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Nuclear Safety Culture Policy Statement

Updated:2021-12-26 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Nuclear Safety Culture Policy Statement 

The Nuclear Safety Culture Policy Statement jointly issued by the National Nuclear Safety Administration (NNSA), the National Energy Administration (NEA) and the China Atomic Energy Authority (CAEA) on January 14, 2015 outlines the basic principles for a strong nuclear safety culture, detailing the essential attributes of such a culture and emphasizing the importance of cultivating and building on them. The statement calls for internalizing the key elements of a nuclear safety culture that puts safety first and translating them into conscious action of all individuals. It also calls for a set of safety and quality control mechanisms to strengthen the implementation of applicable rules and regulations, and continued efforts to strengthen human resources development in tandem with improved incentive mechanisms, so as to build a strong team of motivated individuals who understand the importance of safety, show a deep sense of scientific rigor and are technologically capable. It goes on to emphasize the need for all entities involved in nuclear-related activities to effectively integrate the basic concepts of a nuclear safety culture into all aspects of the operation and management of their facilities and projects, production of nuclear materials, and scientific research to build a rules-based mindset, strengthen accountability, ensure stringent verification and documentation, and encourage cooperation in a harmonious working environment. 


2015年 1月 14日,國家核安全局、國家能源局和國家原子能機構聯合發布了《核安全文化政策聲明》,闡明對核安全文化的基本態度,培育和實踐核安全文化的原則要求。聲明特別提出,核安全文化需要內化于心,外化于行,讓安全高于一切的核安全理念成為全社會的自覺行動;建立一套以安全和質量保證為核心的管理體系,健全規章制度并認真貫徹落實;加強隊伍建設,完善人才培養和激勵機制,形成安全意識良好、工作作風嚴謹、技術能力過硬的人才隊伍。核工業企事業單位將核安全文化有效融入生產、經營、科研、管理等各環節,形成了“凡事有章可循、凡事有人負責、凡事有人驗證、凡事有據可查”“以核為先、以合為貴、以和為本”等優秀核安全文化理念。

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