
Chinese Scientists Map out No. 3 Human Chromosome

Chinese scientists announced Sunday that they have completed a genetic map of the No.3 human chromosome, a part of the Human Genome Project, which was assigned to China.

The work, finished two years ahead of schedule, has passed a joint appraisal made by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Chinese geneticists have defined 384 million basic groups of genes, and repeated the genome sequencing over 12 times in their area of responsibility.

The mapping of the human genomes requires an accuracy rate up to 99.99 percent. China's successful work has shown its research ability in the sector is on par with the international advanced level.

China's contribution to the international Human Genome Project (HGP) has shown an active attitude of the country's leadership towards getting involved in international cooperation, and Chinese scientists' renovation spirit in academic research.

By participating in the project, China has earned itself the right to share the overall research rewards of the HGP and to speak on affairs concerning related data, resources and technology.

At the next stage, Chinese scientists will continue to join forces with international research powers to complete a clear listing of the human genome sequence and start genome sequencing of rice and pig, which would be of great significance to the development of life science and biology.

(Xinhua News Agency 08/26/2001)

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