我們,中華人民共和國和53個非洲國家的國家元首、政府首腦、代表團團長和非盟委員會主席,于2024年9月4日至6日在中國舉行中非合作論壇北京峰會。峰會主題是“攜手推進現代化,共筑高水平中非命運共同體”。峰會協商一致通過《關于共筑新時代全天候中非命運共同體的北京宣言》。 | We, the Heads of State, Government and Delegations of the People's Republic of China and 53 African countries,?and the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, gathered in China from September 4 to 6 for the 2024 Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC). Under the theme "Joining Hands to Advance Modernization and Build a High-Level China-Africa Community with a Shared Future," the Summit adopted by consensus the Beijing Declaration on Jointly Building an All-Weather China-Africa Community with a Shared Future for the New Era. | |
一、關于共筑高水平中非命運共同體 | I?Jointly Building a High-Level China-Africa Community with a Shared Future | |
(一)我們充分肯定中非領導人在各種國際場合倡導構建人類命運共同體、高質量共建“一帶一路”、全球發展倡議、全球安全倡議、全球文明倡議等理念倡議,呼吁世界各國同心協力,攜手建設持久和平、普遍安全、共同繁榮、開放包容、清潔美麗的世界,推動共商、共建、共享的全球治理,踐行全人類共同價值,推動構建新型國際關系,共同邁向和平、安全、繁榮、進步的光明前景。 | 1.?We fully affirm that Chinese and African leaders?advocate on various occasions visions and initiatives of building a community with a shared future for mankind, high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, the Global Development Initiative?(GDI), the Global Security Initiative (GSI) and the Global Civilization Initiative (GCI).?We?call on countries around the world to work together to build an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world of lasting peace, universal security and shared prosperity, promote global governance featuring extensive consultation and joint contribution for shared benefit, apply the common values of humanity, build a new type of international relations,?and jointly usher in a bright future of peace, security, prosperity and progress. | |
(二)中方積極支持非洲通過落實非盟《2063年議程》首個十年實施計劃并啟動第二個十年實施計劃加快推進地區一體化和經濟發展的努力。非方贊賞中方支持啟動非盟《2063年議程》第二個十年實施計劃。中方愿同非方在《2063年議程》第二個十年實施計劃確定的優先領域加強合作。 | 2.?China applauds Africa?for?accelerating?regional integration and its economic development?through implementing the First Ten Year Implementation Plan of Agenda 2063 and launching the Second Ten Year Implementation Plan.?Africa commends China for supporting the launch of the?Second Ten Year Implementation Plan.?China is willing to strengthen cooperation with Africa in the priority areas identified by the Second Ten Year Implementation Plan of Agenda 2063. | |
(三)我們將攜手落實“加強治國理政經驗交流,探索現代化發展路徑”高級別會議上達成的重要共識。我們認為,中非攜手推進現代化是共筑高水平中非命運共同體的歷史使命和時代內涵。實現現代化是世界各國的普遍追求,世界現代化應該是和平發展的現代化、互利合作的現代化、共同繁榮的現代化。中非雙方愿擴大國家、立法機構、政府和地方省市間的交流,不斷深化治國理政、現代化發展、減少貧困等經驗交流,支持彼此探索基于自身文明特色、發展需求和科技與創新的現代化模式。中國將始終做非洲現代化道路的同行者。 | 3.?We will jointly implement the important common understandings reached at the high-level meeting themed "Strengthening Governance Experience Exchanges and Exploring Development Paths to Modernization." We believe?that China and Africa joining hands in advancing their respective?modernization is the historic mission and the call?of the?times in?jointly building a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future. Modernization is a common pursuit?of countries around the world, and global modernization should be modernization featuring peaceful development, mutually beneficial cooperation and prosperity for all. China and Africa stand ready to enhance exchanges between countries, legislatures and governments, and at subnational levels, deepen experience sharing in such areas as governance, modernization and poverty reduction, and support each other in exploring models of modernization based on the characteristics of their own civilizations,?development needs,?science, technology and innovation. China will always walk side by side with Africa on its path to modernization. | |
非方高度評價今年7月召開的中國共產黨第二十屆中央委員會第三次全體會議,認為會議對中國進一步全面深化改革、推進中國式現代化作出系統部署,將為包括非洲在內的世界各國帶來更多發展機遇。 | The African side speaks highly of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held in July this year. It believes that the systematic plans drawn up at the session for further deepening reform comprehensively to advance Chinese modernization will provide more development opportunities for countries around the world, including African countries. | |
(四)今年是和平共處五項原則發表70周年,非方贊賞中國在發展對非關系中始終堅持這一重要原則,認為堅持這一原則對非洲謀求發展、維護國家間友好關系、相互尊重主權平等同樣重要。中方將繼續秉持真實親誠理念和正確義利觀,尊重非洲國家基于本國國情所作出的政治和經濟選擇,不干涉非洲國家內政,不在對非援助中附加條件。中非雙方將始終秉持歷久彌堅的“中非友好合作精神”,即“真誠友好、平等相待,互利共贏、共同發展,主持公道、捍衛正義,順應時勢、開放包容”,共筑新時代全天候中非命運共同體。 | 4.?The year 2024 marks the 70th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. Africa commends China's consistent commitment to these important principles when developing relations with Africa?and believes that these principles are equally important for Africa in pursuing development, maintaining friendly state-to-state relations and respecting sovereign equality of each other. China will continue to follow the principle of sincerity, real results, amity and good faith and take the right approach to friendship and interests. China will?continue to?respect African countries'?political and economic choices based on their own national conditions and honor the principles of noninterference in African countries'?internal affairs?and?nonattachment of political strings to assistance to Africa. China and Africa will always honor the everlasting spirit of China-Africa friendship and cooperation,?characterized by sincere friendship and equality, win-win for mutual benefit and common development, fairness and justice, and progress with the times and openness and inclusiveness,?jointly build an all-weather China-Africa community with a shared future for the new era. | |
(五)我們強調,中非堅持在涉及彼此核心利益和重大關切問題上相互支持。中方重申堅定支持非方維護國家獨立統一、領土完整及主權、安全和發展利益。非方重申堅定奉行一個中國原則,重申世界上只有一個中國,臺灣是中國領土不可分割的一部分,中華人民共和國政府是代表全中國的唯一合法政府,堅定支持中國政府為實現國家統一所作的一切努力。按照國際法和不干涉內政原則,香港、新疆、西藏事務是中國內政。 | 5.?We underscore that China and Africa are committed to supporting each other on issues of their core interests and major concerns. China reaffirms its firm support for Africa's efforts to safeguard national independence?and unity, territorial integrity, sovereignty, security and development interests. Africa reaffirms its firm commitment to the one-China principle, and reaffirms that there is but one China in the world, Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory and the Government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China, and firmly supports all efforts by the Chinese government to achieve national reunification. Issues related to Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Xizang are China's internal affairs, as observed in international law and the noninterference principle. | |
(六)我們認為,促進和保護包括發展權在內的人權是全人類共同的事業,應在相互尊重和平等相待、反對政治化的基礎上開展人權交流與合作。我們堅決反對將人權議程、聯合國人權理事會及其相關機制政治化,反對一切形式的新殖民主義和國際經濟剝削,呼吁國際社會堅決抵制并打擊一切形式的種族主義和種族歧視,反對基于宗教或信仰原因的不容忍、污名化及煽動暴力的行徑。 | 6.?We recognize that?promoting and protecting human rights including the right to development is a common cause of all humanity, and believe?that human rights exchanges and cooperation should be carried out on the basis of mutual respect, equality and opposing politicization.?We firmly oppose politicization of human rights agenda and politicization of the United Nations Human Rights Council and its relevant mechanisms, and oppose all forms of neocolonialism and international economic exploitation. We call on the international community to resolutely resist and combat all forms of racism and racial discrimination, and oppose acts of intolerance, stigmatization, and incitement to violence against people based on religion or belief. | |
(七)中方支持非洲國家在全球治理特別是在解決全球性問題的包容性框架中發揮更大影響和作用。中方認為非洲人士具有擔任國際組織和機構負責人的資質并支持其履職。非方贊賞中方率先支持非盟成為二十國集團正式成員。中方將繼續支持二十國集團事務中涉及非洲的優先事項,贊賞并歡迎更多非洲國家加入金磚大家庭,歡迎喀麥隆籍人士擔任第79屆聯合國大會主席。 | 7.?China supports African countries in increasing their influence and role?in global governance, in particular, by requiring a more inclusive framework to address the world's problems. China believes that Africans are qualified to serve as heads of international organizations and institutions, and supports their work.?Africa appreciates it that China is the first country to support the AU in joining the G20. China will continue?to support the priorities concerning Africa at the G20. China applauds and welcomes more African countries to join the BRICS family and welcomes the Cameroonian candidate?to serve as the President of the 79th session of the U.N.?General Assembly. | |
(八)中非共同倡導平等有序的世界多極化,堅定維護以聯合國為核心的國際體系、以國際法為基礎的國際秩序、以聯合國憲章宗旨和原則為基礎的國際關系基本準則。我們呼吁對包括安理會在內的聯合國進行必要改革和加強,糾正非洲遭受的歷史不公,包括增加發展中國家特別是非洲國家在聯合國及其安理會的代表性。中方在安理會改革問題上支持就優先解決非洲訴求作出特殊安排。 | 8.?China?and Africa?jointly call for?an equal and orderly multipolar world, and firmly safeguard the international system with the U.N. at its core, the international order underpinned by international law, and the basic norms governing international relations underpinned by the purposes and principles of the U.N. Charter. We call for necessary reform and strengthening of?the U.N. including its Security Council, redressing the historical injustices done to Africa, and increasing the representation of developing countries, African countries in particular, in the U.N. and its Security Council. China supports making special arrangements on the U.N. Security Council reform to meet Africa's aspiration as a priority. | |
中方注意到2024年2月舉行的第37屆非盟峰會發布《關于建立推動公正事業和對非賠償支付的統一戰線的聲明》,該聲明反對販奴、殖民主義、種族隔離等歷史罪行,呼吁通過賠償還非洲以公正。我們認為,厄立特里亞、南蘇丹、蘇丹、津巴布韋有權決定自己國家的命運,繼續推進經濟和社會發展,要求美西方結束對以上國家長期制裁和不公正待遇。 | China noted that the 37th AU Summit issued the Proclamation on Building a United Front to Promote the Cause of Justice and Payment of Reparations to Africans in February 2024. The Proclamation?expresses opposition to historical?crimes including slave trafficking, colonialism and racial segregation, and calls?for?bringing?justice to Africa through reparations. We believe?that Eritrea, South Sudan, Sudan and Zimbabwe have the right to decide the future of their own country and continue their economic and social development, and?we demand that the United States and other Western countries put an end to the long-term sanctions and unjust treatment imposed on?these countries. | |
(九)中非共同倡導普惠包容的經濟全球化,順應世界各國尤其是發展中國家的普遍訴求,高度重視非洲國家關切。我們呼吁改革國際金融體系,改善對南方國家的發展融資,以實現共同繁榮,更好適應非洲發展需要。我們將積極參與并推動多邊金融機構改革,包括世界銀行和國際貨幣基金組織份額、特別提款權和投票權改革,我們呼吁提升發展中國家代表性和發言權,使國際貨幣金融體系更公正、更好反映世界經濟格局變化。 | 9.?China and Africa jointly call for a universally beneficial and inclusive economic?globalization that meets the common needs of all countries, especially the developing countries, and attach great importance to the?concerns?of?African countries. We call for reforming?the international financial system and improving?development financing for countries in the Global South to realize common prosperity?and better meet the development needs of African countries. We will take an active part in and promote the reform of multilateral financial institutions, including quota, special drawing rights and voting rights reform of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). We call for increasing the representation and voice developing countries, so that the international monetary and financial systems will better reflect the changes in the international economic landscape?in a more just way. | |
中非將繼續維護世界貿易組織核心價值和基本原則,反對“脫鉤斷鏈”,抵制單邊主義、保護主義,維護包括中非在內的廣大發展中成員正當利益,增添全球經濟增長的活力和動力。中國支持將于2026年在非洲大陸舉行的世貿組織第14屆部長級會議取得發展導向性成果。中非雙方將積極參與世貿組織改革,主張改革應朝著建設一個包容、透明、開放、非歧視和公平的多邊貿易體制方向前進,加強發展議題在世貿組織工作中的中心地位,擁有全面、運轉良好的爭端解決機制,維護世貿組織基本原則。我們譴責一些發達國家對發展中國家采取侵害其可持續發展權利的單邊強制性措施,反對碳邊境調節機制等以應對氣候變化和保護環境為由采取的單邊主義和保護主義措施。我們將致力于打造安全穩定的關鍵礦產供應鏈,以造福全球、促進中非人民可持續發展。我們歡迎聯合國大會倡議建立能源轉型關鍵礦產小組,呼吁幫助原材料供應國提升產業鏈價值。 | China and Africa?will continue to uphold the core values and?basic?principles of the World Trade Organization (WTO), oppose attempts to decouple with others?and?sever supply chains, resist unilateralism and protectionism,?safeguard the?legitimate interests?of the developing members, including China and African countries, and add vitality and momentum to global economic growth. China supports the 14th Ministerial Meeting of the WTO to be held in 2026 on African continent, in generating development-oriented outcomes. China and Africa will actively participate in the reform of the WTO and believe that the reform should aim at building an inclusive, transparent, open, nondiscriminatory and fair multilateral trading?system. It needs to reinforce the centrality of developmental agenda in the WTO work, and have a full and well-functioning dispute settlement mechanism, while preserving the fundamental principles of the WTO. We condemn the unilateral coercive measures imposed by some developed countries, which infringe on the right to sustainable development of developing countries, and measures of unilateralism and protectionism?adopted under the pretext of addressing climate change and protecting the environment, such as the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). We will stay committed to building safe and stable supply chains for key minerals, to benefit the entire world and promote the sustainable development of Chinese and African peoples. We welcome the initiative of the U.N. General Assembly to establish a panel to advise on how to enhance international cooperation with regard to critical energy transition minerals. We call for helping supplying countries of raw materials to increase the value of their industrial chains. | |
(十)中方贊賞烏干達于2024年1月成功舉辦不結盟運動第19次峰會和“77國集團和中國”第三屆南方首腦會議,推動“全球南方”加強團結合作。中國和非洲作為最大的發展中國家和發展中國家最集中的大陸,同屬“全球南方”。我們始終同其他發展中國家同呼吸、共命運,堅持獨立、尊重主權和領土完整、不干涉內政、自主、團結、發展,反對意識形態劃線和陣營對抗,在新一輪全球治理體系變革中維護好“全球南方”國家共同利益。中方祝賀岡比亞于2024年5月舉辦第15屆伊斯蘭合作組織首腦會議,就穆斯林世界及全人類關注的議題開展建設性對話。 | 10.?China commends Uganda for successfully?convening the 19th Non-Aligned Movement Summit and?the G77 plus China Third South Summit in January 2024 to advance?solidarity and cooperation of the Global South.?China and Africa, as the biggest developing country and the continent home to?the largest number?of developing countries,?belong to the Global South. We invariably stand in solidarity with fellow developing countries through thick and thin, uphold?independence, respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity,?and noninterference in?internal affairs, and seek unity?and development. We stand against drawing lines on?ideological grounds, oppose?bloc confrontation, and safeguard the common interests of the Global South in the new round of reform on global governance system.?China congratulates the Gambia for hosting the 15th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in May 2024, which addressed matters that affect not only Muslims around the world but all humanity, through constructive dialogue. | |
(十一)中方贊賞非洲先后舉辦《聯合國氣候變化框架公約》第22次、第27次締約方大會,積極評價2023年9月在內羅畢舉行以“推動綠色增長,為非洲和世界提供氣候融資解決方案”為主題的首屆非洲氣候峰會。我們重申《聯合國氣候變化框架公約》及其《京都議定書》《巴黎協定》目標和原則的重要性。我們重申《內羅畢宣言》和《中非應對氣候變化合作宣言》的重要性。我們呼吁國際社會落實公平、共同但有區別的責任等原則,尊重各國根據本國國情為實現全球共同目標自主選擇能源轉型路徑,照顧和重視包括非洲國家在內的發展中國家的特殊性,同時兼顧小島嶼發展中國家和內陸發展中國家。憶及2016年11月第一屆非洲行動峰會發表的《馬拉喀什宣言》精神,我們呼吁發達國家采取更多行動,承擔綠色氣候基金和“損失與損害”基金、適應基金等為發展中國家提供和動員氣候資金的義務,堅決履行率先減排義務,減緩和適應并重,加強對非洲國家提供資金、技術和能力建設支持,幫助非洲國家提高應對氣候變化的能力、適應性和韌性。我們呼吁發達國家重視包括非洲國家在內的發展中國家應對氣候變化挑戰、實現可持續發展和轉型的特殊需求,提供除發展援助外的可預見、持續的更多資金支持和技術轉移。 | 11.?China commends Africa for?hosting the 22nd and 27th sessions?of the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties and speaks?positively of the inaugural Africa Climate Summit held in Nairobi in September 2023 under the theme of "Driving Green Growth and Climate Finance Solutions for Africa and the World." We reaffirm?the importance of the targets?and principles of the UNFCCC?and its Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement, the Nairobi Declaration and the Declaration on China-Africa Cooperation on Combating Climate Change.?We call on?the international community to implement?such?principles as?equity and common but differentiated responsibilities,?respect countries' independent choice of the path of energy transition in line with their respective national realities to achieve the common objectives of the entire world, accommodate and take seriously?the?particularities of developing countries?including African countries, and place equal importance on small island developing states?and landlocked developing countries.?While recalling the spirit of the Marrakech Declaration issued at the First Africa Action Summit?held in November 2016, we call on developed countries to do more?to honor their obligation?of providing and mobilizing climate finance to developing countries under the Green Climate Fund, the Loss and Damage Fund and the Adaptation Fund, among others, firmly fulfill their obligation?of taking the lead in reducing emissions,?lay equal importance on mitigation and adaptation, and strengthen financial, technical, and capacity-building support for African countries to help them enhance their ability, adaptability?and resilience to tackle climate change.?We call on developed countries to take seriously the special needs of developing countries including African countries in responding to climate change challenges?and achieving sustainable development and transition, and provide more predictable and sustainable financial support and technology transfer?in addition to development assistance. | |
我們對非洲國家特別是非洲小島嶼發展中國家面臨的經濟脆弱性表達關切,呼吁國際金融機構和多邊開發銀行探索使用多維脆弱性指數作為現有政策的補充。我們鼓勵中方和具備潛力、經驗的非洲國家提出三方合作倡議或項目。 | We express our concern about the economic vulnerability of African countries in particular small island states?in Africa, and call on the international financial institutions and multilateral development banks to consider how the Multidimensional Vulnerability Index could be used as a complement to existing policies. We encourage China and African countries with potential and experience to propose tripartite cooperation initiatives and projects. | |
二、推動高質量共建“一帶一路”同非盟《2063年議程》、聯合國2030年可持續發展議程目標對接 | II?Fostering Synergy Between?High-Quality Belt and Road Cooperation?and?the Goals of Agenda 2063 of the AU?and?the U.N. 2030 Agenda?for Sustainable Development | |
(十二)我們將攜手落實“高質量共建‘一帶一路’,打造共商共建共享的現代化發展平臺”高級別會議上達成的重要共識。我們將在和平合作、開放包容、互學互鑒、互利共贏的絲路精神指引下,結合推動落實非盟《2063年議程》《中非合作2035年愿景》,秉持共商、共建、共享原則,堅持開放、綠色、廉潔理念,將中非共建“一帶一路”打造成高標準、惠民生、可持續的合作之路。我們將繼續促進中非高質量共建“一帶一路”同非盟《2063年議程》目標、聯合國2030年可持續發展議程、非洲各國發展戰略緊密對接,為促進國際合作、推動全球經濟增長作出更大貢獻。非方熱烈祝賀2023年10月在北京成功舉行第三屆“一帶一路”國際合作高峰論壇。我們一致支持聯合國舉辦未來峰會,并通過內容積極的“未來契約”,以更好落實聯合國2030年可持續發展議程。 | 12.?We will jointly implement the important consensus reached at the high-level meeting themed "Promoting High-Quality Belt and Road Cooperation and Building a Development Platform of Modernization by?Planning Together, Building Together, and Benefiting Together." We will follow the guidance of the Silk Road spirit of peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning, and mutual benefit, synergize our efforts with the implementation of the Agenda 2063 of the AU and the China-Africa Cooperation?Vision 2035, and adhere to the principle of planning together, building together, and benefiting together and the philosophy?of open, green and clean cooperation to advance high-standard, people-centered and sustainable Belt and Road cooperation between China and Africa. We will continue to work for greater synergy between China-Africa high-quality Belt and Road cooperation and?the goals of Agenda 2063 of the AU, the U.N. 2030 Agenda?for Sustainable Development and the development strategies of African countries, in an effort to make greater contribution to advancing international cooperation and promoting global growth. Africa warmly congratulates?the successful convening of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in October 2023 in Beijing. We agree to support the U.N. in convening the Summit of the Future?and adopting a positive Pact for the Future, so as to better implement the U.N. 2030?Agenda for Sustainable Development. | |
(十三)作為非洲發展議程的重要伙伴,中方愿同論壇非方成員國、非盟及其所屬機構、非洲次區域組織加強合作,積極參與落實非洲基礎設施發展計劃(PIDA)、總統基礎設施冠軍計劃(PICI)、非盟發展署-非洲發展新伙伴關系(AUDA-NEPAD)、非洲農業綜合發展計劃(CAADP)、非洲工業化發展加速計劃(AIDA)等全非計劃,支持非洲經濟一體化和互聯互通,深化并加快中非跨國跨區域關鍵基礎設施項目合作,促進非洲發展。我們支持推動上述計劃與共建“一帶一路”合作項目相對接,加強中非間物流互聯互通,提升中非經貿水平。 | 13. As an important partner of Africa's development agenda, China stands ready to enhance cooperation with African member states of FOCAC, the AU and its affiliated organs and African subregional organizations in actively implementing the African plans?including the Program for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA), the Presidential Infrastructure Champion Initiative (PICI), the Africa Union Development Agency-New Partnership for Africa's Development (AUDA-NEPAD), the Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Program (CAADP), and the Accelerated Industrial Development for Africa (AIDA).?China supports Africa's economic integration and connectivity, and will deepen and accelerate cooperation?with Africa on key transnational and transregional?infrastructure programs to?promote Africa's development.?We support synergizing the aforementioned plans with Belt and Road cooperation projects to strengthen logistics connectivity between China and Africa and increase?the volume of trade. | |
(十四)我們強調,非洲大陸自由貿易區具有重要意義,全面履行非洲大陸自貿協定將增加附加值、創造就業,助推非洲經濟發展。中方支持非洲加強貿易一體化,將繼續支持非洲大陸自由貿易區全面建設、泛非支付結算系統推廣使用,支持非洲國家通過中國國際進口博覽會、中國-非洲經貿博覽會等平臺推介非洲產品,歡迎非方用好非洲農產品輸華“綠色通道”。中方愿與有意愿的非洲國家商簽共同發展經濟伙伴關系框架協定,推動更加靈活務實的貿易投資自由化便利化安排,擴大對非洲國家自主開放,為中非經貿合作提供長期、穩定、可預期的制度保障,中方將擴大對包括非洲國家在內的最不發達國家單邊開放,鼓勵中國企業加強對非直接投資。 | 14.?We highlight the significance of?the African Continental Free Trade Area?(AfCFTA), and?that?the full implementation of the AfCFTA agreement will?boost Africa's economic development including through value addition and job creation.?China supports Africa in strengthening trade integration, and will give continued support to the?development of the AfCFTA and the application of Pan-African Payment and Settlement System. China will continue to support African countries in promoting African products through such platforms including the China International Import Expo and China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo, and welcome African countries making better use of "green lanes" for African agricultural exports to China. China is ready to negotiate and sign the framework agreement of China-Africa Economic Partnership for Shared Development with interested African countries, work for more flexible and practical trade and investment liberalization arrangements,?and seize the initiative by opening itself wider to African countries, so as to provide long-term, stable and predictable institutional safeguard for economic and trade cooperation between China and Africa. China will?open its market wider to the least developed countries including those in Africa and encourage Chinese businesses to increase their?direct investment in?Africa. | |
(十五)我們將加強中非投資領域合作,推進中非產業鏈供應鏈合作,提高各自生產和出口高附加值產品的能力,支持各自企業積極利用多種形式的互利合作模式,鼓勵雙方金融機構加強合作,拓展雙邊本幣結算和多元外匯儲備。中方支持地方對非經貿交流平臺建設,推動地方園區與中國在非經貿合作區聯動發展,推進中國中西部地區對非通道建設。中方鼓勵本國企業擴大在非投資和雇傭當地勞動力,充分尊重國際法、當地法律法規、風俗習慣和宗教信仰,主動踐行社會責任,支持非洲生產和加工本地化,助力非洲國家實現自主可持續發展,愿同非方商簽并落實好雙邊投資促進和便利化協定,以便為中國和非洲國家企業提供穩定、公平、便利的營商環境,維護雙方人員、項目和機構的安全與正當權益。中方支持非洲中小企業發展,鼓勵非方用好非洲中小企業發展專項貸款。雙方贊賞中國在非企業社會責任聯盟實施“百企千村”活動,引導中國在非企業履行社會責任。 | 15.?We will enhance China-Africa cooperation in investment sector, promote coordination on industrial and supply chains between China and Africa, increase the capacities?of both sides?to produce and export high value-added products, support our companies in utilizing mutually beneficial cooperation?in various forms, encourage our financial institutions to strengthen cooperation and expand bilateral local currency settlement and diversify foreign exchange reserves.?China supports the building of?platforms at subnational level for economic and trade exchanges with Africa, promotes the coordinated development between its subnational industrial parks and Chinese economic and trade cooperation zones in Africa, and advances the building of corridors to Africa from?its central and western regions. China encourages Chinese?companies?to increase?investment in Africa and employ local labor force, fully respect international law, local laws and regulations, customs and religious beliefs, and?fulfill?their social responsibilities. China supports localized production?and processing?in Africa to help African countries achieve self-generated sustainable development. China is ready to sign and implement bilateral investment?promotion and facilitation?agreements with African countries, so as to provide a stable, fair and enabling?business?environment for Chinese and African businesses, and safeguard the safety, security and legitimate rights and interests of personnel, projects and institutions of the two sides. China supports the development of African SMEs and encourages?Africa?to make good use of the Special Loan for the Development of African SMEs. The two sides commend the Alliance of Chinese Business in Africa for Social Responsibilities (ACBASR) for implementing the initiative of "100 companies in 1,000 villages," and guiding Chinese businesses in Africa to fulfill their social responsibilities. | |
(十六)我們高度重視非洲發展融資關切,強烈呼吁國際金融機構資金使用向非洲國家等發展中國家傾斜,優化向非洲國家提供資金的審批程序,提升非洲融資便利性和公平性。中方愿繼續向非洲金融機構提供支持。非方贊賞中國為非洲國家債務處理所作重要貢獻,包括在《二十國集團緩債倡議后續債務處理共同框架》下個案債務處理以及向非洲國家轉借100億美元國際貨幣基金組織特別提款權等。我們呼吁國際金融機構和商業債權人按“共同行動、公平負擔”原則參與非洲國家債務處理,共同幫助非洲國家應對這一關鍵問題。在這一框架下,應加大對包括非洲在內的發展中國家的支持,增加長期可負擔融資,以保障其發展。我們重申,考慮到一些國際機構對包括非洲在內的發展中國家經濟體所作主權評級將影響其借貸成本,相關評級應更加客觀、透明。我們鼓勵在非盟框架內、在非洲開發銀行支持下創建一個非洲評級機構,旨在建立新的評估體系,重視非洲經濟獨特性。我們呼吁對多邊開發銀行進行改革,在其授權范圍內采取具體舉措提供補充性發展融資,包括提高補貼、優惠融資、創建適應非洲國家需求的新的融資工具等,幫助包括非洲在內的發展中國家實現可持續發展目標。 | 16.?We take?very seriously Africa's concern over development?financing and strongly call on international financial institutions to channel more funding to?African countries?and other developing countries, improve the approval procedures for the provision of funding to African countries, and enhance the accessibility?and fairness of financing for Africa. China will continue providing support to African financial institutions. Africa appreciates the important contribution China has made to debt treatment of African countries, including case-by-case debt treatment under the Common Framework for Debt Treatment beyond the DSSI and the transfer of US$10 billion in Special Drawing Rights from the IMF?to African countries. We call on international financial institutions and commercial creditors to participate in debt treatment of African countries in line with the principle of joint action and fair burden-sharing and work together to help African countries address?this key issue. Under the framework, it is necessary to increase support for Africa and other developing countries and increase long-term affordable financing to provide safeguards to?their development. We reaffirm that the sovereign credit rating of developing economies including African countries by some international institutions will affect their borrowing costs and should be more objective and transparent. We encourage the creation of an African rating agency, within the framework of the AU and with the support of the African Development Bank. The agency aims to establish a new evaluation system which takes into account the specificities of African economies. We call for reforms of multilateral development banks and concrete measures from them to provide complementary development financing within the scope of their mandate, including more subsidies, concessional financing and new financing instruments that meet the needs of African countries so as to help developing countries including African countries realize sustainable development goals. | |
三、全球發展倡議為中非發展共同行動搭建戰略框架 | III?The GDI:?Building a Strategic Framework for the Joint Action of China and Africa for Development | |
(十七)我們愿攜手落實全球發展倡議,積極開展全球發展倡議合作,構建高質量伙伴關系。非方贊賞中方在全球發展倡議框架下提出對非合作行動,幫助非洲國家擴大糧食生產,鼓勵中方加大對非農業投資、深化技術合作。我們歡迎“全球發展倡議之友小組”和“全球發展促進中心網絡”推動國際社會聚焦落實發展關鍵問題,以加快聯合國2030年可持續發展目標落實,推動聯合國未來峰會取得成功并重視發展中國家的關切。我們歡迎掛牌設立中國-非洲(埃塞俄比亞)-聯合國(工業發展組織)合作示范中心,旨在促進“全球南方”國家經濟發展。 | 17.?We will work together to implement the GDI, actively engage in cooperation under the Initiative, and pursue high-quality partnership.?Africa appreciates the acts China proposed for cooperation with Africa under the framework of the GDI, and its efforts to help African countries increase food production. Africa encourages China to increase its investment in Africa's non-agricultural sector and deepen technological cooperation. We welcome the Group of Friends of the GDI?and the Global Development Promotion Center Network?for encouraging?the international community to focus on?key issues of?development?to accelerate the implementation of the U.N. 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, and?working for the Summit of the Future?of the U.N.?to achieve success and take the concerns of developing countries seriously.?We welcome the establishment of the China-Africa?(Ethiopia)-UNIDO?Center of Excellence?with an aim to promote economic development of the Global South countries. | |
(十八)我們將攜手落實“工業化、農業現代化和綠色發展,通往現代化之路”高級別會議上達成的重要共識。非方贊賞中方在2023年中非領導人對話會上發布的“支持非洲工業化倡議”“中國助力非洲農業現代化計劃”“中非人才培養合作計劃”等舉措,認為其契合非洲優先需要,有助于非洲一體化和發展。 | 18.?We will jointly implement the important common understandings reached at the high-level meeting themed?"Industrialization, Agricultural Modernization?and Green Development: the Road to Modernization." African countries commend the Initiative on Supporting Africa's Industrialization, the Plan for China Supporting Africa's Agricultural Modernization, and the Plan for China-Africa Cooperation on Talent Development issued?by China?at the China-Africa Leader's Dialogue?in 2023, and believe these measures meet?the priority needs for?African integration and development. | |
(十九)我們支持發揮中非環境合作中心、中非海洋科學與藍色經濟合作中心和中國-非洲地學合作中心作用,促進“中非綠色使者計劃”“中非綠色創新計劃”“非洲光帶”等項目實施。我們歡迎中國-非盟能源伙伴關系發揮積極作用,中方將支持非洲國家更好利用光伏、水電、風能等可再生能源,進一步擴大在節能技術、高新技術產業、綠色低碳產業等低排放項目的對非投資規模,助力非洲國家優化能源結構和產業結構發展,發展綠氫和核能。中方支持非盟發展署-非洲發展新伙伴關系氣候韌性和適應中心運營。 | 19.?We support the role of the China-Africa Environmental Cooperation Center,?the China-Africa Marine Science and Blue Economy Cooperation Center?and?the China-Africa Geosciences Cooperation Center in promoting the implementation of projects such as the China-Africa Green Envoys Program,?the China-Africa Green Innovation Program?and the Africa Solar Belt Program. We welcome the positive role of?the China-African?Union Energy Partnership, and China will support African countries in better utilizing solar, hydro,?wind and other sources of renewable energy and will further expand investment?in Africa?in?energy-efficient technologies, new and high-tech industries, green and low-carbon industries?and other?low-emission projects to help African countries improve their energy mix and?industrial structure, and develop green hydrogen and nuclear energy. China supports the operationalization?of the AUDA-NEPAD Agency Center on Climate Resilience and Adaptation. | |
(二十)為抓住新一輪科技革命和產業變革的歷史性機遇,中方愿與非洲攜手加快發展新質生產力,共同強化科技創新和成果轉化,推進數字經濟和實體經濟深度融合。我們要攜手完善全球科技治理,營造包容、開放、公平、公正、非歧視的科技發展環境。我們強調和平利用科技是國際法賦予各國不可剝奪的權利,支持聯合國大會“在國際安全領域促進和平利用國際合作”決議,確保發展中國家充分享受和平利用科技的權利。我們贊賞聯合國大會協商一致通過“加強人工智能能力建設國際合作”決議。非方歡迎中方提出的《全球人工智能治理倡議》《全球數據安全倡議》,贊賞中方為增強發展中國家在人工智能、網絡、數據領域全球治理中的權利所作努力。中非雙方同意攜手努力,通過建立國家行為準則、發展數字掃盲等舉措,推動停止濫用人工智能。我們認為應堅持發展與安全并重原則,不斷彌合智能鴻溝、數字鴻溝,共同做好風險防范,探討形成以聯合國為主渠道的相關國際治理框架。我們歡迎2024年7月在上海舉行的世界人工智能大會暨人工智能全球治理高級別會議通過的《人工智能全球治理上海宣言》。我們歡迎2024年6月在拉巴特舉行的人工智能高級別論壇通過的《非洲人工智能共識宣言》。 | 20.?To seize the historic opportunity of the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, China will work with Africa to accelerate the development of new quality productive forces, jointly boost innovation and market application of scientific and technological advances, and push forward full integration of digital and real?economies. We will jointly improve global governance of science and technology and build an?inclusive,?open, fair, just and nondiscriminatory environment for the development of science and technology. We emphasize that the peaceful use of technology is an inalienable right conferred by international law on all countries, and support the U.N. General Assembly resolution entitled "Promoting International Cooperation on Peaceful Uses in the Context of International Security" to ensure that developing countries fully enjoy the right to the peaceful use of science and technology. We commend the U.N. General Assembly for adopting?by consensus?the resolution entitled "Enhancing International Cooperation on Capacity-Building of Artificial Intelligence." The African side welcomes China's Global AI Governance Initiative and Global Initiative on Data Security, and appreciates China's efforts to promote the rights of developing countries in the global governance of artificial intelligence?(AI), the Internet, and data. China and Africa agree to join hands to halt abuses of AI through adoption of measures including the establishment of national code of conduct and expansion of digital literacy. We believe it is important to place equal emphasis on development and security, further bridge the AI divide and the digital divide, jointly fend off risks, and explore the formation of relevant international governance frameworks with the U.N. as the main channel.?We welcome the Shanghai Declaration on Global AI Governance adopted at the World AI Conference & High-Level Meeting on Global AI Governance held in July 2024?in Shanghai. We welcome the African Consensus Declaration on Artificial Intelligence adopted at the High-Level Forum on Artificial Intelligence held in June?2024?in?Rabat. | |
四、全球安全倡議為中非維護國際和平與安全共同行動提供強勁動力 | IV The GSI:?Providing Strong Impetus for the Joint Action of China and Africa for?Maintaining?International Peace and Security | |
(二十一)我們愿秉持共同、綜合、合作、可持續的安全觀,攜手落實全球安全倡議,開展全球安全倡議先期合作。我們將攜手落實“攜手邁向持久和平、普遍安全的共同未來,為現代化發展提供堅實保障”高級別會議上達成的重要共識。我們堅持通過非洲方式解決非洲問題,共同推動落實“消弭非洲槍聲”倡議。中方將應非方請求積極參與針對地區熱點問題的斡旋調停,為非洲實現和平穩定作出積極貢獻。 | 21.?We will?stay committed to the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, work together to implement the GSI, and carry out early cooperation under?the Initiative.?We will work together to implement the consensus reached at the high-level meeting?themed?"Building a Common Future of?Lasting Peace and Universal Security and Providing Strong Safeguards?for Modernization." We stick to?solving African issues in the African way?and will jointly?implement the "Silencing the Guns in Africa" initiative.?China will actively participate in the mediation of regional hotspot issues when requested by Africa to make active contributions?to peace and stability in Africa. | |
我們認為“非洲和平與安全架構”是應對非洲大陸和平與安全挑戰和威脅的有力、理想的規范框架,呼吁國際社會支持該框架。非方贊賞中方提出“非洲之角和平發展構想”。我們重申在聯合國安理會層面密切涉非和平安全事務協作,維護共同利益。我們重申維護和平的重要性,以及聯合國維和行動在維護國際和非洲和平安全中發揮的作用。中方支持聯合國根據安理會第2719號決議為非洲自主維和行動提供資金支持。我們贊賞非方在非洲特別是非洲之角和薩赫勒地區打擊不斷增長的恐怖主義威脅的努力,呼吁推動全球反恐資源進一步向發展中國家傾斜,幫助非洲國家特別是受恐怖主義影響國家加強反恐能力建設。我們重申致力于應對非洲沿海國家面臨的新型海上安全威脅,打擊毒品、武器和人口販運等跨國有組織犯罪。中方支持非盟發展署-非洲發展新伙伴關系提出的和平、安全、發展三位一體計劃,將支持非盟沖突后重建和發展中心落實有關計劃。 | We view the African Peace and Security Architecture as a strong and ideal normative framework for addressing peace and security challenges and threats faced by?the African continent, and call on the international community to support this framework.?Africa appreciates China's proposal of the Outlook on Peace and Development in the Horn of Africa. We reiterate our readiness to enhance coordination on African peace and security affairs at the U.N. Security Council level and safeguard our common interests. We reiterate?the importance of peacekeeping?and the role that?U.N. peacekeeping operations play in safeguarding peace and security?in Africa and worldwide. China supports U.N. funding for Africa's independent peace operations?pursuant to U.N. Security Council Resolution 2719.?We?commend Africa's efforts to combat the growing scourge of terrorism in Africa, particularly in the Horn of Africa and the Sahel, and call for the channeling of more global counterterrorism resources to developing countries to help African countries, particularly those affected, enhance their counterterrorism capacity building. We reaffirm our commitment to tackle emerging maritime security challenges facing African littoral states, and combat transnational organized crimes such as drugs, weapons and human trafficking. China supports the initiative of AUDA-NEPAD to develop a program focused on the peace-security-development tripartite nexus, and will support the AU Center for Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development in the implementation of these programs. | |
(二十二)我們對本輪巴以沖突造成加沙地帶嚴重人道主義災難和對全球安全產生的負面影響深表關切,呼吁切實落實聯合國安理會和聯合國大會有關決議,立即實現停火止戰。中方贊賞非方為推動結束加沙沖突發揮的重要作用,包括推動停火止戰、釋放人質和增加人道主義援助。非方贊賞中方為支持巴勒斯坦人民正義事業所作巨大努力。我們重申基于“兩國方案”的整體解決的至關重要性,支持建立以1967年邊界為基礎、以東耶路撒冷為首都、享有完全主權的獨立的巴勒斯坦國,實現以色列和巴勒斯坦國和平共處。我們呼吁支持聯合國近東巴勒斯坦難民救濟和工程處繼續履行職責,避免因其中斷或停止工作而引發的人道主義、政治和安全風險。我們支持一切有利于和平解決烏克蘭危機的努力。我們呼吁國際社會不因巴以沖突、烏克蘭危機等問題減少對非洲的支持和投入,積極支持非洲國家應對糧食安全、氣候變化和能源危機等全球性挑戰。 | 22.?We are?gravely concerned about the serious humanitarian disaster in the Gaza Strip caused by the current Palestinian-Israeli conflict and its negative impact on global security, and call for earnest implementation of?the relevant resolutions of the U.N. Security Council and the U.N. General Assembly and immediate ceasefire and end of?the fighting. China commends Africa's important role in working for an end?to the conflict in Gaza, including efforts to reach a cessation of hostilities, realize release of hostages and increase the provision and distribution of humanitarian aid. Africa commends China's great efforts in supporting the just cause of the Palestinian people. We reiterate the crucial importance of achieving a comprehensive settlement on the basis of the two-State solution, and support the establishment of an independent State of Palestine that enjoys full sovereignty based on the 1967 borders and with East Jerusalem as its capital, based on which Israel and Palestine can live side by side in peace. We call for supporting UNRWA in upholding its mandate to avert the humanitarian, political and security risks that would result from any interruption or suspension of its work. We support all efforts conducive to the peaceful resolution of the Ukraine crisis. We call on the international community to not decrease support and input to Africa because of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the Ukraine crisis, and to actively support African countries in addressing food insecurity, climate change, energy crisis and other global challenges. | |
五、全球文明倡議為中非深化文化和文明對話共同行動注入生機活力 | V?The GCI:?Injecting Vitality into the Joint Action of China and Africa for?Deepening?Dialogue Among Cultures and Civilizations | |
(二十三)我們愿攜手落實全球文明倡議,加強文明交流,促進民心相通。非方高度評價中方在聯合國提出的“文明對話國際日”決議,愿共同倡導尊重文明多樣性,弘揚全人類共同價值,重視文明的傳承和創新,積極推動人文交流與合作。中方高度評價2024年非盟開展“教育適合21世紀的非洲人:建設具有韌性的教育體系,提升非洲包容、終身、高品質教育的入學率”主題年,通過“中非人才培養合作計劃”支持非洲實現教育現代化。中方鼓勵中國企業加強對所雇傭非洲員工的培訓和學歷教育。中非鼓勵終身學習,將繼續加強技術轉移、教育培訓等能力建設合作,共同培養面向治理現代化、面向經濟社會發展、面向科技創新增效、面向民生福祉改善的各類人才。我們將進一步擴大教育、科技、衛生、旅游、體育、青年、婦女、智庫、媒體和文化等領域交流合作,厚植中非友好事業的社會基礎。中方支持2026年在達喀爾舉行青年奧林匹克運動會。中非將加強科技、教育、經貿、文化、旅游等各領域人員往來。 | 23. We stand ready to implement the GCI, enhance exchanges among civilizations, and forge closer bonds between our peoples. Africa speaks highly of the resolution entitled "International Day for Dialogue among Civilizations" proposed by China at the U.N., and will work with China to advocate respect for the diversity of civilizations, champion humanity's common values, value the inheritance and innovation of civilizations, and actively promote people-to-people exchanges and cooperation. China highly commends the AU's launch of the year of education under?the theme?"Educate an African Fit for the 21st Century: Building Resilient Education Systems for Increased Access to Inclusive, Lifelong, Quality and Relevant Learning in Africa" in 2024 and supports Africa in realizing the modernization of education through the Plan for China-Africa Cooperation on Talent Development.?China encourages its companies to provide their African employees with more opportunities of training and education with diplomas. China and Africa encourage lifelong learning, and will continue to enhance cooperation?on capacity building including technology transfer and education and training, and jointly cultivate talents in all professions that are capable of advancing the modernization of governance capacity, boosting economic and social development, enhancing the efficiency of scientific and technological innovation, and improving people's well-being. We will further expand exchanges and cooperation in areas including education, science and technology, health, tourism, sports, youth, women, think tanks, media and culture, so as to cement public support for the friendship between China and Africa. China supports the hosting of the 2026 Summer Youth Olympic Games in Dakar. China and Africa will strengthen personnel exchanges in areas such as science, education, trade, culture and tourism. | |
(二十四)我們贊賞中非學者共同發表“中非達累斯薩拉姆共識”,圍繞如何應對當前全球性挑戰提出建設性思想,充分凝聚中非理念觀念共識。我們支持中非智庫加強交流合作,分享發展經驗。我們認為,文化合作是加強不同文明和文化間對話和相互理解的重要途徑。我們鼓勵中非文化機構建立友好關系,加強地方和民間文化交流。 | 24.?We commend Chinese and African scholars for jointly issuing the Africa-China Dar es Salaam Consensus, which puts forward constructive ideas on how to address current global challenges and forges consensus on visions and thinking between China and Africa. We support Chinese and African think tanks in enhancing exchanges and cooperation and sharing development experience. We recognize cultural cooperation as a major lever for strengthening dialogue and mutual understanding of the diverse civilizations and cultures. We encourage the fostering of friendly relations between Chinese and African cultural institutions to enhance cultural exchanges at the subnational level and among peoples. | |
六、中非合作論壇回顧與展望 | VI?FOCAC: Review and Outlook | |
(二十五)中非合作論壇自2000年成立以來,聚焦實現中非人民共同富裕與可持續發展,機制建設日臻完善,務實合作成果顯著,成為南南合作具有參考借鑒意義的獨特高效平臺,引領國際對非合作。我們高度評價2021年論壇第八屆部長級會議提出的“九項工程”、《達喀爾行動計劃(2022-2024)》《中非合作2035年愿景》《中非應對氣候變化合作宣言》各項后續行動落實取得豐碩成果,推動中非合作高質量發展。 | 25.?Since its establishment in 2000, FOCAC has focused on realizing common prosperity and sustainable development for the peoples of China and Africa. Its institutional building has been improved, and practical cooperation under the Forum has delivered remarkable outcomes. It has become an efficient and unique platform for South-South cooperation that offers reference and a forerunner of Africa's cooperation with the rest of the world. We highly commend the fruitful outcomes in the follow-up implementation of the nine programs proposed at the Eighth FOCAC Ministerial Conference in 2021, the Dakar Action Plan (2022-2024) of FOCAC, the China-Africa Cooperation Vision 2035, and the Declaration on China-Africa Cooperation on Combating Climate Change, which has served to?advance?high-quality development of China-Africa cooperation. | |
(二十六)我們贊賞雙方參加中非合作論壇第九屆部長級會議的部長們的不懈努力和出色工作。根據本宣言精神,通過了《中非合作論壇-北京行動計劃(2025-2027)》,中非雙方將繼續通過密切合作,確保行動計劃獲得一致全面落實。 | 26.?We commend the Ministers participating in the Ninth FOCAC Ministerial Conference for their dedicated efforts and outstanding work.?In the spirit of this Declaration, the Beijing Action Plan (2025-2027) of FOCAC?has been?adopted, and both sides will work closely for its consistent?and full implementation. | |
(二十七)我們感謝中華人民共和國主席習近平和塞內加爾共和國總統法耶共同主持2024年中非合作論壇北京峰會。 | 27.?We express gratitude to H.E. President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China and H.E. President Bassirou Diomaye Faye?of the Republic of Senegal for co-chairing the 2024 Beijing Summit of FOCAC. | |
(二十八)我們感謝塞內加爾共和國在2018年至2024年擔任論壇共同主席國期間對論壇發展和中非關系發展所作的貢獻。 | 28.?We express gratitude to the Republic of Senegal for the contribution it has made to FOCAC's development and China-Africa relations during its co-chairmanship from 2018 to 2024. | |
(二十九)我們感謝中華人民共和國政府和人民在2024年中非合作論壇北京峰會期間給予各方的熱情接待和便利。 | 29.?We express gratitude to the government and people of the People's Republic of China for the warm hospitality and excellent facilitation during the 2024 Beijing Summit of FOCAC. | |
(三十)我們歡迎剛果共和國在2024年至2027年、赤道幾內亞共和國在2027年至2030年先后接任論壇共同主席國。決定中非合作論壇第十屆部長級會議將于2027年在剛果共和國召開。 | 30.?We welcome the Republic of the Congo as the co-chair of FOCAC from 2024 to 2027 and the Republic of Equatorial Guinea as the co-chair from 2027 to 2030. The 10th FOCAC Ministerial Conference will be held in the Republic of the Congo in 2027.? | |
(來源:新華網) | (Source: Xinhua) |