Scientist works to grow meat in lab
In a small laboratory at the Medical University of South Carolina, Vladimir Mironov has been working for a decade to grow meat. |
In a small laboratory at the Medical University of South Carolina, Vladimir Mironov has been working for a decade to grow meat, Reuters reports. |
據路透社報道,在美國南卡羅萊納醫科大學的一個小實驗室里,弗拉基米爾·米羅諾夫十年來一直潛心鉆研“種肉”。 |
A developmental biologist and tissue engineer, Mironov, 56, is one of only a few scientists worldwide involved in bioengineering "cultured" meat. |
現年56歲的米羅諾夫博士是一位生物學家和組織工程師,也是全世界為數不多的通過生物工程“培育”肉的科學家之一。 |
It's a product he believes could help solve future global food crises resulting from shrinking amounts of land available for growing meat the old-fashioned way on the hoof. |
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