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Home > Eco-Civilization

Beijing: Keeping the Sky Blue

Updated:2023-01-12 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Beijing: Keeping the Sky Blue

Beijing, capital of China, is a rapidly growing ultra-large metropolis. For a long time, the city found itself under huge pressure and struggled to control air pollution due to its high-speed growth, unfavorable topography, and climate conditions. In January 2013, a heavy blanket of smog shrouded the city, and the average daily PM2.5 concentration approached 160 micrograms per cubic meter. This attracted widespread attention at home and abroad.

Analysis showed that coal burning, automobiles, industries and airborne dust were the main causes of local air pollution. The air quality fell short of the national standards, and failed the residents' expectations and the city's role as national capital. Particularly in autumn and winter, Beijing would suffer frequent heavy air pollution. This seriously impacted its international image and local happiness index.

Since 2013, Beijing has followed the guidance of Xi Jinping thought on eco-civilization. Taking blue skies as a major symbol of public happiness and focusing on PM2.5 concentration control, the city has taken unprecedented measures to combat air pollution and tap the potential for emission reduction.

It has launched a clean air action plan, and shifted the effort from end-of-pipe treatment to whole-process control, from control of concentrations to control of both concentrations and total emissions, from treatment by individual enterprises to combined efforts on the part of enterprises, regions and industries, and from government control to whole-society participation.

The city has followed a holistic approach to reducing coal burning, controlling the number of automobiles running on the road and the total consumption of diesel oil, reducing pollutant emissions, and making a greater cleaning and de-dusting effort. Thanks to a systematic plan, cooperation among different regions, adjustment of energy and industrial structures, and public participation, local air quality has seen a notable improvement.

Beijing's air pollution control sets an example for other cities. The key lies in the leadership and resolution of local authorities. A clear-cut goal, strong support of regulations, mechanisms and policies, effective and targeted measures, and full implementation are all important factors. Public participation is also indispensable in air pollution control.





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