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Home > The Centenary of the CPC Special Edition

A Major Debate on What Constitutes Truth

Updated:2022-07-13 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

A Major Debate on What Constitutes Truth

A major debate on what constitutes truth, initiated over 40 years ago under Deng Xiaoping and other revolutionary leaders of his generation, unfolded among Party members and the general public. It was about whether China should abide by every decision and instruction made by Chairman Mao, or whether the people should now seek truth from facts.

In the mid- and late-1970s, blind obedience to the words of Mao effectively blocked China's progress. To break free of these shackles, Deng championed a clear breakaway from dogma-driven thinking, which – as he pointed out on many occasions – ran counter to Marxism. He also highlighted the importance of a more comprehensive and accurate understanding of Mao Zedong Thought.

Theoretical Trends, an in-house journal of the Party School of the Central Committee, published an article on May 10, 1978, entitled "Only Practice Leads to Truth." The article categorically rejected any dogmatic approach to following Mao's instructions. It unequivocally pointed out that according to basic Marxist principles, the only test for truth is practice, and that a theory must be tested continuously through practice in order to prove its validity.

The article was published in Guangming Daily the next day, and was released nationwide through Xinhua News Agency. On May 12, People's Daily and PLA Daily both carried the article in full. As the article rejected blind adherence to the words of Mao, it sparked a heated debate within the Party and among the general public on what constitutes truth.

Naturally, the article met with opposition from those stuck in the old mindset. At this point, Deng made a number of speeches in which he affirmed the need to seek truth from facts and proceed from reality in everything done. He also criticized personality cults, dogmatism and unrealistic idealism, and called on the whole Party to free their minds and abandon stereotypical thinking. This inspired a nationwide debate, with scholars and theoreticians to the fore supported by the media and public engagement.

This debate helped the CPC correct existing erroneous tendencies in ideology and theory, and encouraged people to free their minds. It laid the ground for the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee and led directly to a historic turnaround in China.






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