Ahmadinejad offers talk with Obama |
伊朗總統向奧巴馬下戰書 |
Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is willing to hold one-on-one talks with U.S. President Barack Obama in September, he said Monday. Ahmadinejad expects to visit New York then for the annual United Nations General Assembly meeting, CNN reported. "I will be ready for talks, for one-on-one talks, with Mr. Obama in front of the media, of course," he said, posing the offer as a repeat of one he has been making to the U.S. president for years. The White House did not immediately comment on the speech. |
據美國有線電視新聞網報道,伊朗總統內賈德2日表示,他愿意與美國總統奧巴馬在九月份進行面對面的公開會談。內賈德將于9月訪問紐約參加聯合國大會。他說:“我已做好準備與奧巴馬面對面坐下來談,當著媒體的面。”內賈德過去多次提議與美國總統舉行電視辯論,均遭拒絕。此次白宮對于內賈德的言論并未立即回應。 |
Porn airs in Indonesian parliament |
印尼國會大屏幕突現色情片 |
Indonesian lawmakers and journalists got a shock when an online porn video blazed across dozens of computer monitors outside the press room at Parliament, AP reported. Witnesses say it took security guards 10 minutes to shut down the computers Monday. Indonesia is the world's most populous Muslim nation. Authorities have been trying to crack down on porn ahead of the holy fasting month of Ramadan that starts next week. |
美聯社報道,昨天,印尼國會新聞中心外面的電腦顯示屏上突現色情影像,令在場的議員和記者震驚不已,安保人員用了十分鐘才將電腦關閉。作為世界上人口最多的穆斯林國家,印尼目前正加大掃黃力度以迎接下周開始的齋月。 |
Torres central to Huang's FC bid |
港商計劃收購利物浦 |
Kenny Huang, a Hong Kong investor making a bid for Liverpool FC, said he considers Fernando Torres's retention at Anfield to be central to the success of his investment in Liverpool as he views the Spaniard as a "talismanic" figure whose departure would alter his valuation of the club, the Guardian reported. Torres has told friends he is committed to remaining a Liverpool player but reserves the right to quit if they are incapable of meeting his ambitions. |
據英國《衛報》報道,港商黃建華計劃收購利物浦足球俱樂部。他認為費爾南德?托雷斯留在利物浦安菲爾德球場是投資成功的關鍵因素,如果這名“神奇”的西班牙球員轉會,球隊將會掉價。托雷斯向朋友表示他愿意留在利物浦踢球,但也表示如果球隊不能滿足他的雄心,他也可能會選擇離開。 |
Baggio set for Italy role |
巴喬重出江湖 |
Italy legend Roberto Baggio is set to make a shock return to soccer as technical director at the Italian federation, Reuters reported. The 43-year-old has shunned the limelight since retiring in 2004. "I have a great willingness to undertake the role," he told reporters on Monday after meeting federation officials. His appointment to the role, which includes advising coaches and nurturing young Italian talent, will be rubber-stamped on Wednesday. Italy's recent World Cup flop has prompted the federation to choose the inspirational Baggio despite his lack of coaching experience. |
路透社報道,43歲的意大利傳奇球星羅伯特?巴喬即將重操“舊業”,出任意大利足協技術部主管一職。在2004年退役之后,巴喬曾一度銷聲匿跡。“我非常愿意接受這個角色。” 巴喬周一和足協官員會談后告訴記者。該職位主要負責協助國家隊主帥并為其提出合理的建議,同時負責意大利青少年足球人才的培養工作,意足協將在周三正式公布任命巴喬的消息。盡管巴喬教練經驗匱乏,但是南非世界杯的潰敗還是讓意足協堅定地選擇了堪稱球員楷模的巴喬。 |
Stallone sued for debt |
史泰龍被告 |
According to the Brazilian magazine Veja, Sylvester Stallone, who filmed scenes in and around Rio for his movie "The Expandables" in April 2009, is facing a lawsuit brought by his Brazilian partners, O2. "In 2009, O2 performed production services for the film [The] Expendables, directed and acted in by Sylvester Stallone ... until now, the company is awaiting reimbursement for its expenditure," O2, one of Brazil's most respected production companies, said in a statement. The total value owed was around £1.36 million, the company claimed. |
據巴西《瞭望》雜志報道,西爾維斯特?史泰龍被其巴西合作方O2公司起訴,面臨一場官司。史泰龍曾于2009年4月份在里約及其附近為電影《敢死隊》取景。O2公司是巴西最受業界尊重的制片公司之一,在一份聲明中,它表示:“2009年O2為史泰龍執導并主演的電影《敢死隊》提供了制做服務…… 直至現在,我公司為制做此片所花的費用,對方還未償還。” 此公司聲稱史泰龍的欠帳約136萬英鎊。