Constant companion: Aleisha's teddy bear Ash was by her side as she recovered from surgery - and even had his own oxygen mask |
Three-year-old Aleisha Hunter from Toronto, Canada, has made a full recovery from breast cancer after becoming the youngest person ever to be diagnosed with the disease, the Daily Mail reported.
Now aged four, she is completely clear of the disease. Doctors say the cancer is unlikely to return but Aleisha faces regular check-ups for the next few years, and will need reconstructive breast surgery when she is a teenager.
Breast cancer is rare in young girls because there is little tissue in the area and it is unaffected by female sex hormones. (點擊《每日郵報》查看原文)
?????? 據英國《每日郵報》報道,加拿大多倫多市年僅3歲的女童阿蕾莎?亨特被診斷患有乳腺癌,成為全世界年齡最小的乳腺癌患者。
?????? 如今,年滿4歲的阿蕾莎已經完全康復。醫生稱,她的乳腺癌不太可能復發,但在未來數年里,阿蕾莎需要定期接受身體檢查。當她長到十幾歲時,醫生將為她施行乳房整形手術。
?????? 這么小年齡的女孩患乳腺癌實屬罕見,因為小女孩幾乎沒有乳房組織,不受女性荷爾蒙影響。 |