Moviemakers producing a film about the U.S. Special Forces raid that killed Osama bin Laden are getting help from the Pentagon, Reuters reports. |
據路透社報道,好萊塢電影制片商正在計劃拍攝一部關于擊斃本·拉登行動的電影,而五角大樓也不甘寂寞提供幫忙。 |
The film, focusing on one of President Barack Obama's key successes in office, is due to be released in October 2012, less than a month before the election in which the Democrat is seeking a second term. |
擊斃本·拉登行動是奧巴馬在任期內最成功的一件事,也是這部影片的主要內容,影片將于2012年10月上映,比民主黨參加的希望尋求連任的大選只提前1個月。 |
Republican Peter King, chairman of the House of Representatives Homeland Security Committee, called on Tuesday for an investigation into contacts between the administration and the filmmakers. King questioned whether special operations methods had been compromised. |
美國眾議院國家安全委員會主席、共和黨人彼得·金周二表示,白宮與這部電影的制作商之間的關系應受到調查。他質疑某些特種行動方案被泄露給了制片人。 |
"The claims are ridiculous," said White House spokesman Jay Carney, speaking at a White House briefing. "We do not discuss classified information. And I would hope that as we face the continued threat from terrorism, the House Committee on Homeland Security would have more important topics to discuss than a movie." |
白宮發言人杰伊·卡尼在簡報中稱:“這種說法是非常荒謬的。”“我們不會去談論機密內容,我希望我們繼續去面對來自恐怖分子的威脅,國家安全委員會應該有比電影更重要的話題去討論。” |
U.S. Marine Corps Colonel Dave Lapan, a Pentagon spokesman, said the Defense Department is cooperating with filmmaker Kathryn Bigelow and screenwriter Mark Boal as they work on a motion picture about the raid that killed bin Laden. The two collaborated on the Oscar-winning Iraq war movie "The Hurt Locker."
( August 12, 2011) |
五角大樓發言人拉潘上校也表示,國防部的確是在協助導演凱瑟琳·畢格羅和編劇馬克·鮑爾拍攝一部關于擊斃拉登行動的電影。他倆曾經共同拍攝了奧斯卡獲獎影片——關于伊拉克戰爭的《拆彈部隊》。 |