Born to be Wild 3D is the true story of two remarkable women: Birute Galdikas and Daphne Sheldrick, who have made it their personal mission to save orphaned orangutans and elephants. It is told through incredible scenes of love, service and affection for the babies who would otherwise die without human intervention. |
3D紀錄片《天生狂野》講述了兩位杰出女性——蓓魯特?高爾迪卡和達芙妮?謝爾德里克的真實故事。影片中,她們對動物悉心照料的一幕幕充滿了濃濃的愛意及憐惜之情,令人難以置信。要是沒有人類的介入,那些淪為孤兒的猩猩和大象就會相繼死去;于是,拯救它們的生命便成了蓓魯特?高爾迪卡和達芙妮?謝爾德里克的個人使命。 |
For decades, in Kenya, Dame Daphne Sheldrick has been rescuing baby elephants whose parents were killed by poachers. She developed a formula substitute for mother's milk and, along with a team of male keepers, created an activity and teaching program that allows the young elephants to reintegrate with the wild population. |
在肯尼亞,這位名叫達芙妮?謝爾德里克的女爵士數十年如一日,救助那些因父母遭非法捕殺而淪為孤兒的小象。她調制出一種配方奶以取代母乳,還和一群男性隊友們(他們都是小象的守護者)一起開設了一套活動及教學方案,從而協助這些小象重新融入野生群體。 |
Meanwhile, far away in the rainforests of Borneo, Canada-born primatologist Dr. Birute Galdikas and her team have been mother substitutes for hundreds of orangutans, which are eventually taken deep into the jungle to begin a more solitary adult life. |
與此同時,在遙遠的婆羅洲雨林中,加拿大靈長類動物學家蓓魯特?高爾迪卡博士和她的團隊也正在為眾多猩猩擔當著母親的職責。這些猩猩長大后,最終還是會被放歸到叢林深處,開始它們自己更加獨立的生活。 |
Seeing the interaction of the women and the dedicated keepers who adopt the babies and train them is heart-touching to anyone who values life and animals. The focus of their mission isn't to place the animals in zoos or circus acts, but to train them to one day rejoin the wild inside wildlife preserves. |
這些女性及無私奉獻的守護者們領養動物孤兒,并對它們進行訓練——他們之間的種種互動無不震撼著那些珍愛生命及動物的人們的心靈。他們的使命不是要把這些動物引進動物園,更不是為了馬戲表演,而是要通過訓練,期待它們某一天能重返野生動物保護區,回歸大自然的懷抱。 |
The baby orangutans are adorable, as are the baby elephants who rely on older orphaned elephants to naturally foster the younger ones until they can join the wild. |
跟小猩猩一樣,小象們也很可愛。那些失去雙親、稍大一些的象天生就會照料小象;小象們對它們很依賴,直到自己能回歸自然為止。 |
While the subject matter might seem heavy, Director Davis Lickley avoids showing violent scenes of death or mutilation, allowing Narrator Morgan Freeman to mention in passing some of the hardships suffered from ivory hunters (in the case of the elephants) or loggers and farmers (who wipe out the rain forests of the orangutans). |
( Wendy 譯)