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Communique of the Washington Nuclear Security Summit

Chinese President Hu Jintao (L) meets with U.S. President Barack Obama in Washington April 12, 2010. President Hu Jintao arrived in Washington on Monday to attend the Nuclear Security Summit slated for April 12-13. [Xinhua]
Chinese President Hu Jintao (L) meets with U.S. President Barack Obama in Washington April 12, 2010. President Hu Jintao arrived in Washington on Monday to attend the Nuclear Security Summit slated for April 12-13. [Xinhua]

7. Recognize the role and contributions of the United Nations as well as the contributions of the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism and the G8-led Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction with their respective mandates and memberships; 7. 認識到聯合國的角色和貢獻,以及《打擊核恐怖主義全球倡議》(GICNT)和《G8 全球防范大規模毀滅性武器和材料擴散合作》在各自使命范圍內和成員國內的貢獻;
8. Acknowledge the need for capacity building for nuclear security and cooperation at bilateral, regional and multilateral levels for the promotion of nuclear security culture through technology development, human resource development, education and training; and stress the importance of optimizing international cooperation and coordination of assistance; 8. 承認有必要為核安全和展開雙邊、區域和多邊合作進行能力建設,以通過技術開發、人力資源發展、教育和培訓促進核安全文化;強調完善國際合作和協調援助的重要性;
9. Recognize the need for cooperation among States to effectively prevent and respond to incidents of illicit nuclear trafficking; and agree to share, subject to respective national laws and procedures, information and expertise through bilateral and multilateral mechanisms in relevant areas such as nuclear detection, forensics, law enforcement and the development of new technologies; 9. 認識到各國間展開合作的必要性,以便有效防范和應對非法販運核武器事件;同意在遵守有關國家法律和程序的基礎上,通過核偵測、核取證、執法和新技術開發等相關領域的雙邊和多邊機制分享信息和專業知識;
10. Recognize the continuing role of nuclear industry, including the private sector, in nuclear security and will work with industry to ensure the necessary priority of physical protection, material accountancy and security culture; 10. 認識到包括民營部門在內的核工業在核安全方面繼續發揮的作用,并將與業界共同努力,確保將實物保護、材料清查和安全文化作為首要議程;
11. Support the implementation of strong nuclear security practices that will not infringe upon the rights of States to develop and utilize nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and technology and will facilitate international cooperation in the field of nuclear security; and 11. 以不侵犯各國為和平與科技目的發展和利用核能的權利為前提,支持實施強有力的核安全規范,并為在核安全領域展開國際合作提供便利;
12. Recognize that measures contributing to nuclear material security have value in relation to the security of radioactive substances and encourage efforts to secure those materials as well. 12. 認識到保障核材料安全的措施亦可用于保障放射性物質的安全,并鼓勵采取措施保障此類物質的安全。
Maintaining effective nuclear security will require continuous national efforts facilitated by international cooperation and undertaken on a voluntary basis by States. We will promote the strengthening of global nuclear security through dialogue and cooperation with all states. 為保持有效的核安全,各國必須在自愿基礎上通過國際合作采取持續的國家行動。我們將與所有國家進行對話與合作,推動加強全球核安全。
Thus, we issue the Work Plan as guidance for national and international action including through cooperation within the context of relevant international fora and organizations. 為此,我們發布《工作計劃》,以此作為國家和國際行動的指南,包括在相關國際論壇與組織中展開合作。
We will hold the next Nuclear Security Summit in the Republic of Korea in 2012. 我們將于2012年在大韓民國舉行下一屆核安全峰會。
April 13, 2010 2010年4月13日


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