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20 years of building Hope, one shot at a time (II)

Su Mingjuan - the girl in the 'Big Eyes' [CPA]

Su Mingjuan - the girl in the "Big Eyes" [CPA]

"Every time I went to the countryside, I would visit the Hope primary schools there…and try to find the ones who once entered my camera and continue their stories," Xie says. "In the next 20 years, these children will have become the backbone of the nation." “每次我去農村,我都會拜訪那里的希望小學……并且設法找到那些我曾經拍攝過的對象來繼續紀錄他們的生活。在未來的20年,這些孩子將會成為這個國家的棟梁。”解海龍說。
He continues to take photos of rural schoolchildren and maintains them in the same three categories that he presented in 1992: kewang, or desire, to show the children's eagerness to learn; aixin, or love, to show the people who devoted their lives to the education cause; and xiwang, or hope, to show the potential of the children and Hope schools. 他繼續為農村孩子拍攝照片,這些照片在1992年分為三個主題進行展示:《渴望》展現了孩子們對學習的渴望;《愛心》展現了為教育事業而奉獻的人們;《希望》展示了孩子們和希望小學的美好前景。
China's education system has made rapid improvements since the 1980s, but the successes have been concentrated in the urban areas. Government spending in rural areas is still below the national average, and while the eastern cities have achieved near-universal enrollment and completion, less than 60 percent of rural schoolchildren graduate from junior middle school. In 2006, drop-out rates in the less developed central and western regions reached as high as 30 percent, or 1.1 million children. 中國的教育自上世紀八十年代以來取得了迅猛的發展,但是成績主要集中在城市。政府在農村地區的投入仍然低于全國平均水平。當東部城市擁有近百分百的入學率和畢業率時,農村地區只有不到60%的孩子從初中畢業。2006年,欠發達的中西部地區的輟學兒童為110萬人,輟學率高達30%
Project Hope's mission is far from over. These days, it is also focusing on improving educational opportunities for disabled children and the children of migrant workers. But in October, the CYDF will add a new chapter to Project Hope: The main theme of its commemoration will be gan'en, or gratitude. 希望工程的使命還遠遠沒有完成。目前,它把為殘疾兒童和農民工子弟提供教育機會作為工作重點。 就在今年10月,中國青少年發展基金會將把“感恩”作為20周年紀念活動的一個重要主題。
Participants will include 100 children who benefited from Project Hope, like Su Mingjuan; 100 teachers who devoted their lives to their education; deputies of the 100 most successfully managed Hope primary schools; representatives from 100 companies that have made great contributions to Project Hope; and 100 journalists and others who promoted the charity. 出席紀念活動的有包括蘇明娟在內的100名曾受希望工程捐助的學生, 100名為希望工程做出貢獻的教師,來自100所辦學最為成功的希望小學的代表,100家為希望工程作出巨大貢獻的企業代表,以及100名推動希望工程發展的新聞工作者等。
Still, Xie is modest when asked about his role in Project Hope's success. "My camera," he says, "has made some contribution to the development of Project Hope." He remains unfazed by fame. He doesn't boast of the money his work has helped to raise. He takes pride in his work, but not any credit for its impact. The success belongs to the children he photographed and the people who believed in them, not him. 然而,在談及對希望工程所起到的作用時,解海龍顯得非常謙虛。他說:“是我的攝影機對希望工程的發展做出了貢獻。”他并沒有為名所累,也沒有炫耀自己的作品帶來的捐款。他為自己所從事的事業感到驕傲,但并不把其影響力看作是自己的功勞。他認為,成功屬于他所拍攝的孩子以及信任他的人,而不是他自己。
"I feel so happy that nearly all the children in my photos received higher education," Xie says. "And I know the reason: The whole society gave much care to them, and the public trusted me, trusted my photo stories. “令我感到欣慰的是,幾乎所有在我鏡頭中出現的孩子后來都接受了高等教育,而且我知道這是因為整個社會對他們傾注了許多關懷,大家相信我,相信我照片中的故事。”他說。
"Rather than a philanthropist, I am a volunteer, and always will be."


China.org.cn 何珊 譯)

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Pet Name
- 20 years of building Hope, one shot at a time (I)
- Armed with a camera, the blind capture their world
- My Great Adventure with Murphy's Law (II)
- My Great Adventure with Murphy's Law (I)
- Walking down a dream (II)
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