
Mongolian Medicine Traveled With Khan

Genghis Khan's 13th-century adventures are well known, but few people know about the medicine he brought with him.

Traditional Mongolian medicine is said to have saved thousands of Khan's soldiers, who built the largest empire in the world.

More may be known after a medical expedition to the west planned by Mongolians, according to Xinhua news agency.

"Mongolian medicine has a history of 800 years. It is said to have instantly stopped Genghis Khan from bleeding," said Ukula, a Mongolian doctor.

Khan was shot in the neck during a battle in the 13th century. The army doctor successfully used a traditional Mongolian treatment, a mixture containing koumiss, to stop the bleeding.

Ukula said that in traditional Mongolian medical treatment, plants, metal, animal bones and internal organs, as well as acupuncture are frequently used.

Practitioners of Mongolian medicine, which is said to have curative effects on vascular diseases, are looking for research funds and are ready to enter the international market, Ukula said.

Experts say Mongolian natural medicine may cure or perhaps prevent more than 90 percent of cardio-and cerebro-vascular diseases, such as heart disease and strokes, major causes of death.

Inner Mongolia University Professor Bo Geriletu has developed three kinds of polysaccharide compounds which he says effectively immobilize the AIDS virus.

No foreign company has been involved in the Inner Mongolian medical industry and Westerners appear to have little knowledge of the region's medicine.

The potential of Mongolian medicine has remained untapped, according to Xinhua news agency.

( eaastday 10/18/2001)