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Dì sí shí ji? kè Lì li de xué lì
Lesson Forty-nine Lili's Record of Education

In an interview, you should briefly and clearly introduce your record of education, work experience, and achievements. You may create an opportunity to summarize your skills and sell what you can offer to a company. Lili gives an account of her record of education.

Mài kè: Gēn wǒ tán tan nǐ de xué lì h?o ma?
麥克: 跟我談談你的學歷好嗎?

Would you tell me your record of education?

Lì li: H?o de. Wǒ yú yī jiǔ jiǔ liù nián jìn rù qīng huá dà xué, yú èr líng líng líng nián bì yè, huò xué shì xué wèi.
麗麗: 好的。我于一九九六年進入清華大學,于二零零零年畢業,獲學士學位。
Lili: Yes. I entered Tsinghua University in 1996 and graduated in 2000 with a bachelor's degree.
Mài kè: Nǐ jiù dú yú n? gè xì?
麥克: 你就讀于哪個系?
Mike: In what department did you study?
Lì li: Wǒ jiù dú yú wù lǐ xì.
麗麗: 我就讀于物理系。
Lili: I was in the Department of Physics.
Mài kè: Nǐ zài xiào qī jiān xué xí chéng jì rú hé?
麥克: 你在校期間學習成績如何?
Mike: How were your scores at college?
Lì li: Gè mén gōng kè dōu shì yōu xiù.
麗麗: 各門功課都是優秀。
Li li: They were all excellent.
Mài kè: Nǐ zuì xǐ huān n? mén kè chéng?
麥克: 你最喜歡哪門課程?
Mike: What course did you like best?
Lì li: Wǒ duì shāng yè gu?n lǐ zuì g?n xìng qù. Tā duì wǒ mù qián de gōng zuò hěn yǒu bāng zhù.
麗麗: 我對商業管理最感興趣。它對我目前的工作很有幫助。
Lili: I was very interested in business management. It's very useful to my present work.
Mài kè: Nǐ hé shí hé dì huò dé gōng shāng gu?n lǐ shuò shì xué wèi de?
麥克: 你何時何地獲得工商管理碩士學位的?
Mike: When and where did you receive your MBA degree?
Lì li: Wǒ yú èr líng líng wǔ nián zài běi jīng dà xué huò dé de.
麗麗: 我于二零零五年在北京大學獲得的。
Lili: I received my MBA degree from Beijing University in 2005.
Mài kè: Nǐ zài xiào qī jiān huò dé guò róng yù huò ji?ng lì ma?
麥克: 你在校期間獲得過榮譽或獎勵嗎?
Mike: Did you get any honors or awards at your university?
Li li: Huò dé guò. Wǒ róng huò yī jiǔ jiǔ qī nián zhì yī jiǔ jiǔ bā nián dù ji?ng xué jīn.
麗麗 獲得過。我榮獲一九九七年至一九九八年度獎學金。
Lili: Yes, I got the university scholarship in the 1997-1998 academic year.
教育 jiào yù: education 大學 dà xué: university
畢業 bì yè: graduate 學士 xué shì : bachelor
碩士 shuò shì: master 學位 xué wèi: academic degree
物理系 wù lǐ xì: Department of Physics 成績 chéng jì: score
優秀 yōu xiù: excellent 課程 kè chéng: course
商業管理 shāng yè gu?n lǐ: business management 榮譽 róng yù: honor
獎勵 ji?ng lì: award 獎學金 ji?ng xué jīn: scholarship
xiě rén ji?n
Zài dāng jīn jìng zhēng liè de jiù shì ch?ng , fèn
xiě de h?o de ji?n duì shè huì , zh?o dào
fèn h?o gōng zuò zhì guān zhòng yào . zài xiě ji?n
shí cān k?o xià di?n :
Ji?n de kāi tóu shǒu xiān yào xiě shàng de quán míng ,
zhǐ , diàn huà hào m? , chuán zhēn diàn yóu jiàn
děng lián fāng shì
Zhù míng de gōng zuò jīng , bāo kuò yǒu zhí
zhí , quán zhí jiān zhí gōng zuò . Xiě qīng
de zhí , zhí xián gōng xìn . Jìn néng
de quán miàn ! Xiě gōng zuò jīng shí zuì jìn de
fèn gōng zuò kai shi xiě .
Zhù míng de xué . Bāo kuò de zhí shēng
yǒu guān de xué wèi huò zhèng shū , zhuān huo zhǔ xiū
, xiào míng chéng .
Zhù míng chéng . Bāo kuò zài xiē zhī ,
gòu huò jūn duì de chéng . Zài shàng zhù
míng zhōng , xu?n chū n? xiē néng yìng pìn zhí
wèi zhōng de néng huàn huò xiāng - zhè di?n duì
de ji?n zhì guān zhòng yào .
Míng què biāo biāo shì yòng huà miáo shù
wàng dào n? zhǒng lèi xíng de gōng zuò .
Zhù míng xìn , yán bi?o suàn
zhī shi de zh?ng qíng kuàng , yòng "
néng " zhè biāo .

    Qǐ sǐ huí shēng

起 死 回 生
(Of a doctor's skill) To bring the dying back to life

Jiāng jì jiù jì


Turn somebody's trick against him; beat somebody at his own game

Jiāng xīn bǐ xīn


Put oneself in another's place or shoes

Shùn lǐ chéng zhāng


(Of a statement, argument, etc.) logical; coherent

Shùn fēng shǐ duò


Trim one's sails to the wind; take one's cue from changing conditions

Miàn mù quán fēi


Be changed or distorted beyond recognition

Miàn mù yī xīn


Take on an entirely new look; present a completely new appearance

Shào xi?o jiā l?o húi,
Xiāng yīn g?i bìn máo shuāi.
ér tóng xiāng jiàn xiāng shí,
Xiào wèn cóng chù lái.
Guò láo sǐ
過勞死 Death from overwork
Fā shāo yǒu
發燒友 Enthusiastic fan
L?o yóu tiáo
老油條 Wily old bird; old slicker
Lā lā duì
啦啦隊 Cheer squad
Xi?o jīn kù
小金庫 "Small exchequer" – funds or accounts owned by a subsidiary unit in violation of fiscal regulations
Lā guān xi
拉關系 Try to establish a relationship (with somebody useful)
Lǜ dòu gāo
Sweet cakes made with mung bean flour
Hé bāo dàn
荷 包 蛋
Fried egg; poached egg
Nuò mǐ jī
糯 米 雞
Chicken cooked with glutinous rice wrapped in lotus leaves
Qīng zhēng xiè
清 蒸 蟹
Steamed crabs
Ch?o mǐ fěn
炒 米 粉
Fried rice-noodles
Jī dàn gēng
雞 蛋 羹
Steamed egg custard
Suān cài yú
酸 菜 魚
Fish cooked with pickled vegetables
Jiàng dòu fu
醬 豆 腐
Fermented bean curd
(move forward)
退 (move backward)
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