Mobile text messaging could become extinct within a generation as millions of young people turn to other forms of electronic communication, the Daily Mail reports. |
據英國《每日郵報》報道,由于數百萬年輕人選擇使用手機即時通訊或網絡通訊,手機短信有可能會在這一代年輕人中絕跡。 |
Experts predict the amount of texts sent in the UK will drop by 20 percent in the next two years. |
專家預測,未來兩年內英國手機短信業務量將下降20%。 |
It comes as teenagers and students are increasingly using BlackBerrys instead of iPhones and other smartphones because the device has a free BBM messenger. |
由于黑莓手機有一款內置即時消息應用程序BlackBerry Messenger,所以越來越多青少年和學生開始用黑莓手機取代蘋果手機和其它智能手機。 |
Sales in the phone have increased six-fold during the past year, mainly because of an increase in sales among 16- to 24-year-olds. |
去年黑莓手機的銷售額翻了六番,主要消費人群的年齡段為 16-24歲的青少年。 |
A study for broadband provider TalkTalk found only 51 percent of Britons in their teens or early 20s say e-mail is their first choice of communication. |
英國最大的家庭寬帶業務提供商TalkTalk集團研究表明,英國現在僅有51%的十幾歲和二十出頭的青少年認為電子郵件是他們社交通信的首選。 |
Industry experts believe that if this trend is followed into adulthood, then text messaging could disappear within a generation. |
業界專家認為,如果按照這一趨勢,這一代年輕人成年后,他們將會完全棄用短信。 |
Instant messaging is extremely similar to texting, but faster and cheaper. It is free on BlackBerry phones even for "pay and go" customers and is used by 39 million people across the world.
( April 27, 2011) |
即時消息受青睞主要是因為發消息很簡單、既快速又便宜。而且黑莓用戶使用 BlackBerry Messenger程序是完全免費的,也包括非簽約用戶。目前,世界上的黑莓用戶達3900萬人。 |