U盤 yōu pán: USB flash disk? 硬盤 yìng pán: hard disk? 軟盤 ruǎn pán: floppy disk? 便攜式 biàn xié shì: portable? 媒體 méi tǐ: media? 丟失 diū shī: lose? 被盜 bèi dào: be stolen? 安全 ān quán: safety? 保管 bǎo guǎn: custody? 更新換代 gēng xīn huàn dài: upgrade, upgrading? 性能 xìng néng: performance, function? 價格 jià gé: price? 文件 wén jiàn: document? 拷貝 kǎo bèi: copy? 電腦 diàn nǎo: computer? 開機 kāi jī: turn on the computer? 關機 guān jī: turn off the computer? 文件框 wén jiàn kuāng: file box? 字典 zì diǎn: dictionary? 書籍 shū jí: books? 筆筒 bǐ tǒng: pen container? 書桌 shū zhuō: desk? 外套 wài tào: jacket, coat? 口袋 kǒu dài: pocket? 幸運 xìng yùn: lucky, luckily? 返工 fǎn gōng: re-do (one's work)? 誤事 wù shì: bungle or spoil matters (through delay)? 訓斥 xùn chì: lecture, reprimand?
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(China.org.cn by Li Jingrong)