今年的兩會上,戶籍制度改革(the reform of household registration system)成為人們最為關注的熱點話題之一,同時,也是“兩會”代表和委員們討論得最熱烈的話題。
The Third Session of the 11th National People's Congress (NPC) opens at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, March 5, 2010. [Xinhua] |
2月27日,溫家寶總理在和網友交流時,透露出高層推進戶籍改革的決心。他指出:“新生代農民工(new-generation migrant workers)的癥結所在就是戶籍(permanent residence registration/permit)。政府今后要推進戶籍制度改革,讓那些長期在城市生活和工作,并具備一定條件的農民工融入城市?!?/span>3月5日,溫家寶總理在作政府工作報告時說,今年將繼續推進戶籍制度改革,放寬中小城市和小城鎮落戶條件,要讓符合條件的農業轉移人口逐步變為城鎮居民(urbanites/urban residents),也要讓農民有一個幸福生活的美好家園。這些都讓億萬農民們看到了順利“過渡”為城鎮居民的希望。
Premier Wen Jiabao said during an online chat with Internet users Saturday that China would advance the reform of its household registration system to solve problems for new-generation migrant workers.
Under the current household registration system, migrant workers' registered permanent residences, or "hukou" in Chinese, stay in the countryside, which makes it hard for them to get access to welfare in their urban work places.
—— Excerpt from China to advance reform of its household registration system
On the country's army of migrant workers, Wen said their concerns will be addressed to ensure they "receive the same treatment as urbanites."
The government will carry out the reform of household registration system and relax requirements on farmers' settlement in small cities.
—— Excerpt from China starts parliament session
China will reform its household registration system and relax restrictions on permanent residence registration, or "hukou", in towns, small and medium-sized cities, according to a government work report Premier Wen Jiabao is to deliver Friday.
Hukou has long been blamed as a source of widening gap between urban and rural residents. The system also makes it difficult for migrant workers to enjoy welfares in cities.
—— Excerpt from China to relax hukou restrictions in small cities, towns |