Wang Xiaohui (L1), vice president of China.org.cn talks to members of the Seminar for Developing Countries' Press Officials on August 18, 2011. [China.org.cn] |
Press officials representing 20 developing countries gained an inside look at China.org.cn, one of China's best known national media organizations, as they toured the internet news portal's headquarter office in Beijing on Wednesday. |
8月18日(周三)下午,來自20個發展中國家的“新聞官員研修班”成員來到國內知名媒體機構——中國網進行了參觀訪問。 |
38 press representatives representing a diverse array of countries including the Ukraine, Pakistan, Philippines, Vietnam, Turkey, Sudan, Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia, Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada and Dominica participated in the event. |
參加本次項目的38名新聞官員分別來自烏克蘭、巴基斯坦、菲律賓、越南、土耳其、蘇丹、加納、尼日利亞、烏干達、埃塞俄比亞、津巴布韋、萊索托、馬拉維、毛里求斯、南非、坦桑尼亞、贊比亞、安提瓜和巴布達、格林納達和多米尼克等20個發展中國家。 |
Wang Xiaohui, vice president of China.org.cn, welcomed the foreign press officials with a speech introducing China.org.cn and outlining the portal's development in recent years. The group also toured China.org.cn's multilingual newsroom and multimedia studio. |
中國網副總裁王曉輝致歡迎詞,并向研修班成員介紹了中國網的基本情況以及過去幾年業務發展的相關情況。隨后,新聞官員們參觀了中國網多媒體演播室。 |
As an online news platform targeted at an overseas audience, China.org.cn is willing to enhance its cooperation with the media of other developing countries to provide more valuable news and information about China to the outside world, Wang said in his speech. |
王曉輝表示,中國網作為中國對外宣傳網絡信息平臺,愿意加強與其他發展中國家媒體的交流合作,為世界各國提供更多有價值的新聞和信息。 |
The tour is one of the events scheduled for delegates who are attending a two-week seminar for developing countries in Beijing co-hosted by China's Ministry of Commerce and the State Council Information Office (SCIO). |
本次參觀訪問是“發展中國家新聞官員研修班”活動的一部分。研修班為期兩周,由國家商務部和國務院新聞辦公室共同主辦。 |
The seminar, which kicked off on Aug. 16 and will run until Aug. 29, aims to promote a more comprehensive understanding of China's political, economic, and cultural development. During the seminar Chinese and international media professionals will exchange views and discuss possible avenues of cooperation. |
該研修班8月16日開班,8月29日結束,旨在幫助研修班成員更全面、深入地了解中國在政治、經濟、文化和社會等各個領域的發展變化。開班期間,國內外新聞官員將就相關合作交換意見和建議。 |
As one of the key state news websites in China, China.org.cn was founded in 1997 in Beijing under the auspices of the State Council Information Office (SCIO) and China International Publishing Group (CIPG). It publishes news and information in 10 languages - Chinese, English, French, Spanish, German, Japanese, Russian, Arabic, Korean and Esperanto. The website draws its audience from more than 200 countries and regions.
(China.org.cn by Yan Pei, August 18, 2011 )
中國網是由國務院新聞辦領導、中國外文出版發行事業局(中國國際出版集團)管理的國家重點新聞網站。中國網始建于1997年,是用簡體中文、繁體中文、英文、法文、德文、日文、西班牙文、阿拉伯文、俄文、韓文和世界語十個語種十一個文版對外發布信息的“超級網絡平臺”,其讀者分布在世界200多個國家和地區。 |