[《信息日報》副總編輯石玉華]: |
[Shi Yuhua, vice editor-in-chief of Jiangxi-based Information Daily]: |
誰來關心因為丈夫長期外出務工而留守在家的農村婦女?據國家民政部統計,目前全國有8700萬農村留守人口,其中有4700萬留守婦女。而來自全國婦聯的統計則顯示,婦女已占中國農村勞動力的60%以上。留守婦女普遍存在精神負擔重,安全感低;夫妻交流少,婚姻關系脆化等特點。 |
There should be more concern over women in rural areas left behind when their husbands must migrate for work. According to the Ministry of Civil Affairs, there are 87 million people left behind in the countryside, and 47 million are women. Statistics from the All-China Women's Federation indicate that women account for more than 60 percent of rural labor. These women constantly face a heavy mental burden and are coupled with a low sense of security. Furthermore, with little communication between those couples, their marriages tend to become fragile. |
[網友津津樂道06]: |
[Jin Jin Le Dao 06, microblogger]: |
今兒是三八婦女節,我請求兩會代表和委員多為育齡婦女,提交黃金育齡生育的提案。我周圍有太多朋友的女兒們為了職場上的奔命無暇繁衍生息,錯過了最佳的生育時間,而不得不終身不育。希望國家在原相關法律法規的基礎上給職場育齡婦女寬松些的育兒政策,鼓勵黃金育齡期正常生育,與國與己全有利。 |
International Women's Day is coming, and I hope delegates at the National People's Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) will submit more proposals for the women of childbearing age. Many friends of mine recently realized that their daughters are too busily occupied with work and cannot spare time to have a baby, which is a problem. For those past the optimal childbearing age, the only choice for them is to live a DINK life (double income - no kids). So it's my hope that based on the current laws and regulations the government will moderately loosen the birth policy for the professional women of childbearing age, encouraging them to give birth at a fertile age for their benefit as well as the nation. |
[政協委員李銀河]: |
[Li Yinhe, CPPCC member]: |
看到張曉梅的提案,非常詫異。幾年前,有一幫男社會學家呼吁讓婦女回家,簡直像捅了馬蜂窩,女界全體憤怒聲討,嚇得他們馬上收了聲。現在居然有位女代表提交女性回家的提案!這個提案最大的問題是:要抹殺婦女解放的最重要成果:婦女走出家庭,參加社會生產勞動。 |
CPPCC member Zhang Xiaomei's recent proposal is a real shock to me. Several years ago, some male sociologists had called for women to return to family life. The opinion caused a furor among the female community and soon dissipated. This time, however, it is a female delegate who submitted the same proposal. The problem is that the proposal would erase the most important achievement of the women's liberation campaign that enables women to step out of their homes and participate in social production. |
[獨立撰稿人王志中]: |
[Wang Zhizhong, freelance writer]: |
【是否應該設“男人節”?】如今男人承受的生活壓力一點不小,女孩子要去追,家庭要去養,沒房子沒車的男人都不好過,鴨梨多大。兩會應該討論一下,女人都有“三八婦女節”,男人是否也應該有“男人節”?設在哪天啊?大家說說。 |
【Should there be a "Men's Day"?】Nowadays, men bear a heavy burden in life: wooing women or supporting families. But without an apartment or a car it can be difficult to win a woman over. What pressure! There needs to be discussion about adding a "Men's Day," since women have their special day on March 8. What day should it be? Let the people have a voice!