A long wait for the postman
At least 30 percent of express packages are in logistics storage warehouses and will not be delivered on time, Xinhua reported, adding that express delivery is turning into snail delivery. |
At least 30 percent of express packages are in logistics storage warehouses and will not be delivered on time, Xinhua reported, adding that express delivery is turning into snail delivery. |
新華社消息,目前至少30%的快件積壓在物流倉庫中無法及時送出,快遞成了“蝸牛遞”。 |
The delivery backlog has been caused by a surge in online shopping orders, which account for 60 percent of parcel deliveries. The recent shortage of diesel oil and bad weather conditions in northern China, have compounded the problems of an already overloaded express delivery market. |
這場快遞擁堵是由網購量暴增引起的,目前網購包裹占到國內快遞業務量的60%。近期的柴油短缺以及北方糟糕的天氣狀況更是讓本已超載運轉的快遞業雪上加霜。 |
"China's logistics industry hasn't caught up with the rapid development of e-commerce," said an analyst with domestic research company Analysys International. "It may take three to five years for the industry to solve the problem." |
(China.org.cn) | |