The South Korean military has conducted Monday live-fire exercises on Yeonpyeong Island, close to the border with the North, BBC reports. The drills had been planned to begin at 9 a.m. local time but was delayed repeatedly till 2:30 p.m. by heavy fog. The drill is expected to last for one hour, but the South Korean military said they would "immediately and sternly" deal with any "provocations" from the North. |
據英國廣播公司消息,韓國軍方周一在南北邊境海域的延平島舉行實彈演習。演習按計劃應該在當地時間上午9時開始(北京時間8時),但因大霧一直推遲至下午2時30分才進行。演習預計持續1小時,不過韓軍表示,如果朝鮮方面做出任何“挑釁”行為,他們將“立即并嚴厲地”回應。 |