
CPPCC Members Appreciative of Leaders' Democratic Style

Members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), attending the annual session, are generally impressed by the democratic style of leaders of the ruling Communist Party of China (CPC) and the state.

Since the session opened on March 2, top leaders including Jiang Zemin, Li Peng, Zhu Rongji, Li Ruihuan, Hu Jintao, Wei Jianxing and Li Lanqing have paid frequent visits to the lodgings and meeting venues of the CPPCC National Committee members to discuss and exchange views on state affairs with them.

The CPPCC National Committee is China's top advisory body composed of representatives from all social circles and non-communist groups. It lies at the center of a CPC-led multiparty cooperative and consultative system. Participation in panel discussions of CPPCC National Committee members by the leaders began since the formation of the Eighth CPPCC National Committee in 1993 and is regarded as an invention by the third generation central leadership with Jiang at the core.

On March 4, members from the China Democratic National Construction Association and the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC) were happy to see that President Jiang Zemin came to join their group discussion, together with Li Ruihuan, chairman of the CPPCC National Committee.

"It is good to speak out my views on issues regarding national economic and social development in the presence of state leaders," said Liu Yonghao, a vice chairman of the ACFIC and president of one of the leading animal feed producers in China, the Sichuan New Hope Group.

Yang Zhong, a member from the farming circle, added that participation in discussions is a good way for the leaders to learn about public opinion on development issues.

Premier Zhu promised in a number of group discussions that the State Council would seriously study and bring into consideration the comments and suggestions raised by the members when the State Council handles important matters.

Many members are of the opinion that the democratic style of the leaders is encouraging. Member Wang Zhongkang said that, with support from the country's top-ranking leaders, the CPPCC now plays a better role of political consultation, democratic supervision and participation in political affairs.

(People’s Daily 03/0-9/2001)