“漢語能力測試”主要是為了提高國人漢語學習的興趣和能力而設定的,該測試全面考查漢語母語的聽、說、讀、寫能力,從低到高設六個等級。 |
Despite government efforts, many experts say that to improve native speakers' skills requires favorable study circumstances. |
對于政府做出的努力,許多語言專家表示,提高國語水平更需要良好的語言環境。 |
Xie Xiaoqing, a professor at Beijing Language and Culture University, said that the weakness of people's language skills resulted from inappropriate teaching methods that ruined children's curiosity. |
北京語言大學謝小慶教授稱,方式陳舊的教學摧殘了兒童的學習興趣,是國人沒有掌握好母語的原因所在。 |
Pang Fei, who received a Ph.D. from Peking University, established the Yidan School, a non-profit NGO to advocate Chinese culture. "Depending on a test is not enough," Pang said. "Only if language teaching is integrated with society can it actually take root in people's hearts."
( September 28, 2011) |
“一耽學堂”是一個以弘揚傳統文化為己任的公益性民間團體,其創始人、北大哲學博士逄飛表示,光憑一種考試遠遠不夠,只有語言教學與社會相融合,語言才能真正在國人心中扎根。 |