中日發布研究報告 稱南京大屠殺系集體屠殺事件
?????? 在《中日共同歷史研究報告》中,日方承認對華戰爭(1937年爆發,導致30多萬人死亡)的定性為侵略戰爭,同時,承認南京大屠殺是一次集體的屠殺事件。據《新京報》報道,這份報告經過中國學者和日本學者3年時間的共同研究和學術探討,已經宣告完成。
?????? 中日共同歷史研究,是由中國外交部和日本外務省委托雙方的學術機構對中日歷史進行共同歷史研究的學術活動。該活動是近年來中日雙方學者第一次一起探討中日歷史上雙方尚未共同確認的問題。
?????? 該活動中方首席委員、中國社科院近代史研究所所長步平介紹,盡管戰爭已經結束60多年,但是日本社會始終存在著否認侵略戰爭責任的傾向。近年來,日本個別政要參拜靖國神社以及修改歷史教科書等事件對中日關系造成非常不好的影響。而啟動中日共同歷史研究就是從學術上能夠對增加雙方歷史認同感,對中日雙方的國民以及未來中日關系產生深遠影響。
?????? 在報告內容上,參與研究的中國社科院近代史研究所副所長、中國史學會秘書長王建朗透露,雙方一致確認了日本對中國發動的戰爭是一場侵略戰爭。
?????? “其實在日本社會中認為對華戰爭是侵略戰爭的人占多數,只是少數人的意見分歧很高,而且有些政治家的言論非常不負責任?!蓖踅ɡ收f。
?????? 步平稱,這次研究關注的并不只是被害人數問題,首要問題是關于這一大規模的反人道殘暴行為性質的認定。雙方學者對這一屠殺事件性質的判斷達成一致,都承認這是一次集體的屠殺事件。
?????? 中日共同歷史研究第一階段工作結束后,中日雙方還將根據實際研究情況開展第二階段的研究。
?????? (來源:新京報)
Sino-Japan joint report: Nanjing massacre undeniable
In a report, The Joint Research Report on Sino-Japan History, Japan admits the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945) was an aggressive war and the Nanking Massacre was a collective mass murder. An estimated 300,000 Chinese were murdered in the Nanking Massacre in late 1937. The report holds findings after three years of discussion by Chinese and Japanese researchers, according to The Beijing News.
The research on Sino-Japan history was an academic study launched by China and Japan’s ministries of foreign affairs. It was the first time the two countries discuss the debated questions in recent years.
Bu Ping, chief Chinese committee member and director of the Research Institute of Modern History at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said there has been a tendency of denying the responsibility of the war in Japan, though six decades has passed. Some recent events, such as the visit of the Yasukuni Shrine and amendment of Chinese text books, negatively impacted the bilateral relations. The latest cooperation could improve consensus between the two countries on the history and influence future Sino-Japanese relations and their peoples.
File photo: Bu Ping, director of the Research Institute of Modern History at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. In a report, The Joint Research Report on Sino-Japan History, Japan admits the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945) was an aggressive war and the Nanking Massacre was a collective mass murder.
As for the content of the report, the two sides confirmed the Nanjing Massacre is an aggressive war, said Wang Jianlang, general secretary of the Association of Chinese Historians and vice director of the Research Institute of Modern History at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
“A majority of people think that the war of aggression against China is an aggressive war,” Wang said. “But there have been great differences among the minority, and some opinions from politicians are irresponsible.”
But Ping said the concern is not only on the death toll but also the confirmation of the nature of the anti-humanist violence. Both the two sides accepted the essence this time.
After the first phase of research, the two sides will enter into a second phase.
(China.org.cn translated by Jessica Zhang, February 4, 2010)