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IBT 作文30分經驗——段落展開

?????? 新托福作文如果想得高分,個人覺得字數是越多越好,如果可以擴充到450字,那么拿高分的機會就會大一點。

?????? 本人剛接觸作文的時候,覺得最大的問題就是題目的設置都是些不言自明的或者淺顯的不知道說什么的東西。比如建工廠好不好或者父母是不是最好的老師,盡管有論點,但是就是覺得寫不長,覺得沒法展開。

?????? 具體點的例子,比如是從書本中獲得知識好還是從實踐中獲得知識好,有一段想說從書本中獲得知識好,因為書一讀就知道很多,多爽啊;實踐的話要好久才能懂得一個道理,不efficient。論點是有了,怎么把它展開成150-200字左右的一段呢?

?????? 如果可以遵循以下步驟就會方便展開:闡述正面特征,展開論述,引用例子或數據,如果沒有的不良后果。

?????? 第一句:topic sentence:書本上獲得的知識更全面,含量更大

?????? 第二句:正面闡述subject特征:書是對于現象事實等的文字記錄,盡管事實復雜或者事實的獲得用了很久,但是結論可以用很簡單的文字獲得。所以,比起經驗,書本可以帶給人更多的知識。(本句是對書的特點的正面闡述,點名了書本知識的濃縮性)

?????? 從這里,邏輯展開:從“書本→濃縮了豐富的知識”變成了“書本→其性質是把各種經驗做整理和記錄→濃縮了豐富的知識”。也就是說,說理部分是在簡單的邏輯(工廠→污染)中間加上一環(工廠→運營難免排放廢水廢料廢氣→污染)。這樣看似簡單,可是這樣中間的一環卻是必須的,否則你說工廠會導致污染,判卷人會覺得:為什么工廠就會導致污染呢?邏輯跳躍太大了,托福作為就是給一個6歲小孩講道理,所以要像照顧小孩子一樣對待閱卷人,邏輯展開一定要一步一步的來。

?????? 其實,到這里說理部分就結束了,展現了你思考問題的邏輯結構。后面的“如果沒有”,“引用例子、數據”之類的都是增加文采,擴充文字的,依據時間長短,自己隨便挑兩到三樣加上去即可。

?????? 1. 引用例子:the example of __ matches my point of view perfectly; To look for better illustration, one can look no further than ___; one case in point involves ___, 自己編一個例子即可,可以是真的,也可以是編的,甚至是自己生活中的。引用例子的時候參考一下上面的句型,別總用for example 和such as。

?????? 2. 引用“權威”調查和數據。A recent survey, revealing that ___ can also serve to demonstrate this point; A research, in which __ were investigated, suggests that ____. 調查和數據都是自己編的,別太離譜就行了。

?????? 3. 如果沒有:seldom can we imagine the situation without ___; hundreds of years ago, when there was no __, people __ (生活多么麻煩和困難)__

?????? 下面是一個具體例子:

?????? 第一句:Knowledge obtained from books is more diverse and has larger quantity. (論點)

?????? 第二句:正面闡述對象特征 Books are written form of documentation of facts and phenomenon, which, although obtained through numerous efforts, can be put down in only a few simple words. Therefore, compared to practicing, (比較兼插入)reading books can bring people numerous amounts of knowledge in a more convenient and efficient way.

?????? 后面的隨便撿兩樣。如果沒有 Hardly can we imagine the situation without those concise expressions of ideas. Without the benefits of books, the brilliant ideas of predecessors will be lost due to the lack of recording; students will have no material to go over when they are faced with examinations; all the essence and beauty of poems and novels will never be appreciated by the descendents.(排比,是一個亮點,如果考場想不起來可以不寫的)

?????? 引用例子 More specifically, take the biological class as an example. If the teacher wants his students to grasp Mendel's law of inheritance, instead of guiding the students to grow some pea, he will open up the textbook and tell the students what the result of the experiment that had been conducted is and what law Mendel has found.?

?????? 引用數據 Besides, investigation showing that books account for 90 percent of the sources provided for students to obtain knowledge can also support my side.

?????? 大家也許可以看出來,后面三個部分即使扔掉一部分,段落還是基本完整的,實際上本人在考試的時候,剛開始沒有把三種都用上,是寫完作文還有時間才再把個別段落加個數據調查,或者再加一句如果沒有的。

?????? 另外補充一點:寫完例子的時候最好要再收尾一下,比如說,from the example, we can see that by reading books, we can obtain the most knowledge within a short time 之類的。這樣論述就更完整了,邏輯在老外作文里是很重要的,骨頭長正了肉才能長好,人才能漂亮。

?????? (來源:無憂托福網)

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