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Horrible Bosses

片名:Horrible Bosses

導(dǎo)演:賽斯?戈登(Seth Gordon)
主演:杰森?貝特曼(Jason Bateman)
          詹妮弗?安妮斯頓(Jennifer Aniston)
          柯林?法瑞爾(Colin Farrell)
          凱文?史派西(Kevin Spacey)
          查理?戴(Charlie Day)
          杰森?蘇戴奇斯(Jason Sudeikis)
          杰米???怂梗↗amie Foxx)




The Story




Nick (Bateman) is the voice of reason, Kurt (Sudeikis) believes he's the brains behind the operation, while Dale (Day) is that crazy friend you want to trust, you want to believe isn't always going to do the exact opposite of what he should, but who constantly acts with a complete disregard for logic. The three buddies believe their bosses deserve to die and, as we get to know these guys, we completely sympathize with what they're going through and don't dislike them for wanting to take the drastic step of offing their bosses. 尼克(杰森?貝特曼 飾)代表著理性的聲音;庫爾特(杰森?蘇戴奇斯 飾)自認為是公司運作的中樞人物;而戴爾(查理?戴 飾)是那種雖然有點瘋狂卻又總能得到信任的朋友,他的行為不會每次都糟到極點,但常常毫無邏輯可言。這三個好朋友都認為自己的老板罪該萬死,而當(dāng)你漸漸地了解了這些人,你會覺得他們的遭遇十分令人同情,想采取極端手段干掉自己的老板也無可厚非。
First up is Nick whose horrible boss is Dave Harken (Spacey), a micromanaging jerk. Dave's the sort of boss who turns the tiniest infraction into a cause for termination, who accuses stand-up employee Nick of being an alcoholic after pouring him a stiff drink at 8:15am and forcing him to chug it down. Dave dangled a promotion over Nick's head, made him work weekends, miss his grandmother's funeral, and then after leading him on for months he awarded himself the promotion. Nick can't quit because Dave's threatened to call any potential employers and lie about Nick's job performance. The bottom line: Nick's ready to make Dave pay. 首先是尼克。他的老板是萬惡的戴夫?哈肯(凱文?史派西 飾),一個管頭管腳、吹毛求疵的混蛋。像戴夫這種老板會因為一次微不足道的違規(guī)行為就下令讓人滾蛋。他有次在大清早8點15分的時候給坦率正直的尼克倒了一杯烈酒,強迫他一口氣喝完,而后卻翻臉指責(zé)尼克酗酒。戴夫以晉升為誘餌讓尼克周末加班,導(dǎo)致他錯過祖母的葬禮,把尼克耍得團團轉(zhuǎn);卻在幾個月后把晉升的機會留給了自己。尼克甚至沒法辭職,因為戴夫威脅說要給他可能跳槽去的公司打電話,污蔑尼克的工作表現(xiàn)不佳??偠灾?,尼克打算跟戴夫算總賬。
Kurt's his boss' favorite employee, a fact which angers the boss' cokehead son. Bobby Pellit (Farrell) loves martial arts, loose women, his comb-over, and drugs -- not necessarily in that order. He hates everything to do with his dad's company, except the money it makes that allows him to stay well-stocked with cocaine. When circumstances change and Bobby becomes the head of the company, life at work becomes sheer hell. The bottom line: Kurt is also ready to take action and get rid of his boss. 庫爾特是最得老板賞識的員工,這讓老板那個毒癮纏身的兒子大為不滿。在鮑比?佩利特(柯林?法瑞爾 飾)的心中,武術(shù)、蕩婦、他那碩果僅存的頭發(fā)和毒品都是他的至愛,彼此不相上下。他討厭與父親的公司有關(guān)的一切事物,他只在乎公司賺的錢能為他買來大量的可卡因。而當(dāng)世事變幻,鮑比接了父親的班成為公司的頭兒,上班就變成了一場災(zāi)難。最終結(jié)果是,庫爾特也準備行動起來干掉他的現(xiàn)任老板。
And Dale...well, his friends tease him about his relationship with his boss, the sexually aggressive, hot and nasty dentist, Dr. Julia Harris (Aniston). Julia hooks her patients up to gas and then spends the minutes/hours while they're knocked out hitting on Dale, touching him inappropriately and threatening to show his fiancee incriminating photos if he doesn't have sex with her. She's a beast, a dentist who loves 'drilling', and she's got an insatiable appetite for sex. And because Dale made a major mistake by peeing outdoors in a park, he's been tagged with the sexual predator label and can't get another job. The bottom line: Dale wants Julia dead and gone. 還有戴爾……好吧,他的朋友總是拿他和老板的關(guān)系來打趣。戴爾的老板朱莉婭?哈里斯(詹妮弗?安妮斯頓 飾)是一名牙醫(yī),放蕩火辣,性格狡詐。她讓病人吸入氣體麻醉劑,然后在他們昏睡期間,花上幾十分鐘甚至幾個小時挑逗她的助手戴爾,對他動手動腳。她威脅戴爾和她上床,否則就要把一些看上去罪證確鑿的不雅照片發(fā)給他的未婚妻。這個牙醫(yī)婊子對“鉆洞”情有獨鐘,是個不知饜足的色情狂。戴爾曾經(jīng)在公園里露天小便,從此被打上了色狼的標簽,他因為這次嚴重錯誤再也找不到其他工作。結(jié)論:戴爾希望朱莉婭死翹翹,永遠從這個世界上消失。
But actually doing the deed is more difficult than just talking the talk. In search of a hit-man, the trio travel to a bar and meet Dean 'MF' Jones (Jamie Foxx). He's fresh out of jail and for $5000 he'll get rid of the horrible bosses -- or so the guys believe. But it turns out all he's willing to do is be their murder consultant, so once again the actual task of killing their bosses is back in their hands. To do the job they'll need to research, plan, prepare, and execute the perfect untraceable murders. But the question remains: when it comes right down to it, can they actually go through with it?


(China.org.cn Rebecca 譯)


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