感冒 g?n mào: catch cold, have a cold 喉嚨 hóu lóng: throat 癢 y?ng: tickle; scratchy 發燒 fā shāo: have a fever 癥狀 zhèng zhuàng: symptom 吃藥 chī yào: take medicine 忽冷忽熱 hū l?ng hū rè: sometimes hot and sometimes cold 感冒沖劑 g?n mào chōng jì: instant herbal medicines for cold 炎癥 yán zhèng: inflammation 消炎藥 xiāo yán yào: anti-inflammatory drug 季節 jì jié: season 喝水 hē shu?: drink water 休息 xiū xī: rest 蔬菜 shū cài: vegetable 水果 shu? gu?: fruit 維生素 wéi shēng sù: vitamin 下班 xià bān: after work, get off work