
Editor's Note

The "socialist harmonious society" that China is building is defined as a stable and orderly society embracing democracy, the rule of law, equality, justice, sincerity, amity and vitality, where humans and nature are in harmony. China pledges to build a harmonious society in two decades as the concept aligns with the interests of its 1.3 billion people. Social harmony is again to be the theme of the upcoming plenary session of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee's meeting. This is the third time the issue has been brought up since September 2004.

· China Publishes 'Harmonious Society' Resolution
· Social Harmony Highlighted at CPC Central Committee Plenum
· Innovative, Clean Administration Urged
· New Law Builds Democracy
· China Calls for Actions to Help Disadvantaged Groups
· China Testing New Approach to Poverty Alleviation
· Democratic Supervision Takes Root in Rural Areas
· Report on the Work of the Government (2005-06)
· Report on the Work of the Government
· Program Specified for Rural Health Service System
· Building a New Socialist Countryside Urgent Task
· New Thoughts and Moves of "11th Five-Year Guidelines" Viewed from 11 Key Words (2)
· New Thoughts and Moves of "11th Five-Year Guidelines" Viewed from 11 Key Words (1)
· Leaders Underline Social Harmony in New Year Speech
· CPC to Strengthen Work of Political Advisory
· Efforts Urged to Expand Employment
· State Councilor Urges Efforts to Build Harmonious Society
· Report on the Work of the Government (2003-04)
· Report on the Work of the Government (2004-05)
· Report on the Work of the Government (2002-03)
· Chengdu Villages Models of Rural Development
· Concerted Efforts Urged to Reduce Poverty
· Wen Reiterates Longing for Harmonious Society
· Experts Discuss a Harmonious Society
· Building a New Socialist Countryside
· China Questions and Answers
· China Statistics
· Mapping out 11th Five-Year Guidelines
· Sixth Plenum of the 16th CPC Central Committee