A still from Bird's Nest production of Turandot |
?????? 3月27號、28號,張藝謀版大型景觀歌劇《圖蘭朵》將在臺灣臺中市的洲際棒球場上演。
?????? 這將是迄今為止大陸與臺灣文藝界的最大規模攜手合作。鳥巢版《圖蘭朵》的原班人馬將和張藝謀一同赴臺,包括執行導演陳維亞、女高音歌唱家幺紅、男高音歌唱家莫華倫、男中音歌唱家田浩江和指揮大師亞諾士?阿什。劇中的合唱團將由中央歌劇院和臺灣交響樂團共同組成,而舞蹈演員由臺灣體育大學近300名師生擔綱演出。此劇還將啟用臺灣的本土演員。
?????? 張藝謀在臺灣將重現他于2009年10月在北京鳥巢奧運會體育場上呈現的《圖蘭朵》。
?????? 張導演表示這出結合中西文化的大型歌劇能為臺灣觀眾帶來美的享受。
?????? 這次演出每場有20000個座位,票價從1200到12000元新臺幣不等。
Director Zhang Yimou to stage Turandot in Taiwan
Chinese director Zhang Yimou is to stage his extravagant production of Puccini's opera "Turandot" at the Intercontinental Baseball Stadium in Taichung City, Taiwan on March 27 and 28.
It will be the largest collaboration in history between mainland and Taiwan artists. The main crew of the Bird's Nest production of "Turandot" will travel to Taiwan with Zhang, including executive director Chen Weiya, soprano Yao Hong, tenor Warren Mok, baritone Tian Haojiang and conductor Janos Acs. The production will feature a chorus from the mainland's Central Opera House, the Taiwan Symphony Orchestra, and the National Taiwan Sports University will provide 300 dancers. The opera will also cast local actors from Taiwan.
Zhang Yimou will present the opera on the same scale and in the same style as he did at the Bird's Nest Olympic stadium in Beijing in October 2009.
The director promised that his production of the cross-cultural opera will give the Taiwanese audience a visual feast.
A total of 20,000 seats are available for each performance and ticket prices range from 1,200 Taiwan New Dollars (about US$37) to 12,000 Taiwan New Dollars (about US$374).
(China.org.cn translated by Pang Li, March 1, 2010)