In a galaxy far, far away... two kittens did battle with light sabres. [Agencies] |
In the latest a-meow-zing video, two rescue kittens "fly" X-Wing and Tie fighters from the classic "Star Wars" movies, the Daily Mail reported.
The man behind the hilarious video, Zach King, 21, from Los Angeles, said: "The Jedi Kittens are striking back with an action-packed adventure. Who can resist the X-Wing and Tie Fighting kittens!"
The videos have become huge hits with YouTube users, gathering a total of over two million views.(點擊英國《每日郵報》查看原文)
?????? 據英國《每日郵報》報道,在最新的貓咪視頻中,兩只小貓模仿經典電影《星球大戰》中的橋段,駕著X翼戰機與鈦戰機進行了一場廝殺搏斗。
?????? 這個爆笑視頻出自21歲的扎克?金之手,來自洛杉磯的他表示:“杰迪貓從外太空追殺了回來,這個場面真是激動人心。X翼戰機、鈦戰機孰強孰弱,一比高低吧!”
?????? 影片被上傳至YouTube網站,超級受歡迎,點閱率已經破200萬人次。
(China.org.cn September 21, 2011) |