
November 22, 2002

From 'China Threat' to 'China Fall,' Western Media's Farce

Back in the 1990s, there had been set up in the West a big fanfare about a string of “China threat” and like ravings about China's “threat” to world “civilization,” world “order,” world “food supply,” world military, what not. In the place of these botched outpourings of anti-China rancor by a few in the West is unexpectedly now a whole series of venomous wild talks about China's “fall” or “crumble” since advent of the new century. Following this ulterior motive of theirs, some Western media have even sought ways their anti-China rigmarole about China's “fall” be deliberately and elaborately annotated and widely spread.

But people feel no surprise at those anti-China ravings about China's “fall” as with the theory of “China threat” put out at an early date last century in the West. There are also the allegations by a few Western anti-China stalwarts belittling China as one not worth much notice for it plays an “insignificant” role in the world.

With talks about “China threat” there are surely found no lack of anti-China machinations poisoning the international environment towards the end of obstructing China's development. Some of China's neighbors have even not stayed away from like fears and machinations about China's development and with an echoing sound and impacts negatively found and an ill effect on the development of these countries and their forging normal relations with China.

Facts prove that China has not only by its development brought not the least threat to the world but has contributed to the world development as a whole and the rise of a stable world situation at large. Made a member country of the WTO and a country going to host the 2008 Olympics China has been truly offered greater opportunities for its future development. “A most fine scene is being seen here “ is true in China today for an increased amount of international capital having been attracted and used from abroad.

But it does not mean a complete dissipation or dying down of all anti-China uproar vilifying China since a changed international situation is taking place and a strengthening of national strength by China. So they go in for anti-China rigmarole expecting China's “fall.”

The causes behind the anti-China hubbub about China's “fall” or “threat” lie mainly in the nature of those anti-China stalwarts and their doubts about China's economic growth. According to them, China's statistics are all “made up” because of which a rivalry has even taken place among Western media, radios and publications going to all length of their possibilities to have dug themselves in. Questioning China's prosperity, with China's “fall” or “threat” foretold or predicted, has become almost the first concern of a few people and media wedded to anti-China rigmarole rampaging the West and as we have seen the tune has also been picked up by a few in some of China's neighbors.

All wild talks about “China threat” or “fall” as found rampaging in the West are as a whole because of the lingering “Cold War” mentality with resultant deep-rooted fears giving rise to discrimination and doubts about China. Also, to some Westerners, it is hard for some eventualities of one kind or another to be predicted since China has been a WTO member going to play its hand in defiance of some new challenges to be met for it is the biggest developing country of the world. Meanwhile, the “superiority of democracy” has been most revered by some Westerners in their mind's eye. Since China is not a “democratic state” every success or progress it has made must not be accepted so that its advance is to be obstructed or curbed.

But as things are with the present-day world, China will by its development prove wholly to no avail all anti-China cries and whims raised by a few in the West. As the biggest developing country, China knows fully well that her development and progress not only rely on the whole Chinese people but also a favorable international environment is needed. China's progress and prosperity will not only further the interests of the country itself with one fifth of the world's population it will also bring benefits to all peoples of the world. In this sense, prejudice will help no where when one should have a correct view of things about China's development in contributing to the wellbeing of the world people and future advancement of the world.

( June 12, 2002)

In This Series
'Theory of Threat' Is Groundless, Erroneous: Analysis

Official: Will Fast Economic Growth Lead to External Expansion?

Statistics Tell the Tale

Nation's Economy Performs Soundly

Advocacy of "China Threat" Fruitless: FM Spokesman

US Congressman Jabbers About "China Threat" in Russia

Vice-Premier: "China Threat" Goundless



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