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Contest Opens Door to New Domains

The first national domain name quiz and essay writing contest kicked off yesterday in Beijing to boost public knowledge of the importance of domain names and how to register them.

The contest is jointly organized by China Internet Network Information Centre (CNNIC) and China Telecom.

Participants can write essays to tell about anecdotes in registering domain names, share tips on creating domain names, or give suggestions on how to improve the domain name management and service system.

The quiz tests basic knowledge of domain names and how to register and protect them.

Domain names are considered as invisible assets like trademarks and brand names, and their registrations have been burgeoning in China, said an official from the Telecommunication Administration.

The number of domain names registered with the ".cn" suffix has grown from 4,066 in 1997 to around 100,000 this year.

Domain name registration became a popular issue in China when CNNIC began registering domain names in Chinese characters early this month.

Within the first day of registration, over 450,000 applications had been received, according to CNNIC figures.

But since Chinese domain names are still in their trial period, problems and disputes occur from time to time, said Hu Qihuan, an expert from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

There is confusion among the public when they are faced with different systems of registration.

Bringing knowledge of how domain names work into the public realm is badly needed, Hu said.

A new website www.hotname.com.cn opens today to receive participants' essays and answers to the quiz.

(China Daily 11/16/2000)

In This Series

Rush to Get Chinese Net Names Registered



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