Configuration of Territorial Space Development and Protection
Territorial space is the most valuable natural resource of a country. It is the spatial carrier of an eco-civilization. As the conditions of different types of territorial space vary, different development tasks and goals should be determined for specific functional zones to form a rational configuration.
In September 2015, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council jointly issued an Overall Plan to Reform the System for Developing an Eco-civilization, putting forward for the first time the systems for territorial space development and protection. In October 2017, the 19th CPC National Congress announced the decision to establish systems for developing and protecting territorial space, to improve support policies on functional zones, and to develop a system of protected areas composed mainly of national parks.
In creating such systems, China has to strike a balance between population, resources and the environment, allot space to production, daily life and environmental development as appropriate, and coordinate the economic, social and ecological benefits. It will apply law-based, market-oriented regulation over the use of territorial space, control the intensity of territorial space development, and adjust the spatial structure, so as to ensure efficient use of production space and maintain a pleasant living space and a beautiful eco-environment. As a result, there will be more space for nature to restore itself, more fertile land for agriculture, and a homeland with blue skies, green vegetation and clear waters for future generations.
A territorial space plan is a blueprint for sustainable development of China's territorial space, and guides various development and protection activities. In May 2019, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council jointly published guidelines on setting up a system for territorial space planning, and on supervising their implementation. Current separated plans for functional zoning, land use, and urban-rural development will be rolled into one national plan for territorial space development and protection, which as the top-level design will have a binding effect on various special development plans. This will create an appropriate institutional framework.
The 14th Five-year Plan, published in March 2021, lists better development and protection of territorial space as one of the major objectives to be achieved during the period 2021-2025. A new configuration will be created based on the carrying capacity of resources and the environment and the comparative strengths of various regions, and there will be rational flows and concentration of production factors and high-quality development as suited to each area's distinctive functions and complementary strengths.
Territorial space development and protection will benefit China's modernization drive with harmony between humanity and nature. It is also vital to global economic development and ecological security.