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Daily News 2010-09-05

Film director John Woo won the Golden Lion award for lifetime achievement at the Venice Film Festival Friday, becoming the first Chinese recipient of this honor.
Woo awarded Golden Lion 吳宇森威尼斯獲終身成就獎
Film director John Woo won the Golden Lion award for lifetime achievement at the Venice Film Festival Friday, becoming the first Chinese recipient of this honor, IBTimes reported. Woo, a native Chinese raised in Hong Kong, was praised by the festival "as an innovator of the contemporary language of cinema." Woo won great fame as a director in Hong Kong before he relocated to Hollywood. He was awarded a top official honor from Hong Kong in July for his contribution to his hometown's film industry. Woo's best-known films include Mission: Impossible II and Face/Off. Reign of Assassins, Woo's latest martial-arts movie, was shown out of the competition in Venice. 據《國際財經日報》報道,周五,電影導演吳宇森獲得威尼斯電影節金獅獎“終身成就獎”,他是第一個獲此殊榮的華人導演。吳宇森被威尼斯電影節譽為“當代電影語言的革新家”。吳宇森前往好萊塢打拼之前,就已經在香港贏得口碑。今年7月,香港特區政府授予他銀紫荊花勛章,以表彰他為香港電影發展做出的貢獻。吳宇森最為人熟知的作品包括:《碟中諜2》和《變臉》。吳宇森監制的最新武俠片《劍雨》已經先行在威尼斯展映。
Bus-truck crash kills 17 長春客貨相撞17人死
At 2:30 pm Friday, a sleeper bus struck a car and then collided head-on with a truck after a sudden flat tire on a highway in Changchun, Jilin Province. 17 people were killed and 37 injured. The bus lost control after its left-front tire burst and sent the bus into the opposite lane. Both vehicles caught fire and burned for an hour. A witness said she saw a man in his 20s kick out a window and save three individuals. The man, Chen Xu, said in an interview: "I thought I could save more, but after I rescued the third person, I was so tired and I fainted." The bus was heading from Ha'erbin to Qingdao. State traffic and safety officials have been sent to the site to investigate the case. 周五下午14時30分,在吉林長春繞城高速上,一輛由哈爾濱開往青島的長途臥鋪客車左前輪突然爆胎,失控沖破隔離帶,撞開對面車道一輛捷達轎車后,與一輛貨車迎面相撞。事故造成17人死亡,37人受傷。客貨車相撞后起火,一個小時之內,車輛被燒得只剩下空殼。據現場一位女性目擊者稱,當時他看到一位20歲左右的小伙踹開窗戶,逃了出來,并未跑開,而是又救了三個人。他名叫陳旭,在后來的采訪中,他說:“當時感覺自己還有很多力氣去救人,但救出第3個人后,向前走了幾步就暈倒了。” 公安部交通管理局和國家安監局已派員連夜飛抵長春,介入事故調查。
IPowerful quake strikes New Zealand 新西蘭發生7.2級地震 2人傷
A 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck near Christchurch on South Island, New Zealand, at 4:35 am Saturday, CNN reported. The epicenter was 56 km from Christchurch. No deaths were immediately reported. Roughly 100 people were being treated for minor bumps and cuts. A man in his 50s was hit by a falling chimney while another suffered serious injuries after being cut by glass. An aftershock with a magnitude of 5.7 struck not far from the epicenter about 20 minutes later. Police said there was some initial looting, but it was quickly brought under control. Officials declared a state of emergency. People.com.cn reported that power and water supply were cut to 75 percent of the city. The sewage system was severely damaged, and the airport was closed. Christchurch has a population of 372,600. 據美國有線電視新聞網報道,今日凌晨4點35分,新西蘭南島發生里氏7.2級地震。震中距克賴斯特徹奇市56公里。截止目前,地震未造成人員死亡。但有100多人因碰傷或擦傷在醫院接受治療,有2人重傷,其中一名50歲左右男子被倒塌的煙囪砸傷,另外一名被碎玻璃割傷。地震二十分鐘后在震中不遠處又發生了5.7級余震。克賴斯特徹奇市警方稱地震發生后有搶掠行為,但是已被迅速控制。當地官員已經宣布城市進入緊急狀態。另據人民網報道,75%城區供電、供水中斷,排污系統遭受嚴重破壞,機場隨即關閉。克賴斯特徹奇市大約有37萬人。
S. Korean foreign minister offers to resign 韓外長柳明桓提交辭呈
South Korean Foreign Minister Yu Myung-Hwan Saturday offered to resign over the controversial hiring of his daughter, AFP reported. Yu offered to step down, taking responsibility for causing controversy over the issue of hiring his daughter, a spokesman for the ministry said. Yu apologized after his ministry hired his daughter for a well-paid job, which sparked allegations of nepotism at a time of high unemployment. 據法新社報道,韓國外交通商部長柳明桓就其女被特招進入外交部任職而引起爭議一事于周六提交辭呈。韓國政府發言人表示,柳明桓已經正式提出辭職,并愿意承擔因錄用女兒一事所引發的負面后果。柳明桓對于外交部錄取女兒任高薪職位而公開表示道歉。在高失業率的韓國,韓國外長靠裙帶關系為女兒獲得職位這件事引來了一片爭議和撻伐聲。
Student's 'psycho' ambitions 美高中生想當“世界最惡”
American student Joseph Thomas Hansen,18, plotted to blow up his school and cause as "much chaos, death and destruction as possible", because he wanted to become "the world's most infamous sociopath for the rest of mankind", the Daily Telegraph reported. Hansen planned to gun down any survivors of the explosion before taking his own life. The student from Sisseton High School in South Dakota was arrested in possession of a mini arsenal of guns and bomb-making equipment. When police raided his home in Claire City they found a notebook in which he boasted about the terror attack he was planning. He faces a jail term of up to 20 years. 據英國《每日電訊報》報道,美國南達科他州一名18歲中學生約瑟夫?托馬斯?漢森揚言要做“世界上最無恥邪惡的人”,他策劃炸掉自己的學校,希望造成最大程度的混亂、破壞以及人員傷亡,還說會在自殺之前殺掉所有幸存者。他因非法持有多種槍械和制造炸彈設備而被捕。警方在他家里找到一個筆記本,記錄了他正在策劃的恐怖活動。他已出庭受審,可能將被判處最高20年有期徒刑。

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