
Women’s Five Propensities to Consume

The five propensities of the Chinese women nowadays are the Internet, entertainment, fashion, food and housing consumption. This is the result of a sample survey conducted by the Social Survey Institute of China on women, which covered the cities of Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Harbin and Guangzhou.

Consumption of the Internet

Women have become the leading web surfers in China. Among those surveyed, 61 percent have tried web surfing, 24 percent are frequent web visitors, while 39 percent have no access to the web, but most of them show great interest.

As for the reasons why they are fond of web surfing, 55 percent said that they can get the latest information needed for their work and study; 34 percent want to follow the fashion; and 11 percent surf out of curiosity.

Reading and shopping on the web are considered fashions that enable women to feel that they stand in the forefront of the times, though sometimes the web is not as convenient as direct reading and shopping, according to experts.

Consumption of Recreation

Among those sampled, 49 percent have tried joining women's clubs, gymnasiums and fitness training classes; 20 percent are fitness enthusiasts; and 51 percent have not interested in or get no time to do such activities.

There are three reasons why women join recreational groups. First, with the improvement of their social position and educational level, women's income has increased by 85 percent. Second, two-day weekends and longer holidays give 63 percent of women more time to relax. Third, steadily lightening family responsibilities give 47 percent of married women leisure time.

Consumption of Fashion

Among the women surveyed, who have a monthly income of 1,000-1,500 yuan each, 13 percent spend less than 100 yuan on cosmetics and cosmetology each month; 65 percent 100-200 yuan; 13 percent 200-300 yuan; and nine percent more than 300 yuan.

Among the women with a monthly income of 1,50-2,000 yuan each, 7 percent spend less than 100 yuan on cosmetics and cosmetology each month; 31 percent 101-200 yuan; 47 percent 201-300 yuan; and 15 percent more than 300 yuan.

Consumption of Food

Nearly 90 percent of the women sampled pay close attention to their own and their families' daily nutrition. Besides, what’s worth noticing is that the Chinese women now spend more on picnics and parties.

Among those who have a monthly income of 1,500 yuan each, 14 percent spend less than 500 yuan on food and drink each month; 42 percent 501-800 yuan; 33 percent 801-1,100 yuan; and 11 percent more than 1,100 yuan.

Among those who have a monthly income of 2,000 yuan each, 9 percent spend less than 500 yuan on food and drink each month; 27 percent 501-800 yuan; 46 percent 801-1,100 yuan; and 18 percent more than 1,100 yuan.

Consumption of Housing

Among those surveyed, 49 percent of unmarried women hope for having houses of their own. Some 17 percent have rented houses, and 32 percent still live with their parents. Living apart from their parents is a necessary condition for young people to become economically independent and have more freedom, they said.

Some 63 percent of the women sampled have bought or are getting bank loans to buy houses. There are differences between young people and their parents concerning ways of life and ideas, they said. Pointing out that young couples want to have their own living space for their free development.

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