
Chinese Premier Offers Condolences to Quake-Hit Pakistan

Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji offered condolences to Pakistan's Chief Executive General Pervez Musharaf Friday after a severe earthquake struck its border area with India the day before.

In a letter to Musharaf, Zhu Rongji expressed his condolences over the tragic loss of life and property, and delivered his sympathy to victims and their relatives.

Unofficial reports from India said at least 10 Pakistani people and more than 13,000 Indians were killed in the quake.

The quake, measuring 6.9 on the Richter scale, had its epicenter in Pakistan's neighboring country India, locating about 20 kilometers northeast of Bhuj in Gujarat. The quake occurred at around 08:46 on January 26, the Indian Department of Seismology said.

(People’s Daily 01/28/2001)

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