'Dangerous': Police have told villagers that wire mesh protecting their windows could hurt burglars and lead to lawsuits |
Residents in Surrey and Kent villages in England have been ordered by police to remove wire mesh from their windows as burglars could be injured, the Daily Mail reports.
Homeowners in the villages have said they are furious that they are being branded "criminals" for protecting their property. Locals reinforced their windows with wire mesh after a series of thefts but were told by community police officers that the wire was "dangerous" and could lead to criminals claiming compensation if they "hurt themselves." (點擊《每日郵報》查看原文)
?????? 英國《每日郵報》消息,警方已經命令英國薩里和肯特地區村莊的居民把自家窗戶上安裝的鐵絲網拆掉,以免弄傷小偷。
?????? 居民們稱保護自己的財產卻讓他們變成了“罪犯”,這讓他們大為惱火。由于村里接二連三發生偷盜事件,當地居民都用鐵絲網加固了窗戶。但社區警察卻告訴他們,鐵絲網很危險,如果小偷不小心被鐵絲網傷到,可以要求賠償。 |