
About 1,000 Exhibitors Attracted to HK Int'l Jewelry Show 2002

About 1,000exhibitors from around the world attended the Hong Kong International Jewelry Show 2002 opened in Hong Kong today,marking a 3percent increase over lastyear.

A kaleidoscope of pearls,gems,diamond,jewelry watches,manufacturing and packaging material will be exhibited at the four-day event,making it an important sourcing platform for jewelry buyers.

The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (TDC)announced at the opening ceremony that Hong Kong Jewelry exports managed to maintain a value of over HK$ 16.2billion (US$ 2.08billion)in the year of 2001 despite global economic uncertainty.

"This reflects the competitiveness of the Hong Kong jewelry industry,"Leung Sik Wah,Chairman of TDC's Jewelry Advisory Committee said.

Leung added that he anticipated a more optimistic outlook for jewelry exports in 2002with the opening up of the China market and its accession to the WTO and the gradual recovery of the US economy.

The exhibition is cooganized by TDC,Hong Kong Jewelers'and Goldsmiths'Association,the Hong Kong Jewelry &Jade Manufacturers Association,the Hong Kong Jewelry Manufacturers'Association,and the Diamond Federation of Hong Kong.

(eastday.com February 27, 2002)

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