
Tibet Enjoying Stable Political Situation

Tibet is enjoying a stable political situation, harmonious relations among different nationalities and healthy religious activities, Tibetan NPC deputies said Thursday.

Legqog, also chairman of the Tibet Autonomous Region, who is here attending the NPC's annual session, said the Tibetans had suffered enough from autarky and backwardness in the past, and that their chief concern now is to accelerate economic construction and realize modernization.

The Tibetans resolutely resist separatist schemes and attempts and protect the normal religious activities, he said.

Raidi, head of the Tibetan delegation, said the political situation in Tibet is stable; the people are happy and hard- working; the economy is developing; people of all nationalities there are united; and the border defense is firm.

Tibetan NPC deputies fully endorsed the report by Premier Zhu Rongji on the draft outline of the 10th five-year plan, which calls for the maintenance of social stability, crackdown on separatists, religious extremists, terrorists, evil cults and other illegal activities under the cover of religion.

NPC deputy Doje Cering said Tibetans have seen through the deceitful tricks of all descriptions by Dalai Lama and now they can concentrate all their minds and energy on economic construction.

Another NPC deputy, Caiwang Bandian, said Tibet will take a bigger step in economic development during the 10th five-year plan period and that any attempt to obstruct Tibet's modernization is doomed to failure.

(People’s Daily 03/09/2001)