4月6日,李薩在整理上色后的蠟染作品。現年25歲的河北唐山姑娘李薩自幼跟隨她的母親——唐山市市級非物質文化遺產蠟染技藝傳承人甘彩云學藝。大學畢業后,李薩選擇回鄉創業,成立了唐山市豐南區淼婆齋蠟染工作室,潛心研究蠟染技藝的傳承與創新。工作室被批準為唐山市市級非物質文化遺產技藝體驗基地,吸引了很多志同道合的年輕人加入。近年來,李薩在社區、學校、養老院等地開展了一系列蠟染公益體驗課程,深受群眾歡迎。她與工作室的伙伴們將蠟染技藝與現代居家生活相結合,創作出了一系列精美的蠟染文創產品,共同致力于傳承與發揚這項非遺技藝。[新華社記者 牟宇 攝]
Li Sa smooths out batik cloth in Tangshan, north China's Hebei Province, April 6, 2024. Li Sa, 25, has been learning batik making technique since a very young age from her mother Gan Caiyun, a municipal-level intangible cultural heritage inheritor of the crafts. After graduation from college, Li chose to start up her own business in her hometown Tangshan and set up a batik studio, devoting herself into the inheritance and creation of batik making technique. As a municipal-level intangible cultural heritage experience base, her studio has attracted many young talents. In recent years, Li has offered a series of voluntary and experiential courses in residential compounds, schools and nursing homes, as a way to pass down the batik technique. Integrating the aesthetics of modern life with the batik technique, the cultural and creative products her team designed are appreciated by the market. (Xinhua/Mu Yu)