國務院新聞辦公室9月26日發布《攜手構建人類命運共同體:中國的倡議與行動》白皮書。全文如下: | China's State Council Information Office on Tuesday released a white paper titled "A Global Community of Shared Future: China's Proposals and Actions." The following is the full text of the document: | |
攜手構建人類命運共同體:中國的倡議與行動 (2023年9月) 中華人民共和國 國務院新聞辦公室 | A Global Community of Shared Future: China's Proposals and Actions The State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China September 2023 | |
目錄 | Contents | |
前言 | Preface | |
一、人類站在歷史的十字路口 | I. Humanity at a Crossroads | |
(一)相互依存是歷史大勢 (二)全球性挑戰需要全球性應對 (三)新時代呼喚新理念 | 1. Interdependence is the prevailing trend throughout history 2. Global challenges call for global response 3. The new era calls for new ideas | |
二、解答時代之問,描繪未來愿景 | II. An Answer to the Call of the Times and a Blueprint for the Future | |
(一)確立國際關系新思路 (二)彰顯全球治理新特征 (三)開創國際交往新格局 (四)共建美好世界新愿景 | 1. Introducing a new approach to international relations 2. Highlighting the new features of global governance 3. Opening up new prospects for international exchanges 4. Outlining a new vision for building a better world | |
三、扎根深厚歷史文化土壤 | III. Deep Roots in History and Cultural Traditions | |
(一)傳承中華優秀傳統文化 (二)體現中國共產黨的世界情懷 (三)弘揚新中國外交優良傳統 (四)兼收并蓄人類優秀文明成果 | 1. Inheriting the best of traditional Chinese culture 2. Showcasing the global vision of the Communist Party of China 3. Promoting the fine diplomatic traditions of New China 4. Incorporating the outstanding achievements of other civilizations | |
四、既有目標方向,也有實現路徑 | IV. Direction and Path | |
(一)推動新型經濟全球化 (二)走和平發展道路 (三)構建新型國際關系 (四)踐行真正的多邊主義 (五)弘揚全人類共同價值 | 1. Pressing ahead with a new type of economic globalization 2. Following a peaceful development path 3. Fostering a new type of international relations 4. Practicing true multilateralism 5. Promoting the common values of humanity | |
五、中國既是倡導者也是行動派 | V. China's Action and Contribution | |
(一)推動高質量共建“一帶一路” (二)落實“三大全球倡議” (三)與越來越多的國家和地區共同行動 (四)為各領域國際合作注入強勁動力 | 1. Promoting high-quality Belt and Road cooperation 2. Implementing the three global initiatives 3. Working with more countries and regions 4. Boosting international cooperation in all areas | |
結束語 | Conclusion | |
前言 | Preface | |
宇宙只有一個地球,人類共有一個家園。 但是,我們賴以生存的星球正面臨前所未有的巨大危機——既有已知的,更有未知的;既有可預測的,更有不可預測的。人類文明存亡已是必須面對的現實課題。越來越多的人意識到,相對于物質財富的積累,尤為緊迫的是,要本著對人類命運的終極關懷,找到人類文明永續發展的精神指引。 | In the universe there is only one Earth, the shared home of humanity. Unfortunately, this planet on which we rely for our subsistence is facing immense and unprecedented crises, both known and unknown, both foreseeable and unforeseeable. Whether human civilization can survive these has become an existential issue that must be squarely faced. More and more people have come to the realization that rather than amassing material wealth, the most pressing task is to find a guiding beacon for the sustainable development of human civilization, because we all care about our future. | |
10年前,習近平主席提出構建人類命運共同體理念,目的就是回答“人類向何處去”的世界之問、歷史之問、時代之問,為彷徨求索的世界點亮前行之路,為各國人民走向攜手同心共護家園、共享繁榮的美好未來貢獻中國方案。 | Ten years ago President Xi Jinping propounded the idea of building a global community of shared future, answering a question raised by the world, by history, and by the times: "Where is humanity headed?" His proposal lights the path forward as the world fumbles for solutions, and represents China's contribution to global efforts to protect our shared home and create a better future of prosperity for all. | |
構建人類命運共同體,就是每個民族、每個國家、每個人的前途命運都緊緊聯系在一起,應該風雨同舟,榮辱與共,努力把我們生于斯、長于斯的星球建成一個和睦的大家庭,推動建設持久和平、普遍安全、共同繁榮、開放包容、清潔美麗的世界,把各國人民對美好生活的向往變成現實。 | To build a global community of shared future, all peoples, all countries, and all individuals – our destinies being interconnected – must stand together in adversity and through thick and thin, navigating towards greater harmony on this planet that we call home. We should endeavor to build an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security, and common prosperity, turning people's longing for a better life into reality. | |
構建人類命運共同體理念,著眼全人類的福祉,既有現實思考,又有未來前瞻;既描繪了美好愿景,又提供了實踐路徑和行動方案;既關乎人類的前途,也攸關每一個體的命運。 | The vision of a global community of shared future bears in mind the wellbeing of all humanity. It is based on both observation of the present and visionary planning for the future. It lays out goals, charts the path, and offers action plans to achieve them. It concerns the future of humanity and the destiny of every human being. | |
10年來,構建人類命運共同體的理念不斷豐富和發展。從習近平主席2013年在莫斯科國際關系學院首次提出,到2015年在第七十屆聯大一般性辯論上提出“五位一體”總體框架①,再到2017年在聯合國日內瓦總部提出建設“五個世界”的總目標②,人類命運共同體理念的思想內涵不斷深化拓展。 | President Xi Jinping first raised the vision of a global community of shared future when addressing the Moscow State Institute of International Relations in 2013. Over the past decade it has been steadily enriched. He fleshed it out with a five-point proposal in his speech at the General Debate of the 70th Session of the UN General Assembly in 2015. He further proposed five goals for the world in his speech at the United Nations Office in Geneva in 2017. This represents the steady increase in the depth and scope of the vision. | |
10年來,構建人類命運共同體的實踐穩步推進。從雙邊到多邊,從區域到全球,這一理念取得全方位、開創性的豐碩成果,共建“一帶一路”倡議、全球發展倡議、全球安全倡議、全球文明倡議落地生根,給世界帶來的是繁榮穩定的巨大紅利,創造的是扎扎實實的民生福祉。 | The past decade has seen steady progress in implementing the vision. From bilateral to multilateral and from regional to global dimensions, ground-breaking results have been achieved on every front. The Belt and Road Initiative, the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, and the Global Civilization Initiative have taken root and borne fruits, bringing prosperity and stability to the world and creating substantive benefits for the people. | |
10年來,構建人類命運共同體的觀念日益深入人心。越來越多國家和人民認識到,這一理念符合全人類共同利益,反映了世界人民追求和平、正義、進步的心聲,匯聚了各國人民共建美好世界的最大公約數。國際社會普遍認為,人類命運共同體理念超越利己主義和保護主義,打破了個別國家唯我獨尊的霸權思維,反映出中國對人類發展方向的獨到見解,對于推動各國團結合作、共創人類美好未來具有重要意義。 | Over the past decade, the vision of a global community of shared future has gained broader support. More countries and people have come to the understanding that this vision serves the common interests of humanity, represents popular calls for peace, justice and progress, and can create the greatest synergy among all nations for building a better world. It is now widely recognized in the international community that the vision has nothing to do with self-interest and protectionism. Instead, by presenting China's vision of the course of human development, it confronts the hegemonic thinking of certain countries that seek supremacy. It is therefore of great significance to promote solidarity and cooperation among all countries and create a better future for humanity. | |
為全面介紹構建人類命運共同體的思想內涵和生動實踐,增進國際社會了解和理解,凝聚廣泛共識,更好與各國攜手構建人類命運共同體,中國政府特發布本白皮書。 | The Chinese government is publishing this white paper to introduce the theoretical base, practice and development of a global community of shared future. We hope it will improve understanding and expand consensus in the international community, and reinforce the global effort to realize this vision. | |
一、人類站在歷史的十字路口 | I. Humanity at a Crossroads | |
我們所處的是一個充滿希望的時代,也是一個充滿挑戰的時代。站在歷史的十字路口,是團結還是分裂,是開放還是封閉,是合作還是對抗?如何抉擇,關乎人類整體利益,也考驗著各國的智慧。 | This is an era of promise, and an era of challenges. At yet another crossroads in history, we have to choose between unity and division, between opening up and closing off, between cooperation and confrontation. With the overall interests of humanity at stake, this choice tests the wisdom of all countries. | |
(一)相互依存是歷史大勢 | 1. Interdependence is the prevailing trend throughout history | |
從人類社會發展史看,人類從原始社會一路走來,經歷了農業革命、工業革命、信息革命,但無論生產力如何發展進步,都沒有改變一個最根本的現實:地球是人類賴以生存的唯一家園。各國有責任共同呵護地球的安全,守護人類的未來。如果為了爭權奪利而惡性競爭甚至兵戎相見,最終只會走上自我毀滅的道路。 | In its history, humanity has progressed from primitive society to the Agricultural Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, and now the Information Revolution. While this process has seen a steep increase in productivity, one fundamental reality has remained unchanged: The Earth is our one and only home. All countries bear responsibility for the safety of this planet and the future of humanity. If the pursuit of power and profit escalates to vicious competition or even armed conflict, self-destruction will be the certain outcome. | |
自古以來,人類最樸素的愿望就是和平與發展。經歷過戰爭和沖突的洗禮,尤其是遭受兩次世界大戰的浩劫后,世界各國人民珍視和平、擴大合作、共同發展的意識顯著提升,人類大家庭的觀念更加深入人心,人們對共同體的向往和追求更加殷切。 | Throughout history, peace and development have been the primary aspirations of humanity. Having experienced the ravages of wars and conflicts, especially the two world wars, people around the globe have built a keener awareness of cherishing peace, expanding cooperation, and seeking common development. The idea that "we are all one human family" is gaining traction, and the desire for a global community grows stronger than ever. | |
全球化在世界范圍內優化了資本、信息、技術、勞動、管理等生產要素的配置,把一個個孤立的小湖泊、小河流連成了汪洋大海,各民族自給自足的原始封閉狀態被打破,市場成為了世界市場,歷史也隨之成為世界歷史。 | Globalization has improved the allocation of production factors worldwide, including capital, information, technology, labor and management. As if connecting scattered lakes and creeks into an uninterrupted expanse of water, it draws nations out of isolation and away from the obsolete model of self-reliance, merging their individual markets into a global one and combining their respective experiences into world history. | |
在信息化日新月異的今天,互聯網、大數據、量子計算、人工智能迅猛發展。人類交往的世界性比過去任何時候都更深入、更廣泛,各國相互聯系和彼此依存比過去任何時候都更頻繁、更緊密。全球化不是選擇,而是現實,甚至成為一種生活方式。地球村正變得越來越“小”,放眼寰宇,地球上最遙遠的距離也不超過24小時的直飛航程。世界也正變得越來越“平”,點一點手機屏幕,就可以瞬時鏈接到世界的另一端。一體化的世界就在那兒,誰拒絕這個世界,這個世界也會拒絕他。 | As information technology advances with every passing day, most prominently in the fields of Internet, big data, quantum computing, and artificial intelligence, human exchanges have become deeper, broader, and more extensive than ever before, and countries are more interconnected and interdependent than at any point in the past. Globalization is not an option; it is the reality and the way of life. The global village is getting smaller – the longest distance between two places on earth has been reduced to a flight of no greater than 24 hours, and our planet is becoming flat – one tap on a mobile phone connects us to the other side of the world in a split second. This is an integrated world. Those who turn their back on it will have no place in it. | |
生活在同一片藍天下,無論近鄰還是遠交,無論大國還是小國,無論發達國家還是發展中國家,正日益形成利益交融、安危與共的利益共同體、責任共同體、命運共同體。只有人類整體命運得以關照,每個國家、每個民族、每個人的美好希望才能實現。不管前途是晴是雨,攜手合作、互利共贏是唯一正確選擇。 | Living on the same planet, all countries, adjacent or distant, large or small, developed or developing, are members of an emerging community of shared interests, responsibility, and destiny, whose wellbeing and security are interrelated. Only when appropriate attention is paid to the collective future of humanity is it possible that the wishes of every country, people and individual come true. Whatever we may encounter on our journey ahead, the only right choice is to work together for the benefit of all. | |
(二)全球性挑戰需要全球性應對 | 2. Global challenges call for global response | |
當今世界正處于百年未有之大變局,各種新舊問題與復雜矛盾疊加碰撞、交織發酵。人類社會面臨前所未有的挑戰,不穩定、不確定、難預料成為常態。 | Our world is undergoing change on a scale unseen in a century. Various problems old and new and complex issues are converging with and compounding each other, posing unprecedented challenges for human society. Instability, uncertainty, and unpredictability are now the norm. | |
和平赤字不斷加深。第二次世界大戰結束以來,人類社會維持了70多年的總體和平,但威脅世界和平的因素仍在積聚。歐亞大陸戰火重燃,局勢持續緊張,熱點問題此起彼伏,軍備競賽陰霾不散,核戰爭的“達摩克利斯之劍”高懸,世界面臨重新陷入對抗甚至戰爭的風險。 | The peace deficit is growing. Though human society has largely maintained peace since the end of World War II, threats to world peace continue to amass. War has returned to the Eurasian continent, tensions are rising, and a series of flashpoints are emerging. The shadow of the arms race lingers on, and the threat of nuclear war – the Sword of Damocles that hangs over humanity – remains. Our world is at risk of plunging into confrontation and even war. | |
發展赤字持續擴大。全球經濟復蘇乏力,單邊主義、保護主義肆虐,一些國家構筑“小院高墻”、強推“脫鉤斷鏈”、鼓噪供應鏈“去風險”,經濟全球化遭遇逆流。新冠疫情吞噬全球發展成果,南北差距、發展斷層、技術鴻溝等問題更加突出。人類發展指數30年來首次下降,世界新增1億多貧困人口,近8億人生活在饑餓之中。 | The development deficit is ballooning. The global economic recovery is sluggish, and unilateralism and protectionism are rampant. Some countries are turning to a "small yard, high fence" approach to wall themselves off; they are pushing for decoupling, severing and "derisking" supply chains. All this has caused setbacks to globalization. At the same time the Covid-19 pandemic has reversed global development, exacerbating the North-South gap, development fault lines, and the technology divide. The Human Development Index has declined for the first time in 30 years. The world's poor population has increased by more than 100 million, and nearly 800 million people live in hunger. | |
安全赤字日益凸顯。國際戰略競爭日趨激烈,大國之間信任缺失,冷戰思維卷土重來,意識形態對抗老調重彈,恃強凌弱、巧取豪奪、零和博弈等霸權霸道霸凌行徑危害深重,恐怖主義、網絡攻擊、跨國犯罪、生物安全等非傳統安全挑戰上升。 | The security deficit is glaring. Due to more intense global strategic competition and a lack of mutual trust between major countries, the Cold War mindset has re-emerged, and calls for ideological confrontation have resurfaced. Some countries' hegemonic, abusive, and aggressive actions against others, in the form of swindling, plundering, oppression, and the zero-sum game, are causing great harm. Non-traditional security challenges are on the rise, including terrorism, cyber-attacks, transnational crime, and biological threats. | |
治理赤字更加嚴峻。世界正面臨多重治理危機,能源危機、糧食危機、債務危機等不斷加劇;全球氣候治理緊迫性凸顯,綠色低碳轉型任重道遠;數字鴻溝日益擴大,人工智能治理缺位。新冠疫情像一面鏡子,折射出全球治理體系這臺機器越來越滯后于時代,甚至在一些問題上運轉失靈,亟待改革完善。 | The governance deficit is more severe. The world is facing multiple governance crises. The energy crisis, food crisis, and debt crisis are intensifying. Global climate governance is urgently needed, and the transition to green, low-carbon development requires dedicated efforts over an extended period of time. The digital divide continues to expand, and sound governance of artificial intelligence is lacking. The Covid-19 pandemic is a mirror through which we have observed that the global governance system is falling further behind the times and keeps breaking down on issues requiring resolution. It has to be reformed and improved. | |
面對全球性危機,各國不是乘坐在190多條小船上,而是乘坐在一條命運與共的大船上。小船經不起風浪,只有巨艦才能頂住驚濤駭浪。任何一國即使再強大也無法包打天下,必須開展全球合作。各國應攜起手來,把“我”融入“我們”,共同構建人類命運共同體,才能共渡難關、共創未來。 | In the face of global crises, the 190-plus countries in the world are all in the same big boat. Only big boats can withstand battering winds and crashing waves. No country, however strong it may be, can do everything on its own. We must engage in global cooperation. Only when all countries work together, only when we align individual interests with the interests of all, and only when we truly build a global community of shared future, can humanity tide through the crises confronting us and sail towards a better future. | |
(三)新時代呼喚新理念 | 3. The new era calls for new ideas | |
我們所處的是一個風云變幻的時代,面對的是一個日新月異的世界。傳統國際關系理論越來越難以解釋今天的世界、無法破解人類面臨的困局,國強必霸、崇尚實力、零和博弈等思維越來越不符合時代前進的方向。人類社會亟需符合時代特征、順應歷史潮流的新理念。 | This is an era when the world is undergoing rapid changes almost every day. We can no longer interpret the reality we are living in or find satisfactory solutions to the conundrums we are facing by means of traditional approaches to international relations. It is increasingly obvious that the idea that "all strong countries will seek hegemony", the obsession with superior strength, and the zero-sum mentality are in conflict with the needs of our times. Humanity is in great need of new ideas that generate positive developments and conform to positive historical trends. | |
“國強必霸”并非繞不開的歷史定律。“國強必霸”本質是典型的霸權主義思維,反映的是歷史上大國霸權戰爭的災難性實踐。中國從不認同“國強必霸”,我們的歷史智慧是“國霸必衰”。中國發展振興靠的是自身努力,而非侵略擴張。中國所做的一切都是為了本國人民過上更加幸福的生活,為世界人民提供發展機會,而不是要取代誰、打敗誰。 | There is no iron law that dictates that a rising power will inevitably seek hegemony. This assumption represents typical hegemonic thinking and is grounded in memories of catastrophic wars between hegemonic powers in the past. China has never accepted that once a country becomes strong enough, it will invariably seek hegemony. China understands the lesson of history – that hegemony preludes decline. We pursue development and revitalization through our own efforts, rather than invasion or expansion. And everything we do is for the purpose of providing a better life for our people, all the while creating more development opportunities for the entire world, not in order to supersede or subjugate others. | |
“弱肉強食”不是人類共存之道。這一邏輯將自然界的叢林法則簡單移植到人類社會,信奉權力至上,從根本上破壞了國家主權平等原則和世界和平穩定。全球化時代你中有我、我中有你,決定了弱肉強食、贏者通吃是一條越走越窄的死胡同,包容普惠、互利共贏才是越走越寬的人間正道。中國一向主張公平正義,堅持在和平共處五項原則基礎上同各國發展友好合作,致力于推進國際關系民主化。 | The strong preying on the weak is not a way for humans to coexist. If the law of the jungle is imposed on human society, and the idea that "might makes right" prevails, the principle of sovereign equality will be fundamentally undermined, and world peace and stability will be severely endangered. In the age of globalization, all countries are interdependent and interconnected. Therefore the law of the jungle and the winner-takes-all mindset will lead nowhere – inclusive development for the benefit of all is the right path forward. China has consistently championed equity and justice, and remains committed to friendly cooperation with other countries, on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, in order to advance democracy in international relations. | |
“你輸我贏”的零和游戲終將玩不轉。一些國家抱守零和思維,片面追求絕對安全和壟斷優勢,這既無助于本國的長遠發展,也對世界和平與繁榮構成嚴重威脅。任何國家都不應盼著別人輸,而要致力于同他國一道贏。中國始終把自身發展和世界發展統一起來,始終把中國人民利益同各國人民共同利益結合起來。世界好,中國才能好;中國好,世界才更好。 | The zero-sum game in which one wins by causing others to lose is doomed to fail. Nevertheless, certain countries still cling to this mindset, blindly pursuing absolute security and monopolistic advantages. This will do nothing for their development over the long run; it will simply create a major threat to world peace and prosperity. No country should hope for others to fail. Instead, it should work together with other countries for the success of all. China consistently aligns its development with global development, and aligns the interests of the Chinese people with the common interests of all peoples around the world. When the world thrives, China thrives, and vice versa. | |
二、解答時代之問,描繪未來愿景 | II. An Answer to the Call of the Times and a Blueprint for the Future | |
站在何去何從的十字路口,人類面臨兩種截然不同的取向:一種是重拾冷戰思維,挑動分裂對立,制造集團對抗;另一種是從人類共同福祉出發,致力團結合作,倡導開放共贏,踐行平等尊重。兩種取向、兩種選擇的博弈和較量,將深刻影響人類和地球的未來。 | Standing at a crossroads, humanity is faced with two opposing options. One is to revert to the Cold War mentality that deepens division and antagonism and stokes confrontation between blocs. The other is to act for the common wellbeing of humanity, strengthen solidarity and cooperation, advocate openness and win-win results, and promote equality and respect. The tug of war between these two options will shape the future of humanity and our planet in a profound way. | |
構建人類命運共同體,堅持開放包容,堅持互利共贏,堅持公道正義,不是以一種制度代替另一種制度,不是以一種文明代替另一種文明,而是不同社會制度、不同意識形態、不同歷史文化、不同發展水平的國家在國際事務中利益共生、權利共享、責任共擔。構建人類命運共同體理念,站在歷史正確的一邊,站在人類進步的一邊,為國際關系確立新思路,為全球治理提供新智慧,為國際交往開創新格局,為美好世界描繪新愿景。 | To build a global community of shared future is to pursue openness, inclusiveness, mutual benefit, equity and justice. The goal is not to replace one system or civilization with another. Instead, it is about countries with different social systems, ideologies, histories, cultures and levels of development coming together to promote shared interests, shared rights, and shared responsibilities in global affairs. The vision of a global community of shared future stands on the right side of history and on the side of human progress. It introduces a new approach for international relations, provides new ideas for global governance, opens up new prospects for international exchanges, and draws a new blueprint for a better world. | |
(一)確立國際關系新思路 | 1. Introducing a new approach to international relations | |
現行國際秩序面臨多重挑戰,一些國家奉行實力至上的邏輯,恃強凌弱、巧取豪奪、零和博弈大行其道,發展鴻溝加劇,安全赤字加重,結盟對抗、封閉排他的做法與多極化的發展方向背道而馳,與冷戰結束后的國際關系走向格格不入。特別是隨著一大批新興市場國家和發展中國家的崛起,現行國際秩序不適應時代發展的一面更加凸顯?!敖ㄔO一個什么樣的世界、如何建設這個世界”成為關乎人類前途命運的重大課題。 | The current international order is facing a myriad of challenges. Some countries, holding to the notion of might makes right, willfully engage in bullying, plundering and zero-sum competition. The development gap is widening and the deficit in security is growing. The isolationist and exclusive practice of alliance-based confrontation runs counter to the trend towards multipolarity and the evolution of international relations in the post-Cold War era. Especially with the rise of a large number of emerging market and developing countries, the current international order is increasingly out of step with the changing times. "What kind of world we need and how to build such a world" has become a vital question with the future of humanity at stake. | |
面對時代之問,中國的回答是構建人類命運共同體。人類命運共同體,就是每個民族、每個國家的前途命運都緊緊聯系在一起,應該風雨同舟、榮辱與共、和諧共生、合作共贏。這一理念源于對國家交往關系的合理性設計,源于國際社會的普遍共識和共同期盼,也源于中國的大國責任和擔當。 | China's answer to this question of the times is to build a global community of shared future. It means that with their futures closely interlocked, all nations and countries should stick together, share weal and woe, live together in harmony, and engage in mutually beneficial cooperation. The idea is based on a reasonable design for state-to-state relations. It reflects the general consensus and common expectations of the international community, and demonstrates China's sense of duty as a responsible major country. | |
在地球村里,全人類是一個命運與共的大家庭,國與國之間利益交匯、命運交織、休戚與共,越來越成為你中有我、我中有你的命運共同體。人類命運共同體理念超越了集團政治的“小圈子”規則,超越了實力至上的邏輯,超越了少數西方國家定義的“普世價值”,順應時代潮流,倡導全球協作,推動國際秩序朝著更加公正合理的方向發展。 | In this global village, all human beings are one big family. With their interests intertwined and futures interlocked, countries are turning into a community of shared future. Such a vision rises above the exclusive rules of bloc politics, the notion of might makes right, and the "universal values" defined by a handful of Western countries. It conforms to the trend of the times, echoes the call for global cooperation, and contributes to a more just and equitable international order. | |
(二)彰顯全球治理新特征 | 2. Highlighting the new features of global governance | |
人類命運共同體理念主張世界各國同呼吸、共命運,具有開放包容、公平正義、和諧共處、多元互鑒、團結協作的鮮明特征。 | The concept of a global community of shared future holds that all countries share a common future, and envisions a world characterized by openness and inclusiveness, equity and justice, harmonious coexistence, diversity and mutual learning, and unity and cooperation. | |
——開放包容。不以意識形態劃線,不針對特定的對象,不拉幫結派,不搞排他的“小圈子”,海納百川,有容乃大。主張國際關系民主化,世界的命運應該由各國共同掌握,國際規則應該由各國共同書寫,全球事務應該由各國共同治理,發展成果應該由各國共同分享。 | – Openness and inclusiveness. Countries should not draw lines based on ideology, target specific countries, or gang up to form exclusive blocs. The ocean is vast because it admits all rivers. To build a global community of shared future, countries should advance democracy in international relations to make sure that the future of the world is determined by all, that international rules are written by all, that global affairs are governed by all, and that the fruits of development are shared by all. | |
——公平正義。世界要公道不要霸道,任何國家都沒有包攬國際事務、主宰他國命運、壟斷發展優勢的權力。要維護以國際法為基礎的國際秩序,維護國際法治權威,確保國際法平等統一適用,不能搞雙重標準,不能“合則用、不合則棄”。 | – Equity and justice. The world needs justice, not hegemonism. No country has the right to dominate global affairs, dictate the future of others, or monopolize development advantages. Countries should safeguard the international order based on international law, uphold the authority of the international rule of law, and ensure equal and unified application of international law. The practice of double standards or selective application of law should be rejected. | |
——和諧共處。各國在求同存異的前提下實現和平共處、共同發展。地球不是國家角力的競技場,而是人類共存的大舞臺。各國發展和而不同,是有差異、多樣性的協調和統一,世界發展的活力恰恰在于這種多樣性的共存。 | – Harmonious coexistence. Countries should strive to achieve peaceful coexistence and common development by seeking common ground while reserving differences. Planet Earth is not an arena for wrestling between countries, but a stage for human coexistence. Despite their differences and diverse features, countries can develop together in harmony and unity, and it is precisely such diversity that gives strength to global development. | |
——多元互鑒。不同歷史和國情、不同民族和習俗,孕育了不同文明。人類文明多樣性是世界基本特征,不同文明交流互鑒是推動人類進步的重要動力。我們應當相互尊重,攜手推動不同文明在交流互鑒中熠熠生輝。 | – Diversity and mutual learning. Different histories, national conditions, ethnic groups, and customs have given birth to diverse civilizations. Diversity of human civilizations is a basic feature of our world. Mutual learning among civilizations provides important impetus to human progress. Countries should respect one another and jointly pursue common development through exchanges and mutual learning. | |
——團結協作。倡導“計利當計天下利”。關起門來搞建設,只能越搞越窮。從“本國優先”的角度看,世界是狹小擁擠的,時時都是“激烈競爭”;從命運與共的角度看,世界是寬廣博大的,處處都有合作機遇。單打獨斗已無法應對全球性的發展難題,各國通力合作才是唯一選擇。 | – Unity and cooperation. Countries should act for the greater good. Pursuing development behind closed doors can only result in poverty. Viewed from a "country-first" perspective, the world is small and crowded, and locked in "fierce competition"; viewed from the perspective of a shared future, the world is vast, and full of opportunities for cooperation. No country can overcome global development challenges on its own. Cooperation among all countries is the only viable option. | |
(三)開創國際交往新格局 | 3. Opening up new prospects for international exchanges | |
中國提出構建人類命運共同體“五位一體”總體框架,包括伙伴關系、安全格局、發展前景、文明交流、生態體系等五個方面,開創了國際交往的新格局。 | China has made a five-point proposal for building a global community of shared future in the areas of partnerships, security environment, development, inter-civilization exchanges, and ecosystem. This has opened up new prospects for international exchanges. | |
建立平等相待、互商互諒的伙伴關系格局。聯合國憲章貫穿主權平等原則。世界各國一律平等,不能以大壓小、以強凌弱、以富欺貧。堅持多邊主義,不搞單邊主義;應奉行雙贏、多贏、共贏的新理念,取代你輸我贏、贏者通吃的舊思維。應在國際和區域層面建設全球伙伴關系,走出一條“對話而不對抗,結伴而不結盟”的國與國交往新路。大國之間相處,要不沖突不對抗、相互尊重、合作共贏。大國與小國相處,要平等相待,踐行正確義利觀,義利相兼,義重于利。 | We should build partnerships in which countries treat each other as equals, engage in extensive consultation, and enhance mutual understanding. The principle of sovereign equality runs through the UN Charter. All countries are equals. The big, the mighty and the wealthy should not bully the small, the weak and the poor. We should uphold multilateralism and reject unilateralism. We should replace the outdated mindset of winner takes all with a new vision of seeking win-win outcomes for all. We should forge global partnerships at both international and regional levels, and embrace a new approach to state-to-state relations, one founded on dialogue rather than confrontation and that seeks partnership rather than alliance. In handling their relations, major countries should follow the principles of no conflict, no confrontation, mutual respect, and win-win cooperation. Big countries should treat small countries as equals and take the right approach to friendship and interests, pursuing both friendship and interests and putting friendship first. | |
建立公道正義、共建共享的安全格局。在經濟全球化時代,各國安全相互關聯、彼此影響。沒有一個國家能憑一己之力謀求自身絕對安全,也沒有一個國家可以從別國的動蕩中收獲穩定。“弱肉強食”是叢林法則,不是相處之道。窮兵黷武是霸道做法,只能搬起石頭砸自己的腳。應摒棄一切形式的冷戰思維,樹立共同、綜合、合作、可持續的安全觀。 | We should create a security environment featuring fairness, justice, joint efforts, and shared interests. In the age of economic globalization, the security of all countries is interlinked, and each has an impact on the others. No country can maintain absolute security on its own, and no country can achieve stability by destabilizing others. The law of the jungle leaves the weak at the mercy of the strong; it is not the way for countries to conduct their relations. Those who choose to oppress will invite harm to themselves, like lifting a rock only to drop it on their own feet. We should reject Cold War mentality in all its manifestation, and foster a new vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security. | |
建立開放創新、包容互惠的發展格局。大家一起發展才是真發展,可持續發展才是好發展。實現這一目標,就應秉承開放精神,推進互幫互助、互惠互利。世界長期發展不可能建立在一批國家越來越富裕而另一批國家卻長期貧窮落后的基礎之上。應把發展置于國際議程的突出位置,減少全球發展的不平等和不平衡,不讓任何一個國家、任何一個人掉隊。 | We should promote open, innovative and inclusive development that benefits all. Development is meaningful only when it is inclusive and sustainable. To achieve such development requires openness, mutual assistance and mutually beneficial relations. Long-term global development cannot be founded on one group of countries becoming increasingly prosperous while another group of countries remain chronically poor and backward. Development should be placed high on the international agenda, and efforts should be made to reduce inequality and imbalance in global development, leaving no country or individual behind. | |
建立和而不同、兼收并蓄的文明交流格局。世界上共有200多個國家和地區,2500多個民族和多種宗教。人類文明多樣性賦予這個世界姹紫嫣紅的色彩,多樣帶來交流,交流孕育融合,融合產生進步。只有堅持弘揚平等、互鑒、對話、包容的文明觀,在多樣中相互尊重、彼此借鑒、和諧共存,這個世界才能豐富多彩、欣欣向榮。要尊重各種文明,平等相待,互學互鑒,兼收并蓄,推動人類文明實現創造性發展。 | We should increase inter-civilization exchanges to promote harmony, inclusiveness, and respect for differences. There are more than 200 countries and regions, over 2,500 ethnic groups and a vast number of religions in our world. Such cultural diversity is what makes the world colorful. Diversity breeds exchanges, exchanges lead to integration, and integration brings progress. Only by upholding the equality, mutual learning, dialogue and inclusiveness of civilizations, and working for mutual respect, experience sharing, and harmonious coexistence while preserving diversity, can the world maintain its diversity and thrive. We should respect all civilizations, treat each other as equals, and draw inspiration from each other to boost the creative development of human civilization. | |
建立尊崇自然、綠色發展的生態格局。人類可以利用自然、改造自然,但歸根結底是自然的一部分,必須呵護自然,不能凌駕于自然之上。要解決好工業文明帶來的矛盾,以人與自然和諧相處為目標,實現世界的可持續發展和人的全面發展。牢固樹立尊重自然、順應自然、保護自然的意識,堅持走綠色、低碳、循環、可持續發展之路。 | We should build an ecosystem that puts Mother Nature and green development first. Humanity may have the ability to utilize nature and even transform it, but it is still a part of nature. We should care for nature and not place ourselves above it. We should reconcile industrial development with nature, and pursue harmony between humanity and nature to achieve sustainable global development and all-round human development. We should respect nature, follow its ways, and protect it. We should firmly pursue green, low-carbon, circular and sustainable development. | |
(四)共建美好世界新愿景 | 4. Outlining a new vision for building a better world | |
中國提出,推動建設一個持久和平、普遍安全、共同繁榮、開放包容、清潔美麗的世界。從“五位一體”總體框架到“五個世界”總目標,人類命運共同體理念實現了歷史視野的再拓展、思想內涵的再深化,為人類未來錨定了更明確的目標、描繪了更清晰的圖景。 | China proposes to build an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, common security, and common prosperity. From "the five-point proposal" to "the five goals", the concept of a global community of shared future has gained a broader historical perspective and deeper meaning, and set a clearer goal and drawn a clearer blueprint for the future of humanity. | |
堅持對話協商,建設一個持久和平的世界,就是告別戰爭之劍,永鑄和平之犁。聯合國教科文組織總部大樓前的石碑上,鐫刻著這樣一句話,“戰爭起源于人之思想,故務需于人之思想中筑起保衛和平之屏障”。人類歷史上由于執迷強國爭霸導致戰爭頻仍、生靈涂炭,教訓慘痛而深刻,要從思想上拔除這些誘發戰爭的引信。大國對小國要平等相待,不搞唯我獨尊、強買強賣的霸道。任何國家都不能隨意制造動蕩戰亂,不能破壞國際法治,不能打開潘多拉的盒子。要尊重彼此主權和領土完整,尊重彼此核心利益和重大關切,尊重各國人民自主選擇的發展道路和社會制度。 | We should build a world of lasting peace through dialogue and consultation. It means beating the swords of war into the plowshares of peace. The stone wall at the entrance to the UNESCO headquarters carries the inscription of one single message: "Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed." Throughout human history, obsession with power and hegemony has led to frequent wars and loss of lives. The lessons are painful and profound, and we need to remove the fuses of war from our minds. Big countries should treat the smaller ones as equals instead of seeking unilateral dominance or imposing their will on others. No country should open Pandora's box by willfully provoking turmoil and armed conflict or undermining the international rule of law. Countries should respect each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity, respect each other's core interests and major concerns, and respect the development path and social system chosen by other peoples. | |
堅持共建共享,建設一個普遍安全的世界,就是告別絕對安全,實現安危與共。世上沒有絕對安全的世外桃源,一國的安全不能建立在別國的動蕩之上,他國的威脅也可能成為本國的挑戰。鄰居出了問題,不能光想著扎好自家籬笆,而應該去幫一把。越是面臨全球性挑戰,越要合作應對,共同變壓力為動力、化危機為生機。面對錯綜復雜的國際安全威脅,單打獨斗不行,迷信武力更不行,合作安全、共同安全才是解決問題的正確選擇。國家之間有分歧是正常的,要通過對話協商妥善化解分歧。只要懷有真誠愿望,秉持足夠善意,展現政治智慧,再大的沖突也能化解,再厚的堅冰都能打破。 | We should build a world of common security for all through joint efforts. It means turning absolute security for one into common security for all. There is no place in the world that enjoys absolute security, and a country cannot build its security on the turmoil of others. Threats to other countries can turn into a challenge to one's own country. When neighbors are in trouble, instead of reinforcing one's own fences, one should extend a helping hand. As challenges often take on global dimensions, it is all the more important for countries to cooperate in addressing them, turning pressure into motivation and crises into opportunities. Unilateral action or blind belief in the use of force cannot address the complex international security threats. The only solution lies in cooperative and common security. It is normal for countries to have differences, and they should be properly addressed through dialogue and consultation. As long as we show sincerity, goodwill and political wisdom, no conflict is too big to resolve and no ice is too thick to break. | |
堅持合作共贏,建設一個共同繁榮的世界,就是告別贏者通吃,共享發展成果。國際社會發展到今天已經成為一部復雜精巧、有機一體的機器,拆掉一個零部件就會使整個機器運轉面臨嚴重困難。要堅持經濟全球化正確方向,反對任何人搞技術封鎖、科技鴻溝、發展脫鉤。把全球經濟這塊蛋糕做大,更要將這塊蛋糕分好,讓發展成果更多更公平地惠及各國人民,實現真正的合作共贏。 | We should build a world of common prosperity through win-win cooperation. It means bidding farewell to the winner-takes-all mindset and sharing development achievements. In this day and age, the international community has evolved into a sophisticated and integrated apparatus, as the removal of any single part will cause serious problems to its overall operation. We must keep to the correct direction of economic globalization, and oppose any attempt to set up technological blockades, cause technological divides, or seek development decoupling. While we should make the pie of the global economy bigger, it is even more important to divide it well, so that development achievements can benefit people of all countries more equitably, and bring about true cooperation and win-win results. | |
堅持交流互鑒,建設一個開放包容的世界,就是告別文明優越,實現美美與共。這個世界完全容得下各國共同成長和進步,一國的成功并不意味著另一國必然失敗。世界上沒有放之四海而皆準的發展道路。只有能夠持續造福人民的發展道路,才是最有生命力的。各國各民族尊重彼此差異,和而不同。不同文明要取長補短、共同進步,讓文明交流互鑒成為推動人類社會進步的動力、維護世界和平的紐帶。 | We should build an open and inclusive world through exchanges and mutual learning. It means bidding farewell to the mindset that one civilization is superior to another and starting to appreciate the strengths of other civilizations. Our world can fully accommodate the common growth and progress of all countries, and success for one country does not mean failure for another. There is no universally applicable development path. A development path that continuously benefits the people is the most viable one. Countries and nations should respect their differences and seek harmony without uniformity, and civilizations should draw strength from each other and make progress together. Exchanges and mutual learning between civilizations should be a driving force for human progress and a strong underpinning for world peace. | |
堅持綠色低碳,建設一個清潔美麗的世界,就是告別竭澤而漁,永享綠水青山。人與自然共生共存,傷害自然最終將傷及人類??諝?、水、土壤、藍天等自然資源用之不覺、失之難續。工業化創造了前所未有的物質財富,也產生了難以彌補的生態創傷。不能吃祖宗飯、斷子孫路,用破壞性方式搞發展。綠水青山就是金山銀山。應遵循天人合一、道法自然的理念,尋求永續發展之路,讓人人都能遙望星空、看見青山、聞到花香。 | We should make our world clean and beautiful by pursuing green and low-carbon development. It means bidding farewell to the destructive exploitation of resources and preserving and enjoying the lush mountains and lucid waters. Humanity coexists with nature. Any harm we inflict on nature will eventually come back to haunt us. We often take natural resources such as air, water, soil and blue sky for granted. But we could not survive without them. Industrialization has created a level of material wealth never seen before, but it has also inflicted irreparable damage on the environment. We must not exhaust all the resources passed on to us by previous generations and leave nothing to our children, or pursue development in a destructive way. Lush mountains and lucid waters are invaluable assets. We must follow the philosophy of harmony between humanity and nature and observance of the laws of nature and pursue a path of sustainable development, so that everyone is able to enjoy a starry sky, lush mountains and fragrant flowers. | |
構建人類命運共同體為改革和完善國際治理體系提出了中國方案。構建人類命運共同體,并不是推倒重來,也不是另起爐灶,而是推進國際關系民主化,推動全球治理朝著更加公正合理的方向發展。這一重要理念,匯聚了各國人民求和平謀發展盼穩定的最大公約數,畫出了不同文化背景和發展程度國家之間的最大同心圓,超越了零和博弈、強權政治、冷戰對抗的各種陳舊思維,成為新時代中國特色大國外交的總目標,成為引領時代潮流和人類前進方向的鮮明旗幟。 | Building a global community of shared future is China's proposed strategy for reforming and improving the international governance system. This does not mean that the international system should be dismantled or started afresh. Rather, it means promoting greater democracy in international relations and making global governance more just and equitable. This important vision reflects the broadest common aspiration of the peoples of all countries in pursuit of peace, development, and stability, and the broadest consensus among countries with different cultural backgrounds and at different stages of development. It transcends outdated mindsets such as zero-sum game, power politics, and Cold War confrontations. It has become the overall goal of China's major-country diplomacy in the new era, and a great banner that leads the trend of the times and the direction of human progress. | |
三、扎根深厚歷史文化土壤 | III. Deep Roots in History and Cultural Traditions | |
人類命運共同體理念基于深厚的中國文化底蘊,源于中國式現代化的道路實踐,繼承弘揚新中國外交的優良傳統,吸收借鑒人類社會優秀文明成果,彰顯了悠久的歷史傳承、鮮明的時代印記和豐富的人文內涵。 | The concept of a global community of shared future has deep roots in China's profound cultural heritage and its unique experience of modernization. It carries forward the diplomatic traditions of the People's Republic of China and draws on the outstanding achievements of all other civilizations. It manifests China's time-honored historical traditions, distinct characteristics of the times, and a wealth of humanistic values. | |
(一)傳承中華優秀傳統文化 | 1. Inheriting the best of traditional Chinese culture | |
中華優秀傳統文化是中華文明的智慧結晶和精華所在,為人們認識和改造世界提供有益啟迪,蘊藏著解決當代人類面臨難題的重要啟示,蘊含著豐富的人類命運共同體基因。 | China's fine traditional culture epitomizes the essence of the Chinese civilization. It provides inspiring insights to help understand and shape the world and address current challenges, and contains elements of the vision of building a global community of shared future. | |
中華文化以和合理念為精神內核,秉持“以和為貴,和而不同”的價值取向,追求“和衷共濟、和合共生”的高遠理想,推崇不同國家、不同文化“美美與共、天下大同”。 | Harmony is the core concept of Chinese culture, which values the primacy of harmony and harmony within diversity, pursues the ideal of harmony and solidarity towards common progress, and embraces cultural diversity and global harmony. | |
中華民族歷來講求“天下一家”,主張“民胞物與、協和萬邦”,遵循“強不執弱,富不侮貧”的交往原則,憧憬“大道之行,天下為公”的美好世界。 | The Chinese nation believes all nations together are one community, advocates fraternity among all peoples and peace for all countries, follows the principle of interstate relations that the strong do not bully the weak and the rich do not insult the poor, and pursues a world of fairness and justice for the common good. | |
中華民族自古尊崇仁德博愛之心,倡導“德不孤,必有鄰”的精神追求,堅守“親仁善鄰、講信修睦”的處世之道,奉行“義利并舉、以義為先”的義利原則。 | The Chinese nation champions universal benevolence, holding that the virtuous are never left to stand alone, endorsing good neighborliness with good faith and good will, and pursuing both friendship and interests while putting friendship first. | |
中華民族一向崇尚立己達人之道,“己欲立而立人,己欲達而達人”,相信幫助別人就是幫助自己;“己所不欲,勿施于人”,不把自己的意志強加于人。 | The Chinese nation observes the rule that "to establish oneself, one must help others to establish themselves first; to succeed, one must help others to succeed first", believing that helping others is helping oneself. It also upholds the principle that "do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself", and never imposes its will upon other nations. | |
中華民族始終遵循“道法自然、天人合一”的自然觀,踐行“釣而不綱,弋不射宿”的生態觀,體現了對天地宇宙的敬畏和熱愛、對人與自然和諧共生的追求。 | The Chinese nation acts on the belief that humans are part of nature and follows the old adage: "Fish with a line but not with a net; when fowling, do not aim at a roosting bird." It reveres the laws of the universe, loves nature, and pursues harmony between humanity and nature. | |
(二)體現中國共產黨的世界情懷 | 2. Showcasing the global vision of the Communist Party of China | |
堅持胸懷天下,是中國共產黨百年奮斗積累的寶貴歷史經驗之一。100多年來,中國共產黨既為中國人民謀幸福、為中華民族謀復興,也為人類謀進步、為世界謀大同,帶領中國人民走出了中國式現代化道路,創造了人類文明新形態,為構建人類命運共同體奠定了堅實基礎、探索了歷史規律、開辟了廣闊道路。 | Always championing a global vision is part of the valuable experience accumulated by the Communist Party of China (CPC) in its century-long history. Over the past one hundred years and more, the CPC has always sought happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation while pursuing progress for all of humanity and the common good of the world. It succeeded in leading the Chinese people onto a distinctively Chinese path to modernization and developing a new form of human advancement. These successes have laid a solid foundation for building a global community of shared future, charting the course and opening up broad prospects for this great endeavor. | |
中國共產黨始終堅持發展自己、兼濟天下、造福世界,不僅要讓中國人民都過得好,也幫助其他國家人民過上好日子,努力為人類作出新的更大貢獻。中共二十大報告擘畫了以中國式現代化全面推進中華民族偉大復興的宏偉藍圖,明確提出推動構建人類命運共同體是中國式現代化的本質要求之一,把中國的前途命運和人類的前途命運緊密聯系起來。 | The CPC is committed to seeking progress for China while benefiting the wider world, bringing a good life to the Chinese people and also helping other peoples to prosper, and contributing more to humanity. The report to the 20th CPC National Congress in 2022 drew a great blueprint for rejuvenating the Chinese nation on all fronts by pioneering a uniquely Chinese path to modernization, and pointed out that striving to build a global community of shared future is one of the intrinsic requirements of Chinese modernization, affirming the close bond between the future of China and the future of all humanity. | |
中國共產黨領導中國人民開創和拓展的中國式現代化,既有基于自己國情的中國特色,也有各國現代化的共同特征。無論是人口規模巨大、共同富裕,還是物質文明和精神文明相協調、人與自然和諧共生,或者是走和平發展道路,都為發展中國家貢獻了具體可借鑒的歷史經驗,為攜手邁向人類命運共同體的美好未來,提供了更為健康、更可持續的選擇。 | The CPC leads the Chinese people in blazing and expanding China's path to modernization based on both China's distinctive conditions and other countries' common approaches. Chinese modernization is the modernization of common prosperity for a huge population, coordinated material and cultural-ethical advancement, harmony between humanity and nature, and peaceful development. All these features have provided useful experience for other developing countries and a more robust and sustainable option for jointly building a global community of shared future. | |
(三)弘揚新中國外交優良傳統 | 3. Promoting the fine diplomatic traditions of New China | |
70多年來,中國外交在國際風云激蕩中成長奮進,積淀了優良傳統,砥礪了堅韌風骨,鑄就了獨特精神。構建人類命運共同體,繼承和發揚了新中國成立以來的外交理念、戰略思想和優良傳統,并在波瀾壯闊的中國特色大國外交實踐中不斷守正創新。 | Over the past 70 years and more, China has made notable progress, established fine traditions, and forged a tenacious character and unique strengths in developing foreign relations. The initiative of building a global community of shared future builds on the PRC's diplomatic philosophies, strategic thinking and traditions, and opens up new horizons for major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics. | |
新中國成立后,中國堅持獨立自主的和平外交政策,提出和平共處五項原則、“三個世界”等政策方針和思想,在國際舞臺上站穩了腳跟、贏得了尊重、擴大了影響。改革開放以來,中國提出和平與發展是時代主題的重大論斷,倡導促進世界多極化和國際關系民主化,推動建設和諧世界,中國全方位外交取得重要進展。 | After the PRC was founded in 1949, China committed itself to an independent foreign policy of peace and put forward the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, the Three Worlds theory and other principles, policies and ideas. This allowed China to find its place, win respect, and expand its reach in the international community. After the launch of reform and opening up in 1978, China asserted that peace and development are the underlying trends of the times. It advocated multipolarity and greater democracy in international relations, promoted a harmonious world, and achieved significant progress in China's diplomacy around the world. | |
進入新時代,中國高舉和平、發展、合作、共贏的旗幟,全面推進中國特色大國外交,形成全方位、多層次、立體化的外交布局。中國創造性提出推動構建人類命運共同體、新型國際關系、全人類共同價值、共建“一帶一路”、全球發展倡議、全球安全倡議、全球文明倡議等新理念,倡導全球治理觀、正確義利觀、安全觀、發展觀、合作觀、生態觀等重要理念,體現了鮮明的中國特色、中國風格、中國氣派。 | In the new era, championing peace, development, and win-win cooperation, China has advanced its major-country diplomacy on all fronts and formed a multifaceted, multilevel, and all-dimensional diplomatic strategy. China has initiated a range of visionary initiatives, including a global community of shared future, a new type of international relations, the common values of humanity, the Belt and Road Initiative, the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, and the Global Civilization Initiative, and promoted a set of approaches to global governance, to friendship and interests, to security, to development, to cooperation, and to the eco-environment. All these carry distinctively Chinese features, style and ethos. | |
(四)兼收并蓄人類優秀文明成果 | 4. Incorporating the outstanding achievements of other civilizations | |
構建人類命運共同體理念,把人類歷史長河中跨越時空、超越國度、富有永恒魅力、具有當代價值的優秀文化弘揚起來,凝聚不同民族、不同信仰、不同文化、不同地域人民的價值共識,汲取世界多元文明相融相通優秀成果,反映了全人類的普遍愿望和共同心聲。 | The concept of a global community of shared future incorporates the best of the cultures of enduring appeal and impact that have transcended time, space, and national borders in human history. It crystallizes the shared values of people from different regions, cultures, ethnic backgrounds and with different religious beliefs. It draws on the outstanding achievements of cultural integration between diverse civilizations. It embodies the common aspiration of all humanity. | |
世界各國文明中都蘊含著構建人類命運共同體的歷史智慧。古希臘哲學家以城邦為藍本對人類共同體進行了早期探索,認為需要通過一致行動追求共同利益,主張人類必須互相保持和諧生活。印度古老典籍記載著“天下一家”的箴言。非洲傳統價值理念烏班圖精神,倡導“我們在故我在”,強調人們彼此依存、密不可分。 | All civilizations around the world have manifestations of the concept of a global community of shared future. Ancient Greek philosophers conducted primary research on this concept based on city-states, believing that humanity as one community should act in concert to pursue common interests and thus must live in harmony. Ancient Indian literature records the motto of "Under Heaven – one family". The African philosophy of Ubuntu holds that "I am because we are," emphasizing interdependence of humanity. | |
構建人類命運共同體理念,反映了和平發展、團結共生、合作共贏等不同文明之間的互通之處。俄羅斯有諺語“風雨同舟就能無懼風雨”;瑞士有作家提出“不應為戰爭和毀滅效勞,而應為和平與諒解服務”;德國有諺語“一個人的努力是加法,一個團隊的努力是乘法”;非洲有諺語“一根原木蓋不起一幢房屋”;阿拉伯有諺語“獨行快,眾行遠”;墨西哥詩人有名句“唯有益天下,方可惠本國”;印度尼西亞有諺語“甘蔗同穴生,香茅成叢長”;蒙古國有諺語“鄰里心靈相通,命運與共”等等。這些都體現了深厚的世界文化淵源和豐富的思想底蘊。 | The concept of a global community of shared future reflects the common interests of all civilizations – peace, development, unity, coexistence, and win-win cooperation. A Russian proverb holds, "Together we can weather the storm." The Swiss-German writer Hermann Hesse proposed, "Serve not war and destruction, but peace and reconciliation." A German proverb reads, "An individual's effort is addition; a team's effort is multiplication." An African proverb states, "One single pillar is not sufficient to build a house." An Arabian proverb asserts, "If you want to walk fast, walk alone; if you want to walk far, walk together." Mexican poet Alfonso Reyes wrote, "The only way to be profitably national is to be generously universal." An Indonesian proverb says, "Sugarcane and lemongrass grow in dense clumps." A Mongolian proverb concludes, "Neighbors are connected at heart and share a common destiny." All the above narratives manifest the profound cultural and intellectual essence of the world. | |
構建人類命運共同體理念,以公認的國際關系基本原則為遵循。近代以來,建立公正合理的國際秩序是人類孜孜以求的目標。從《威斯特伐利亞和約》確立的平等和主權原則,到日內瓦公約確立的國際人道主義精神;從聯合國憲章明確的四大宗旨和七項原則,到萬隆會議倡導的和平共處五項原則,這些國際關系演變積累的公認原則,成為構建人類命運共同體的重要基礎。 | In building a global community of shared future, all countries should observe the widely acknowledged norms of international relations. Since the advent of modern times, a fair and equitable international order has been the long-standing goal of all humanity. From the principle of equity and sovereignty established by the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, to international humanitarianism established by the Geneva Conventions in 1864, then to the four purposes and seven principles established by the Charter of the United Nations in 1945, and later to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence proposed at the Bandung Conference in 1955, these norms of international relations have evolved into widely recognized principles and become the essential foundations of a global community of shared future. | |
四、既有目標方向,也有實現路徑 | IV. Direction and Path | |
構建人類命運共同體,是中國從世界和平與發展的大勢出發處理當代國際關系的中國智慧,是完善全球治理的中國方案,是應對21世紀的各種挑戰的中國主張。理念引領行動,方向決定出路,國際社會應當攜手努力,把宏偉藍圖變成路線圖,一步一個腳印把美好愿景變為現實。 | The vision of a global community of shared future is the outcome of China's wisdom in handling contemporary international relations from the perspective of world peace and development – a Chinese plan for improving global governance, and a Chinese proposal to address various challenges in the 21st century. Vision guides action and direction determines the future. The international community should work together to turn the grand blueprint into a roadmap, and a beautiful vision into reality step by step. | |
(一)推動新型經濟全球化 | 1. Pressing ahead with a new type of economic globalization | |
經濟全球化是世界經濟發展的必然趨勢,契合各國人民要發展、要合作的時代潮流。歷史上的經濟全球化,促成了貿易大繁榮、投資大便利、人員大流動、技術大發展,為世界經濟發展作出了重要貢獻。 | Economic globalization is an irreversible trend of global economic development, and is in line with the desire for development and cooperation held by people of all countries. Economic globalization has greatly facilitated trade, investment, flows of people, and technological advances, making an important contribution to global economic development. | |
但是,經濟全球化也積存了不少問題和弊端,出現“回頭浪”。目前的經濟全球化模式,難以反映廣大發展中國家呼聲、體現廣大發展中國家利益;“弱肉強食”的叢林法則和“你輸我贏”“贏者通吃”的零和博弈,造成富者愈富、貧者愈貧,發達國家與發展中國家以及發達國家內部的貧富差距越拉越大;個別國家把內部治理問題歸咎于經濟全球化,歸咎于其他國家,動輒采取單邊主義、保護主義、霸凌主義,破壞全球產業鏈、價值鏈、供應鏈、消費鏈,導致現有國際貿易秩序紊亂甚至沖突。 | However, problems and drawbacks also accumulated in the process, and there are attempts at retreating from it. The current model of economic globalization fails to reflect the demands or represent the interests of developing countries. The law of the jungle, zero-sum game, and the "win-or-lose", "winner-takes-all" mindset have exacerbated the divide between the rich and poor, as evidenced by the widening gap between developed and developing countries, and that within developed countries. Some countries blame their problems in domestic governance on economic globalization or other countries, and resort to unilateral, protectionist, and bullying actions. This has damaged global industrial, value, supply and consumption chains, and caused turbulence and even conflict in the current international trade order. | |
推動新型經濟全球化,是構建人類命運共同體的必然要求。各國應該堅持開放的政策取向,旗幟鮮明反對保護主義,反對“筑墻設壘”,反對單邊制裁、極限施壓,推動各國經濟聯動融通,共同建設開放型世界經濟。各國應該推動構建公正、合理、透明的國際經貿規則體系,推進貿易和投資自由化便利化,促進全球經濟進一步開放、交流、融合,推動形成開放、包容、普惠、平衡、共贏的經濟全球化,讓各國人民共享經濟全球化和世界經濟增長成果。 | Promoting a new type of economic globalization is essential for building a global community of shared future. Countries need to pursue a policy of openness and explicitly oppose protectionism, the erection of fences and barriers, unilateral sanctions, and maximum-pressure tactics, so as to connect economies and jointly build an open world economy. Countries should strive to build a system of fair, reasonable, and transparent international economic and trade rules, press ahead with trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, and promote further global economic openness, exchange, and integration in order to form an economic globalization that is open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial for all, so that people of all countries can share the fruits of economic globalization and world economic growth. | |
開放應是雙向奔赴,不能是單行道,不能一邊要求別的國家開放,一邊關閉自己的大門。一些國家總想對中國實行“脫鉤斷鏈”,構筑“小院高墻”,最終只會反噬自身。一些人炒作要“降依賴”“去風險”,這樣的做法實質是制造新的風險。防風險和合作不是對立的,不合作才是最大的風險,不發展才是最大的不安全。如果以“去風險”“降依賴”之名行“去中國化”之實,就是在去機遇、去合作、去穩定、去發展。 | Opening up should be a two-way journey, not a one-way street; one cannot demand the opening of other countries while closing its own doors. Some countries are seeking to decouple from and break chains with China, enclosing themselves in "small yards, high fences", which will ultimately only backfire on themselves. Some people overstate the need to "reduce dependence" and "derisk", which is essentially creating new risks. Risk prevention and cooperation are not mutually contradictory, whereas non-cooperation is the biggest risk and non-development is the biggest threat to security. Pursuing de-sinicization in the name of derisking and reducing dependence undermines opportunities, cooperation, stability, and development. | |
當前正在發生的以人工智能為標志的科技革命,將對新一輪經濟全球化和人類社會發展產生難以估量的深刻影響。要探索建立相關規則和標準,既有利于科學技術的創新發展,又堅守人類安全底線,還要平衡照顧各國特別是發展中國家利益,確保技術創新在法治軌道和公認的國際準則基礎上運行,由人類主導、為人類服務、符合人類價值觀。 | The current revolution in science and technology marked by artificial intelligence will have a profound impact on the new round of economic globalization and social development. Relevant rules and standards should be established to support scientific and technological innovation and guard the red line of human security. The interests of all countries, especially developing ones, should be taken into account in a balanced manner, to ensure that technological innovation is placed under the rule of law and internationally recognized norms, and ensure that innovation is steered by and works for humanity, and is consistent with human values. | |
(二)走和平發展道路 | 2. Following a peaceful development path | |
歷史告訴我們,一個國家要發展繁榮,必須把握和順應世界發展大勢,反之必然會被歷史拋棄。當今世界的潮流是和平、發展、合作、共贏,殖民主義、霸權主義的老路不僅走不通,而且一定會碰得頭破血流,和平發展道路才是人間正道。 | History tells us that for a country to develop and prosper, it must understand and follow the trend of global development; otherwise it will be abandoned by history. The trend now is the pursuit of peace, development, cooperation, and win-win results. The old path of colonialism and hegemonism leads to a dead end and those who follow it will pay a heavy price, whereas the path of peaceful development is the right one for the world to follow. | |
和平、和睦、和諧的追求深深植根于中華民族的精神世界之中,深深溶化在中國人民的血脈之中。中國歷史上曾經長期是世界上最強大的國家之一,但沒有留下殖民和侵略他國的記錄。中國堅持走和平發展道路,是對幾千年來中華民族熱愛和平的文化傳統的繼承和發揚。 | The pursuit of peace, amity and harmony is deeply rooted in the cultural realm of the Chinese nation and runs in the blood of the Chinese people. For a long time in the past, China was one of the most powerful countries in the world, but it does not have any record of colonization or aggression against other countries. China's adherence to the path of peaceful development is an extension of the millennia-old cultural tradition of the peace-loving Chinese nation. | |
中國始終堅持獨立自主的和平外交政策,始終強調中國外交政策的宗旨是維護世界和平、促進共同發展。中國反對各種形式的霸權主義和強權政治,不干涉別國內政,永遠不稱霸,永遠不搞擴張。中國在政策上是這樣規定的、制度上是這樣設計的,在實踐中更是一直這樣做的。 | China always adheres to an independent foreign policy of peace and has always emphasized that the goal of China's foreign policy is to maintain world peace and promote common development. China opposes all forms of hegemonism and power politics, and does not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. It will never seek hegemony or engage in expansion. These principles are stated in China's policies, incorporated in its systemic designs, and always adhered to in its practices. | |
世界需要和平,就像人需要空氣一樣,就像萬物生長需要陽光一樣。和平發展道路對中國有利、對世界有利,我們想不出有任何理由不堅持這條道路。中國堅持走和平發展道路,也希望其他國家共同走和平發展道路。各國只有共謀和平、共護和平、共享和平,才能實現自己的發展目標,為世界作出更大貢獻。只有大家都走和平發展道路,國與國才能和平相處,構建人類命運共同體才有希望。 | The world needs peace, just like a human being needs air and living things need sunshine. The path of peaceful development is beneficial to China and the world, and we cannot think of any reason not to stay on this path. China follows the path of peaceful development, and hopes that other countries will take this path as well. Only by working together to pursue peace, safeguard peace, and share peace can countries achieve their development goals and make greater contributions to the world. Only when everyone follows the path of peaceful development can countries coexist peacefully, and can there be hope for building a global community of shared future. | |
(三)構建新型國際關系 | 3. Fostering a new type of international relations | |
新型國際關系之所以新,在于走出了一條國與國交往的新道路,開辟了不同文明、不同制度國家和平共處、共同發展的世界歷史新篇章,為構建人類命運共同體創造了條件。 | The new type of international relations is different in that it has created a new path for interactions between countries, opened up a new chapter of world history where different civilizations and countries with different systems coexist in peace and seek common development, and paved the way for building a global community of shared future. | |
構建新型國際關系,應秉持相互尊重、公平正義、合作共贏原則。相互尊重,就是堅持以誠待人,平等相待,反對強權政治和霸凌主義。公平正義,就是各國應摒棄單純的物質主義取向和競爭至上法則,確保不同的國家都能獲得平等的發展權利和機會。合作共贏,就是各國應摒棄一味謀求自身更大利益的理念,在追求本國利益時兼顧各國合理關切,在謀求本國發展時促進各國共同發展。 | A new type of international relations should be built on the principles of mutual respect, equity and justice, and mutually beneficial cooperation. Mutual respect means treating people with sincerity and equality, and opposing power politics and bullying practices. In upholding equity and justice, countries must discard extreme materialism and overemphasis on competition, and ensure that all countries have equal rights and opportunities for development. Mutually beneficial cooperation means that countries should reject the maximization of self-interest, address the legitimate concerns of other countries while pursuing their own interests, and promote common development of all countries alongside their own development. | |
構建新型國際關系的基礎在于深化拓展平等、開放、合作的全球伙伴關系。中國堅持在和平共處五項原則基礎上同各國發展友好合作。促進大國協調和良性互動,推動構建和平共處、總體穩定、均衡發展的大國關系格局。堅持親誠惠容和與鄰為善、以鄰為伴周邊外交方針,深化同周邊國家友好互信和利益融合。秉持真實親誠理念和正確義利觀加強同發展中國家團結合作,維護發展中國家共同利益。 | The foundations for building a new type of international relations lie in broader and deeper global partnerships based on equality, openness, and cooperation. China adheres to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence in pursuing friendship and cooperation with other countries. It works to reinforce coordination and positive interaction with other major countries in order to build major-country relations featuring peaceful coexistence, overall stability, and balanced development. Acting on the principles of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit, and inclusiveness, and the policy of forging friendships and partnerships with its neighbors, China strives to increase friendly ties, mutual trust, and converging interests with its neighboring countries. Guided by the principles of sincerity, real results, amity, and good faith and with a commitment to the right approach to friendship and interests, China endeavors to strengthen solidarity and cooperation with other developing countries and safeguard the common interests of the developing world. | |
大國是構建新型國際關系的關鍵因素。大國之大,不在于體量大、塊頭大、拳頭大,而在于胸襟大、格局大、擔當大。大國要以人類前途命運為要,對世界和平與發展擔負更大責任,而不是依仗實力對地區和國際事務謀求壟斷。大國要加強協調和合作,尊重彼此核心利益和重大關切,堅持換位思考和相互理解,對小國要平等相待。通過構建人類命運共同體,新興大國和守成大國才能避免跌入“修昔底德陷阱”,找到相互尊重、和平共處、合作共贏的正確相處之道,實現不同文明、不同社會制度國家求同存異、共同發展。 | Major countries are key actors in building a new type of international relations. The international status of a country is measured by its openness of mind, breadth of vision, and sense of responsibility rather than its size, strength or power. Major countries should direct their primary efforts to the future of humanity and assume greater responsibility for world peace and development, rather than wielding their power to seek monopoly over international and regional affairs. Major countries should strengthen coordination and cooperation, respect each other's core interests and major concerns, consider the perspectives of other parties and value mutual understanding, and treat smaller countries as equals. By building a global community of shared future, emerging countries and established powers can avoid falling into the Thucydides trap, find the right way to get along in mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation, and build common ground and achieve common development for different civilizations and countries with different social systems. | |
(四)踐行真正的多邊主義 | 4. Practicing true multilateralism | |
構建人類命運共同體必須踐行真正的多邊主義。“小圈子的多邊主義”是集團政治,“本國優先的多邊主義”是單邊思維,“有選擇的多邊主義”是雙重標準。世界要公道,不要霸道。中國反對一切形式的單邊主義,反對搞針對特定國家的陣營化和排他性“小圈子”,反對打著所謂“規則”旗號破壞國際秩序、制造“新冷戰”和意識形態對抗的行徑。 | Building a global community of shared future requires practicing true multilateralism. Building cliques in the name of multilateralism is no more than bloc politics. Seeking supremacy in the name of multilateralism is still unilateral thinking. "Selective multilateralism" is practicing double standard. The world should be fair and free from domineering practices. China opposes all forms of unilateralism and the formation of camps and exclusive cliques targeting specific countries, and opposes actions that undermine the international order, create a new Cold War or stoke ideological confrontation in the name of the so-called rules-based order. | |
中國始終堅定維護聯合國憲章宗旨和原則,堅定維護聯合國權威和地位。當今世界發生的各種對抗和不公,不是因為聯合國憲章宗旨和原則過時了,而恰恰是由于這些宗旨和原則未能得到有效履行。中國堅持世界只有一個體系,就是以聯合國為核心的國際體系;只有一個秩序,就是以國際法為基礎的國際秩序;只有一套規則,就是以聯合國憲章宗旨和原則為基礎的國際關系基本準則。 | China firmly upholds the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, as well as the authority and status of the United Nations. The various confrontations and injustices in today's world do not arise because the purposes and principles of the UN Charter are outdated, but rather because these purposes and principles are not effectively followed. China maintains that for the world, there is only one system, which is the international system with the United Nations at its core, that there is only one order, which is the international order based on international law, and that there is only one set of rules, which is the basic norms governing international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. | |
中國積極參與引領全球治理體系變革。堅持共商共建共享的全球治理觀,就是全球事務要由大家一起商量,治理體系要由大家一起建設,治理成果要由大家一起分享,讓各國成為世界和平與發展的參與者、貢獻者、受益者。 | China actively participates in and leads the reform of the global governance system. It follows the vision of global governance featuring extensive consultation and joint contribution for shared benefits, that is, global affairs must be discussed by all, governance systems built by all, and benefits of governance shared by all, so that every country is a participant, contributor, and beneficiary of world peace and development. | |
(五)弘揚全人類共同價值 | 5. Promoting the common values of humanity | |
中國提出和平、發展、公平、正義、民主、自由的全人類共同價值,以寬廣胸懷理解不同文明對價值內涵的認識,尊重不同國家人民對自身發展道路的探索,弘揚中華文明蘊含的全人類共同價值,超越所謂“普世價值”的狹隘歷史局限,體現了人類命運共同體的價值追求。 | China advocates peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom, the common values of humanity. With an open mind, China understands that different civilizations have different understandings of the nature of these values, and respects the efforts of people in different countries to explore their own development paths. It goes beyond the narrow historical limitations of the so-called universal values, and promotes the common values of humanity embedded in Chinese civilization. These are the values embodied in pursuing a global community of shared future. | |
和平發展是共同事業。貧瘠的土地上長不成和平的大樹,連天的烽火中結不出發展的碩果。要解決好各種全球性挑戰,根本出路在于謀求和平、實現發展。公平正義是共同理想。任何國家都不能在世界上我行我素,搞霸權霸道霸凌。民主自由是共同追求。不存在定于一尊的民主,更不存在高人一等的民主。民主不是可口可樂,一國生產原漿,全世界一個味道;民主不是裝飾品,而是要用來解決實際問題的。試圖壟斷民主“專利”、強行劃定民主“標準”,炮制“民主對抗威權”的偽命題,挑動政治制度與意識形態之爭,是假借民主之名的偽民主。弘揚全人類共同價值,不是要把哪一家的價值觀奉為一尊,而是倡導求同存異、和而不同,充分尊重文明的多樣性,尊重各國自主選擇社會制度和發展道路的權利。 | Peace and development are a common cause. A tree of peace cannot grow on barren land, nor can it bear the fruits of development amidst the flames of war. The fundamental solution to various global challenges lies in seeking peace and achieving development. Equity and justice are common ideals. No country should act as it pleases, or ride roughshod over others. Democracy and freedom are the common goals of humanity. There is no single model of democracy that is universally applicable, far less a superior one. Democracy is not Coca-Cola, tasting the same across the world as the syrup is produced in one single country. Democracy is not an ornament, but a solution to real problems. Attempts to monopolize the "patent" of democracy, arbitrarily define the "standards" of democracy, and fabricate a false narrative of "democracy versus authoritarianism" to provoke confrontation between political systems and ideologies are practices of fake democracy. Promoting the common values of humanity is not about canonizing the values of any particular country, but about seeking common ground while reserving differences, harmony without uniformity, and fully respecting the diversity of civilizations and the right of all countries to independently choose their social systems and development paths. | |
人類社會越發展,越要加強文明交流互鑒。各國應相互尊重、平等相待,摒棄傲慢與偏見,加深對自身文明和其他文明差異性的認知,推動不同文明交流對話、和諧共生;應各美其美、美人之美、美美與共,既讓本國文明生機盎然,也為他國文明發展創造條件,讓世界文明百花園群芳競艷;應開放包容、互學互鑒,努力打破文化交往的壁壘,積極汲取其他文明的養分,相互借鑒,取長補短,共同進步;應與時俱進、創新發展,不斷吸納時代精華,用創新為文明發展提供不竭動力。 | The more advanced human society becomes, the more important it is to strengthen exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations. All countries should treat each other with respect and as equals, discard arrogance and prejudice, deepen understanding of the differences between its own civilization and others, and promote dialogue and harmonious coexistence between different civilizations. Every country should value its own civilization, appreciate others, and facilitate their common progress. We should keep our own civilizations dynamic and create conditions for other civilizations to flourish. Together we can make the garden of world civilizations colorful and vibrant. All countries should be open and inclusive, promote mutual learning, strive to remove all barriers to cultural exchanges, and seek nourishment from other civilizations to promote the common development of all civilizations. All countries should progress with the times, explore new ground in development, take in the best of the present age, and sustain the development of civilizations through innovation. | |
五、中國既是倡導者也是行動派 | V. China's Action and Contribution | |
千里之行,始于足下。10年來,中國用篤定的信念和扎實的行動,為構建人類命運共同體貢獻中國力量。 | A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Over the past decade, China has contributed its strength to building a global community of shared future with firm conviction and solid actions. | |
(一)推動高質量共建“一帶一路” | 1. Promoting high-quality Belt and Road cooperation | |
共建“一帶一路”倡議是構建人類命運共同體的生動實踐,是中國為世界提供的廣受歡迎的國際公共產品和國際合作平臺。共建“一帶一路”倡議提出10年來,堅持共商共建共享原則,秉持開放、綠色、廉潔理念,以高標準、可持續、惠民生為目標,沿著高質量發展方向不斷前進,從夯基壘臺、立柱架梁到落地生根、持久發展,奏響“硬聯通”“軟聯通”“心聯通”的交響樂,搭建了各方廣泛參與、匯聚國際共識、凝聚各方力量的重要實踐平臺。 | The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a vivid example of building a global community of shared future, and a global public good and cooperation platform provided by China to the world. Since introducing the BRI ten years ago, based on extensive consultation and joint contribution for shared benefits, China has pursued open, green, clean, and high-standard cooperation to promote sustainable development and improve people's lives, and advanced high-quality Belt and Road cooperation. It has laid the groundwork and set up the frameworks of BRI cooperation, delivering tangible results and achieving sustainable progress. Together, participants in the initiative have jointly advanced "hard connectivity", "soft connectivity" and "people-to-people connectivity", setting up an important platform that has enabled wide participation, built international consensus and pooled the strengths of all parties. | |
政策溝通不斷深化,截至2023年7月,全球超過四分之三的國家和30多個國際組織簽署合作文件。中國分別于2017年、2019年成功舉辦首屆和第二屆“一帶一路”國際合作高峰論壇,今年將舉辦第三屆“一帶一路”國際合作高峰論壇,凝聚起攜手推動高質量共建“一帶一路”的最大合力。設施聯通不斷加強,“六廊六路多國多港”的互聯互通架構基本形成,以新亞歐大陸橋等經濟走廊為引領,以中歐班列、陸海新通道等大通道和信息高速路為骨架,以鐵路、港口、管網等為依托的陸、海、天、網“四位一體”互聯互通布局不斷完善。貿易暢通不斷提升,世界銀行發布的《“一帶一路”經濟學》報告認為,“一帶一路”倡議的全面實施將使參與國間的貿易往來增加4.1%。到2030年,“一帶一路”倡議每年將為全球產生1.6萬億美元收益。資金融通不斷擴大,亞洲基礎設施投資銀行、絲路基金等相繼成立,已為數百個項目提供投融資支持。民心相通不斷促進,一條條“幸福路”、一座座“連心橋”、一片片“發展帶”在共建國家不斷涌現,菌草、水井、雜交水稻等“小而美、見效快、惠民生”項目扎實推進,不斷增進共建國家民眾的獲得感、幸福感。 | Policy connectivity continues to deepen. By July 2023, more than three-quarters of countries in the world and over 30 international organizations had signed agreements on Belt and Road cooperation with China. China has successfully hosted the first Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in 2017 and the second in 2019, and will host the third this year, maximizing synergy for advancing high-quality Belt and Road cooperation. Infrastructure connectivity continues to strengthen. A general connectivity framework consisting of six corridors, six routes, and multiple countries and ports is in place. The overall layout of land, sea, air and cyberspace connectivity continues to improve, centered on economic corridors such as the New Eurasian Land Bridge, supported by routes like the China-Europe Railway Express and the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor and the information expressway, and underpinned by major railways, ports, and pipelines. Trade connectivity continues to increase. According to Belt and Road Economics, a report released by the World Bank, the BRI, when fully implemented, will increase intra-BRI trade by 4.1 percent. By 2030, the BRI will generate US$1.6 trillion in annual global revenues. Financial connectivity continues to expand. The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the Silk Road Fund have been set up, providing financing support for hundreds of projects. People-to-people connectivity continues to strengthen. Roads, bridges and development belts that lead to a happier and better life are constantly emerging in participating countries, and solid progress is being achieved in Juncao, wells, hybrid rice and other small projects that work faster in improving people's lives, giving local people of BRI countries a stronger sense of gain and fulfillment. | |
共建“一帶一路”倡議源于中國,機會和成果屬于世界。中巴經濟走廊啟動10年來為巴基斯坦經濟社會發展注入強勁動能,中老鐵路實現了老撾人民“變陸鎖國為陸聯國”的夙愿,雅萬高鐵成為東南亞國家首條實現350公里時速的鐵路,蒙內鐵路拉動了當地經濟增長超過2個百分點,馬拉維600眼水井成為潤澤當地15萬民眾的“幸福井”,中歐班列“鋼鐵駝隊”助力中國與歐洲雙向奔赴,“魯班工坊”幫助塔吉克斯坦等國家年輕人掌握了職業技能,健康、綠色、數字、創新等領域合作蓬勃發展。 | The BRI originated in China, but the opportunities and achievements it creates belong to the whole world. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, since its launch ten years ago, has lent strong impetus to the economic and social development of Pakistan. The China-Laos Railway has realized the long-cherished wish of the Lao people to convert Laos from a landlocked country to a land-linked hub. The Jakarta-Bandung High-speed Railway has become the first railway in Southeast Asia to reach a speed of 350 kilometers an hour. The Mombasa-Nairobi Railway has added more than two percentage points to local economic growth. Malawi's 600 wells built with Chinese assistance have become "wells of happiness" serving 150,000 local people. The China-Europe Railway Express serves as a "steel camel fleet" between China and Europe. Luban workshops help young people in Tajikistan and other countries acquire vocational skills. Cooperation in the fields of health, green development, digital economy, and innovation is thriving. | |
這一倡議是經濟合作倡議,不是搞地緣政治聯盟或軍事同盟,不針對誰也不排除誰;是開放包容進程,不是要關起門來搞“小圈子”或者“中國俱樂部”;是中國同世界共享機遇、共謀發展的“百花園”,不是要營造自己的后花園;是各方攜手前進的陽光大道,不是某一方的私家小路,所有感興趣的國家都可以加入進來,共同參與、共同合作、共同受益。 | The BRI is an initiative for economic cooperation, not for geopolitical or military alliances. It is an open and inclusive process that neither targets nor excludes any party. Rather than forming exclusionary cliques or a "China club", it aims to help China and the rest of the world to seize opportunities and pursue common development. Rather than a private route for any one party, it is a broad path that can be joined by all interested countries to work together for shared benefits. | |
國際社會高度評價這一倡議,認為“一帶一路”不是簡單的一條路或一條經濟帶,而是讓全人類共同進步的倡議,為各國共同發展開辟了新道路?!耙粠б宦贰背h助推發展中國家現代化的進程,促進跨大洲協力合作進入新時代。 | The international community speaks highly of the BRI, praising it not simply as some random road or economic belt, but as an initiative to achieve common progress for humanity, an initiative that has opened up new paths for the common development of all countries. The BRI has facilitated the modernization drive of developing countries, leading the world into a new era of transcontinental cooperation. | |
(二)落實“三大全球倡議” | 2. Implementing the three global initiatives | |
人們普遍認識到,和平穩定、物質豐富、精神富有是人類社會發展的基本追求。發展是安全和文明的物質基礎,安全是發展和文明的根本前提,文明是發展和安全的精神支撐。中國提出全球發展倡議、全球安全倡議、全球文明倡議,從發展、安全、文明三個維度指明人類社會前進方向,彼此呼應、相得益彰,成為推動構建人類命運共同體的重要依托,是解答事關人類和平與發展重大問題的中國方案。 | It is widely recognized that peace and stability, material sufficiency, and cultural-ethical enrichment represent the basic goals of human society. Development serves as the material foundation for security and civilization, security acts as the fundamental prerequisite for development and civilization, and civilization provides the cultural-ethical support for development and security. The Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative, and Global Civilization Initiative proposed by China guide the advance of human society across these three dimensions. Resonating and complementing each other, they have evolved into a crucial cornerstone for building a global community of shared future, offering China's solutions to major challenges pertaining to peace and development for humanity. | |
——中國提出全球發展倡議,發出了聚焦發展、重振合作的時代強音,為破解發展難題、推進全球發展事業貢獻中國力量。全球發展倡議,最根本的目標是加快落實聯合國2030年可持續發展議程,最核心的要求是堅持以人民為中心,最重要的理念是倡導共建團結、平等、均衡、普惠的全球發展伙伴關系,最關鍵的舉措在于堅持行動導向,推動實現更加強勁、綠色、健康的全球發展,共建全球發展共同體。 | – Through the Global Development Initiative, China has issued a resounding call for commitment to development and reinvigorated cooperation, and made its contribution to resolving challenges to development and advancing global development. The fundamental aim of the initiative is to accelerate the implementation of the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Its core requirement is a people-centered approach, its foremost philosophy is united, equal, balanced, and inclusive global development partnerships, and its pivotal measure entails results-oriented actions to bolster stronger, greener, and healthier global development and jointly build a global community of development. | |
中國主持召開全球發展高層對話會,提出落實倡議的32項重要舉措,包括創設“全球發展和南南合作基金”,總額為40億美元;啟動中國-聯合國糧農組織第三期南南合作信托基金,并將加大對中國-聯合國和平與發展基金投入。兩年來,全球發展倡議得到國際社會廣泛響應,落實機制不斷健全,務實合作逐步落地,共同應對糧食安全、減貧、能源安全等突出問題。全球發展促進中心順利運轉,全球發展倡議項目庫不斷擴大,200多個合作項目開花結果。同時,中方發布《全球發展報告》,推動建立全球發展知識網絡,為破解發展難題貢獻了中國智慧。目前已有100多個國家和國際組織支持全球發展倡議,70多個國家參與在聯合國成立的“全球發展倡議之友小組”。 | China has hosted the High-level Dialogue on Global Development and presented 32 major measures to implement the initiative, such as creating the Global Development and South-South Cooperation Fund totaling US$4 billion, launching the China-FAO South-South Cooperation Trust Fund (Phase III), and strengthening support for the China-UN Peace and Development Fund. Over the past two years, the international community has extensively responded to the initiative and jointly tackled prominent issues including food security, poverty reduction, and energy security as the implementation mechanism steadily improves and practical cooperation delivers progress. The Global Development Promotion Center is running smoothly, and the library of the Global Development Initiative projects is expanding, with over 200 projects achieving good results. At the same time, China has issued the Global Development Report, and established the Global Knowledge Network for Development, contributing Chinese wisdom to the resolution of developmental challenges. Currently, more than 100 countries and international organizations have expressed support for the Global Development Initiative, with over 70 countries participating in the Group of Friends of the Global Development Initiative established at the UN. | |
中國堅持以自身發展促進世界發展。深入貫徹新發展理念,著力推進高質量發展,推動構建新發展格局。14億多中國人整體邁進現代化社會,意味著幾乎再造一個相當于現有發達國家規??偤偷氖袌觯瑸楦鲊鞣焦蚕碇袊笫袌鎏峁└鄼C遇。中國開創性舉辦中國國際進口博覽會,辦好中國國際服務貿易交易會、中國進出口商品交易會、中國國際消費品博覽會等重大展會。推動各國各方共享中國制度型開放機遇,穩步擴大規則、規制、管理、標準等制度型開放。實施外商投資法及相關配套法規、新版《鼓勵外商投資產業目錄》等,持續縮減外資準入負面清單,高質量建設自由貿易試驗區,加快建設海南自由貿易港。 | China is committed to propelling global development through its own development. It has thoroughly applied the new development philosophy, with a focus on promoting high-quality development to foster a new development paradigm. Modernization of the more than 1.4 billion Chinese people will create a market rivaling the aggregated size of all developed countries. This will open up more opportunities for all countries and stakeholders to partake in China's huge market. China has also pioneered major expos and fairs, exemplified by the China International Import Expo, China International Fair for Trade in Services, China Import and Export Fair, and China International Consumer Goods Expo. It has encouraged all countries and stakeholders to share the opportunities presented by China's institutional opening up and steadily expanded institutional opening up with regard to rules, regulations, management, and standards. It has enforced the Foreign Investment Law and its supporting rules and regulations, implemented the new catalogue for encouraging foreign investment, continued to remove items from the negative list of market access for foreign investment, advanced high-quality development of pilot free trade zones, and accelerated the development of the Hainan Free Trade Port. | |
中國堅持合作共贏、共同發展。作為世界上最大的發展中國家和“全球南方”的一員,中國力所能及地為其他發展中國家提供援助,幫助受援國提高發展能力。積極開展國際交流合作,同世界糧食計劃署、聯合國開發計劃署、兒童基金會、難民署、世界衛生組織、紅十字國際委員會等近20個國際組織開展合作,在埃塞俄比亞、巴基斯坦、尼日利亞等近60個國家實施了130多個項目,聚焦“小而美、惠民生”,涵蓋減貧、糧食安全、抗疫、氣候變化等領域,受益人數超過3000萬人。積極推動并全面落實二十國集團緩債倡議,在二十國集團緩債倡議中貢獻最大,同19個非洲國家簽署緩債協議或達成緩債共識,幫助非洲減緩債務壓力。 | China is committed to win-win cooperation and common development. As the largest developing country in the world and a member of the Global South, China has made every effort to aid other developing countries and help recipient countries expand their capacity for development. China is actively engaged in international exchanges and cooperation. It has cooperated with almost 20 international organizations, including the UN World Food Programme, the UN Development Programme, the UN Children's Fund, the UN Refugee Agency, the World Health Organization, and the International Committee of the Red Cross, and executed over 130 projects in nearly 60 countries including Ethiopia, Pakistan, and Nigeria. "Small but beautiful", these projects span fields such as poverty reduction, food security, Covid-19 response, and climate change, and have benefited more than 30 million individuals. China worked actively for the adoption of and has comprehensively acted on the Debt Service Suspension Initiative of the Group of Twenty (G20), contributing more than any other G20 member to its implementation. China has signed agreements or reached understandings on the suspension of debt repayments with 19 African countries, helping Africa alleviate debt pressure. | |
中國堅定推動建設開放型世界經濟。中國已經成為140多個國家和地區的主要貿易伙伴,同28個國家和地區簽署了21個自貿協定。高質量實施《區域全面經濟伙伴關系協定》,積極推進加入《全面與進步跨太平洋伙伴關系協定》和《數字經濟伙伴關系協定》,擴大面向全球的高標準自由貿易區網絡。推動人民幣國際化,提升金融標準和國際化水平,更好實現中國和其他國家利益融合。 | China is committed to building an open world economy. It has become the main trading partner of more than 140 countries and regions, and signed 21 free trade agreements with 28 countries and regions. It has worked for high-quality implementation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, actively worked to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement, and expanded its globally-oriented network of high-standard free trade areas. It has also promoted the internationalization of the Renminbi, and reinforced financial standards and its level of internationalization, thereby converging its interests closer with other countries. | |
——中國提出全球安全倡議,目的是同國際社會一道,弘揚聯合國憲章精神,倡導以團結精神適應深刻調整的國際格局,以共贏思維應對各種傳統安全和非傳統安全風險挑戰,走出一條對話而不對抗、結伴而不結盟、共贏而非零和的新型安全之路。 | – Through the Global Security Initiative, China seeks to work with the international community in upholding the spirit of the UN Charter, and calls for adapting to the profound changes in the international landscape through solidarity, addressing traditional and non-traditional security risks and challenges with a win-win mindset, and creating a new path to security that features dialogue over confrontation, partnership over alliance, and win-win results over zero-sum game. | |
2023年2月,中國正式發布《全球安全倡議概念文件》,進一步闡釋了倡議核心理念與原則,明確了倡議重點合作方向,并就倡議合作平臺和機制提出建議設想,展現了中國對維護世界和平的責任擔當、對守護全球安全的堅定決心。全球安全倡議是國際公共產品,服務的是全世界人民的利益,維護的是全世界人民的安寧。 | In February 2023, China officially released The Global Security Initiative Concept Paper. The document further elaborates the core concepts and principles of the initiative, elucidates its key avenues for cooperation, and presents recommendations and ideas concerning its cooperation platforms and mechanisms. This has demonstrated China's awareness of its duty to maintain world peace and its firm determination to safeguard global security. As an international public good, the Global Security Initiative serves the interests of and maintains peace for people throughout the world. | |
中國是維護世界和平的中流砥柱。堅持通過談判協商方式處理同有關國家的領土主權和海洋權益爭端,以談判協商方式同14個陸上鄰國中的12個國家和平解決陸地邊界問題,并完成中越北部灣海域劃界。忠實履行安理會常任理事國職責和使命,是聯合國第二大會費國、聯合國第二大維和攤款國和安理會常任理事國中第一大維和行動出兵國。30多年來,中國已派出維和人員5萬余人次,赴20多個國家和地區參加聯合國維和行動,成為聯合國維和的關鍵力量。中方累計派出45批100余艘次艦艇在亞丁灣-索馬里海域為7000余艘中外船只護航。 | China is a pillar in maintaining world peace. It is committed to handling disputes with relevant countries over territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests through negotiation and consultation. It has settled land boundary issues peacefully with 12 of its 14 neighbors along its land borders through negotiation and consultation, and delimited the maritime boundary in the Beibu Bay with Vietnam. China has faithfully fulfilled its responsibilities and missions as a permanent member of the UN Security Council. It is the second largest contributor to the UN regular budget and peacekeeping assessment, and the largest contributor of peacekeeping troops among the permanent members of the Security Council. Over the past three decades and more, having sent more than 50,000 personnel to UN peacekeeping operations in over 20 countries and regions, China has become a key force in UN peacekeeping. China has dispatched more than 100 naval vessels in 45 taskforces to the Gulf of Aden and waters off the coast of Somalia to provide escort for over 7,000 Chinese and foreign ships. | |
面對此起彼伏的熱點問題,中國始終致力于發揮負責任大國作用,推動朝鮮半島、巴勒斯坦、伊朗核、敘利亞、阿富汗等國際地區問題解決。在烏克蘭問題上,中方積極勸和促談,先后提出“四個應該”“四個共同”“三點思考”的主張,發布《關于政治解決烏克蘭危機的中國立場》文件。派出中國政府歐亞事務特別代表,就政治解決烏克蘭危機同有關各方廣泛接觸和交流。在中國斡旋下,沙特和伊朗實現歷史性和解,為地區國家通過對話協商化解矛盾分歧、實現睦鄰友好樹立了典范,有力引領了中東地區“和解潮”。 | Facing constant flare-ups of hotspot issues, China has been committed to fulfilling its role as a responsible major country, pushing for the resolution of international and regional flashpoints, such as the Korean Peninsula, Palestine, the Iranian nuclear issue, Syria, and Afghanistan. On the Ukraine issue, China has actively promoted talks for peace, put forth four key principles, four things that the international community should do together and three observations, and released China's Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis. China has dispatched the Special Representative of the Chinese Government on Eurasian Affairs to engage in extensive interactions and exchanges with stakeholders on the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis. Through the mediation of China, Saudi Arabia and Iran have achieved historic reconciliation, setting a fine example for countries in the region to resolve disputes and differences and achieve good neighborly relations through dialogue and consultation, and catalyzing a wave of reconciliation in the Middle East. | |
中國積極致力于同各方開展反恐、生物安全、糧食安全等非傳統安全領域合作,在二十國集團框架下提出國際糧食安全合作倡議,推動通過《金磚國家糧食安全合作戰略》。正式啟用中國-太平洋島國防災減災合作中心,是中國在倡議框架下幫助發展中國家應對非傳統安全挑戰的又一有力行動。 | China has actively cooperated with other parties in non-traditional security domains such as anti-terrorism, biosecurity, and food security. It has proposed the International Cooperation Initiative on Global Food Security within the framework of the G20, and pushed for the adoption of the Strategy on Food Security Cooperation of the BRICS Countries. It has also officially launched the China-Pacific Island Countries Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Cooperation Center, representing yet another robust action to help developing countries tackle non-traditional security challenges within the context of the Global Security Initiative. | |
——中國提出全球文明倡議,共同倡導尊重世界文明多樣性,共同倡導弘揚全人類共同價值,共同倡導重視文明傳承和創新,共同倡導加強國際人文交流合作。全球文明倡議向全世界發出增進文明交流對話、在包容互鑒中促進人類文明進步的真摯呼吁,為推動構建人類命運共同體注入了精神動力。 | – Through the Global Civilization Initiative, China calls for jointly advocating respect for the diversity of civilizations, jointly?advocating the common values of humanity, jointly advocating the importance of continuity and evolution of civilizations, and jointly advocating closer international people-to-people exchanges and cooperation. The Global Civilization Initiative makes a sincere call for the world to enhance inter-civilization exchanges and dialogue, and promote human progress with inclusiveness and mutual learning, inspiring the building of a global community of shared future. | |
中國召開中國共產黨與世界政黨高層對話會、中國共產黨與世界政黨領導人峰會、亞洲文明對話大會等,廣泛開展雙多邊政黨交流合作活動,推進形式多樣的民間外交、城市外交、公共外交。持續深化與聯合國教科文組織、聯合國世界旅游組織合作,中國列入聯合國教科文組織非物質文化遺產名錄、名冊項目達43個。 | China has hosted gatherings including the CPC in Dialogue with World Political Parties High-level Meeting, the CPC and World Political Parties Summit, and the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations. It has engaged in extensive bilateral and multilateral activities for political party exchanges and cooperation, and promoted diverse forms of civil diplomacy, city diplomacy, and public diplomacy. China has continued to deepen cooperation with the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the UN World Tourism Organization. It now has 43 items inscribed on the intangible cultural heritage lists of UNESCO. | |
中國舉辦中國意大利文化和旅游年、中國希臘文化和旅游年、中國西班牙文化和旅游年等30余個大型文化和旅游年(節),推動金磚國家文化部長會議等16個多邊交流合作機制和25個雙邊合作機制不斷發展,持續舉辦“阿拉伯藝術節”、“相約北京”國際藝術節等主場文化活動,“歡樂春節”連續舉辦二十余年,2017年在130余個國家舉辦約2000場活動,在全球舉辦“茶和天下”·雅集等品牌活動。推動“一帶一路”文化和旅游交流,實施“文化絲路”計劃,建立絲綢之路國際劇院、博物館、藝術節、圖書館、美術館聯盟。同各國建立了約3000對友好城市(省州)關系。開展“你好!中國”入境游推廣工作。 | China has celebrated over 30 large-scale cultural and tourist "years" (festivals), such as the China-Italy Year of Culture and Tourism, the China-Greece Year of Culture and Tourism, and the China-Spain Year of Culture and Tourism. It has promoted the steady development of 16 multilateral exchanges and cooperation mechanisms, such as the meeting of BRICS ministers of culture, as well as 25 bilateral cooperation mechanisms. It regularly hosts cultural activities at home, such as the Arabic Arts Festival and the Meet in Beijing International Arts Festival, and has held "Happy Spring Festival" celebrations outside China for more than 20 years in a row. It hosted approximately 2,000 events across over 130 countries in 2017, and has organized activities around the world under such brands as "Tea for Harmony" Yaji Cultural Salon. It has advanced cultural and tourism exchanges under the Belt and Road Initiative, carried out the Cultural Silk Road program, and established the Silk Road international theater, museum, art festival, library, and art museum alliances. It has also established approximately 3,000 pairs of sister cities or provinces with various countries, and launched the "Nihao! China" inbound tourism promotion program. | |
國際社會積極評價“三大全球倡議”,認為這體現了中國的全球視野和與日俱增的國際影響力,為當前人類面臨的難題提供了綜合性解決方案。全球發展倡議同聯合國2030年可持續發展議程高度契合,尤其呼應了廣大發展中國家追求發展的心聲;全球安全倡議秉持共同安全理念,重視綜合施策,堅持合作之道,尋求可持續安全,為應對國際安全挑戰貢獻智慧;全球文明倡議倡導所有國家尊重世界文明多樣性,有助于促進不同文明交流互鑒。 | The international community has spoken highly of these three global initiatives, acknowledging that they reflect China's global vision and growing international influence and provide comprehensive solutions to the challenges confronting humanity. The Global Development Initiative is highly compatible with the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and resonates, in particular, with the aspirations of developing countries for greater development. The Global Security Initiative upholds the principle of common security, emphasizes comprehensive approaches, pursues sustainable security through cooperative efforts, and makes a valuable contribution to addressing international security challenges. The Global Civilization Initiative calls on all countries to respect the diversity of civilizations in the world, which is conducive to facilitating exchanges and mutual learning among different civilizations. | |
(三)與越來越多的國家和地區共同行動 | 3. Working with more countries and regions | |
中國提出一系列構建地區和雙邊層面命運共同體倡議,與有關各方共同努力,凝聚共識,拓展合作,為地區和平發展發揮建設性作用。 | China has proposed a range of regional and bilateral initiatives on building communities of shared future, and is working with stakeholders to build consensus and expand cooperation, thereby playing a constructive role in promoting regional peace and development. | |
中非命運共同體是最早提出的區域命運共同體,堅持真誠友好、平等相待,義利相兼、以義為先,發展為民、務實高效,開放包容、兼收并蓄,成為中國與地區國家構建命運共同體的典范。中阿、中拉、中國-太平洋島國等命運共同體建設蹄疾步穩,成為發展中國家團結合作、攜手共進的生動寫照。 | The China-Africa community of shared future was the first regional proposal. It values sincerity and equality, pursues both friendship and interests and puts friendship first, takes a people-oriented approach in pursuing practical and efficient cooperation, and follows an open and inclusive approach to cooperation. It has set a good example of China and African countries building a community of shared future. The China-Arab community of shared future, China-Latin America and the Caribbean community of shared future, and China-Pacific Island Countries community of shared future have all made swift and steady progress. They are vivid illustrations of solidarity, cooperation, and common progress among developing countries. | |
周邊命運共同體不斷落地生根,中國-東盟命運共同體建設持續推進,中國-東盟合作在東亞區域合作中最富成果、最具活力、最有實質內容,雙方政治互信不斷提高,高層往來頻密,建立了近50個領域和機構的對話合作機制。瀾滄江-湄公河國家命運共同體建設不斷取得新進展。上海合作組織命運共同體成果豐碩,中國-中亞命運共同體建設邁出堅實步伐,成功召開首屆中國-中亞峰會、成立中國-中亞元首會晤機制,為地區和世界持久和平、共同繁榮作出積極貢獻。 | The community of shared future among neighboring countries has taken firm root. As the China-ASEAN community of shared future continues to make advances, China-ASEAN cooperation has evolved into the most fruitful, dynamic, and substantive cooperation in East Asia. The two sides have seen a steady increase in mutual trust, engaged in frequent high-level exchanges, and established dialogue and cooperation mechanisms in nearly 50 domains and institutions. The community of shared future of Lancang-Mekong countries continues to make progress. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization community of shared future has yielded substantial outcomes. The building of the China-Central Asia community of shared future has made solid steps forward. The first China-Central Asia Summit was a success and a meeting mechanism at the heads-of-state level between China and Central Asian countries has been established. These efforts have contributed to enduring peace and shared prosperity in the region and the wider world. | |
在雙邊層面,中國正在同越來越多的友好伙伴構建不同形式的命運共同體。中國同老撾、柬埔寨、緬甸、印度尼西亞、泰國、馬來西亞、巴基斯坦、蒙古國、古巴、南非等國家就構建雙邊命運共同體發表行動計劃、聯合聲明或達成重要共識,同中亞五國雙邊層面踐行人類命運共同體全覆蓋,理念更加深入人心,實踐成果噴涌而出,實實在在地推動了當地發展建設,促進了民生福祉。 | At the bilateral level, China is building communities of shared future with an increasing number of partners in different forms. China and countries including Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Pakistan, Mongolia, Cuba and South Africa have published action plans, released joint statements, or reached important agreements on building bilateral communities of shared future. China has also implemented the vision of building a global community of shared future on a bilateral level with all the five Central Asian countries. As this vision gains greater traction among the people, substantial outcomes have been delivered, significantly boosting local development and improving people's lives. | |
人類命運共同體是一個生機勃勃、開放包容的體系。不同地理區域、歷史文化、社會制度、經濟體量、發展階段的國家,只要認同人類命運共同體的核心理念,就可以求同存異、和而不同、加強合作、謀求共贏。中國將同越來越多的地區和國家攜手努力推動構建人類命運共同體,為推動各國發展事業和人類文明進步作出應有貢獻。 | The global community of shared future is a dynamic, open, and inclusive system. However different countries may be in geographical location, history, culture, social system, size of economy, and development stage, alignment with the core idea of a global community of shared future enables them to seek common ground while shelving differences, achieve harmony in diversity, reinforce cooperation, and pursue win-win outcomes. China will work with more and more regions and countries to build a global community of shared future and contribute to the development of all countries and the progress of human civilization. | |
(四)為各領域國際合作注入強勁動力 | 4. Boosting international cooperation in all areas | |
人類命運共同體理念直指當今世界面臨的和平赤字、發展赤字、安全赤字、治理赤字,在衛生健康、氣候變化、網絡安全等領域提出豐富主張,轉化為具體行動,為解決世界性難題作出了中國的獨特貢獻。 | The vision of a global community of shared future addresses the deficits in peace, development, security, and governance facing the world today. As China's unique contribution to solving global problems, it also offers solutions which have been translated into concrete actions in areas such as health, climate change, and cybersecurity. | |
面對肆虐的新冠疫情,中國提出構建人類衛生健康共同體。中國站在國際抗疫合作“第一方陣”,開展全球緊急人道主義救援,向150多個國家和國際組織提供力所能及的援助和支持。秉持疫苗公共產品“第一屬性”,最早承諾將新冠疫苗作為全球公共產品,最早支持疫苗研發知識產權豁免,最早同發展中國家開展疫苗合作生產。擔當疫苗公平分配“第一梯隊”,以自己的堅定承諾和實際行動為人類健康事業貢獻中國力量。 | Confronted by the rampant Covid-19 pandemic, China proposed to build a community of health for all. It has stood in the frontline of international anti-pandemic cooperation, carrying out global emergency humanitarian relief and providing assistance and support to more than 150 countries and international organizations. China has advocated that vaccines must first and foremost be a global public good, and was among the first countries to make a commitment to supply Covid-19 vaccines as a global public good, to support waiving intellectual property rights on the vaccines, and to start joint production with other developing countries. It has also played a pioneering role in the equitable distribution of vaccines, contributing China's strength to the global health cause through firm commitment and practical actions. | |
面對混亂失序的網絡空間治理,中國提出構建網絡空間命運共同體。積極參與聯合國網絡安全進程,支持聯合國在網絡空間全球治理中發揮核心作用。舉辦世界互聯網大會,成立世界互聯網大會國際組織,為全球互聯網共享共治搭建平臺。發起《全球數據安全倡議》,分別同阿拉伯國家聯盟、中亞五國發表《中阿數據安全合作倡議》及《“中國+中亞五國”數據安全合作倡議》,推動全球數字治理規則制定。推動完善深海、極地、外空等新疆域的治理規則,確保各國權利共享、責任共擔。在制定新疆域治理新規則時,充分反映新興市場國家和發展中國家的利益和訴求。 | To address disorder in cyberspace governance, China has proposed the concept of a community of shared future in cyberspace. It actively participates in UN cybersecurity processes and supports the UN in playing a core role in global cyberspace governance. China has hosted the World Internet Conference and established the World Internet Conference Organization as a platform for global internet sharing and governance. To advance the development of a set of rules for global digital governance, it has launched the Global Data Security Initiative, and released the China-LAS Cooperation Initiative on Data Security together with the League of Arab States and the Data Security Cooperation Initiative of China + Central Asia together with the five Central Asian countries. To ensure that rights and responsibilities are shared among all countries, it promotes the improvement of governance rules in the deep sea, polar regions, outer space, and other new frontiers. Efforts are made to ensure that in formulating new rules for governance in new frontiers, the interests and expectations of emerging market countries and developing countries are fully reflected. | |
面對核安全全球治理的根本性問題,中國提出打造核安全命運共同體,堅定維護國際核不擴散體系,促進和平利用核能,秉持理性、協調、并進的核安全觀。為應對不斷上升的核沖突風險,中國推動五核國領導人共同發表聯合聲明,重申“核戰爭打不贏,也打不得”。積極倡導全面禁止和徹底銷毀核武器,是唯一公開承諾不首先使用核武器、不對無核武器國家和無核武器區使用或威脅使用核武器的核國家。 | Concerning the fundamental issues in global nuclear security governance, China proposes to build a community of shared future on nuclear security. It firmly safeguards the international nuclear nonproliferation regime, promotes the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and upholds a rational, coordinated and balanced approach to nuclear security. In response to the increasing risk of nuclear conflict, China has pushed for the conclusion of a joint statement among the leaders of the five nuclear-weapon states, reaffirming that "a nuclear war cannot be won, and must never be fought". China actively advocates the complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons, and it is the only nuclear country that has publicly committed to no-first-use of nuclear weapons, and not using or threatening to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon states and nuclear-weapon-free zones. | |
面對日益復雜的海上問題,中國提出構建海洋命運共同體,始終致力于通過對話協商和平解決領土主權和海洋權益爭端。同東盟國家簽署和全面有效落實《南海各方行為宣言》,持續推進“南海行為準則”磋商。提出共建藍色經濟伙伴關系,加強海上互聯互通建設。堅持走擱置爭議、共同開發的合作之路,同海上鄰國積極探討資源共同開發。 | Faced with increasingly complex maritime issues, China has proposed to form a maritime community of shared future and has always been committed to peaceful resolution of territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests disputes through dialogue and consultation. China has signed and fully and effectively implemented the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea with ASEAN countries, and continues to advance consultations on the code of conduct in the South China Sea. China has proposed to jointly build a partnership on blue economy and strengthen maritime connectivity. It adheres to the path of pursuing joint development while setting aside disputes, and actively explores joint resource development with maritime neighbors at sea. | |
面對日益嚴峻的全球氣候挑戰,中國先后提出構建人與自然生命共同體、地球生命共同體等重要理念。中國積極推動經濟發展轉型,承諾力爭2030年前實現碳達峰、努力爭取2060年前實現碳中和,構建完成碳達峰碳中和“1+N”政策體系。中國建成了世界最大的清潔發電網絡,貢獻了本世紀以來全球25%的新增綠化面積,以年均3%的能源消費增速支撐了年均超過6%的經濟增長,成為全球水電、風電、太陽能發電裝機容量最多的國家。積極參與全球環境治理,倡導國際社會全面有效落實《聯合國氣候變化框架公約》及其《巴黎協定》,堅持“共同但有區別的責任”原則。盡己所能幫助發展中國家提高應對氣候變化能力,大力支持發展中國家能源綠色低碳發展,與39個發展中國家簽署46份應對氣候變化南南合作諒解備忘錄,為120多個發展中國家培訓約2300名氣候變化領域的官員和技術人員。作為《生物多樣性公約》第十五次締約方大會(COP15)主席國,全力推動會議成功舉行,率先出資成立昆明生物多樣性基金,推動達成“昆明-蒙特利爾全球生物多樣性框架”。 | Faced with the severe and growing global climate challenge, China has proposed important concepts such as building a community of life for humanity and nature and a community of all life on Earth. China actively promotes economic development and transformation, and undertakes to strive to achieve peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and carbon neutrality before 2060. It has introduced a "1+N" policy system for carbon peaking and neutrality. China has built the world's largest clean power generation network, contributed 25 percent of the world's newly added green area since 2000, and enabled an annual economic growth rate of over 6 percent with an average annual energy consumption growth rate of 3 percent. It has the largest installed capacity of hydropower, wind power, and solar power in the world. It actively participates in global environmental governance, advocates the comprehensive and effective implementation by the international community of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement, and adheres to the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities". China tries its best to help developing countries improve their ability to address climate change, and vigorously supports their green and low-carbon energy development. It has inked 46 South-South cooperation documents with 39 developing countries to address climate change, and trained approximately 2,300 officials and technical personnel in the field of climate change for more than 120 developing countries. Holding the presidency of the 15th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15), China made every effort to ensure the success of the meeting, taking the lead in funding the establishment of the Kunming Biodiversity Fund and contributing to the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. | |
無論是應對眼下的危機,還是共創美好的未來,各國都需要同舟共濟、團結合作。面對深刻而宏闊的百年大變局,中國提出構建人類命運共同體,呼吁各國秉持命運與共理念,充分溝通協商,共擔治理責任,形成應對全球性問題的廣泛共識和一致行動,為人類邁向光明未來注入信心和動力。 | Whether dealing with the current crises or creating a better future together, all countries need to unite and cooperate. Faced with profound changes unseen in a century, China has proposed the building of a global community of shared future, calls on all countries to uphold the concept of a shared future, fully communicate and consult with each other, share governance responsibilities, and form broad consensus and take concerted actions to address global issues, so as to inject confidence and momentum into humanity's drive towards a bright future. | |
結束語 | Conclusion | |
凡益之道,與時偕行。人類命運共同體理念的提出和實踐,已經在國際上凝聚起團結合作的廣泛共識,匯聚起應對挑戰的強大合力。展望未來,這一理念必將煥發出愈發鮮明的真理力量、更為彰顯的引領作用和超越時空的思想偉力,為人類社會開辟共同發展、長治久安、持續繁榮的美好愿景。人類的前途是光明的,但光明的前途不會自動到來。構建人類命運共同體既是一個美好愿景,也是一個歷史過程,需要一代又一代人接力跑才能實現。 | All good principles should adapt to changing times in order to remain relevant. A broad consensus of solidarity and cooperation has developed in the international community behind the proposal and the implementation of the concept of a global community of shared future to address the challenges facing humanity. Looking to the future, it is bound to shine as a pioneering thought with the power of truth that transcends time and space, opening up a beautiful prospect of common development, long-term stability, and sustained prosperity for human society. The future of humanity is bright, but it will not come without effort. Building a global community of shared future is both a salutary vision and a historical process that calls for generations of hard work. | |
實現這個美好愿景,信心和決心是首要。和平、發展、合作、共贏的時代潮流不可阻擋,構建人類命運共同體是世界各國人民前途所在。同時,構建人類命運共同體不可能一蹴而就,也不可能一帆風順,需要付出長期艱苦努力,需要鍥而不舍、馳而不息相向而行。不能因現實復雜而放棄夢想,也不能因理想遙遠而放棄追求。 | To realize this goal, confidence and determination are of foremost importance. The trend of our times for peace, development and win-win cooperation cannot be halted. Building a global community of shared future is the way forward for all the world's peoples. However, it is not a goal to be accomplished overnight, and there will be no plain sailing. We need to make unremitting efforts and forge ahead with perseverance. We should never give up on our dreams because of harsh realities; we should never stop pursuing our ideals because they seem out of reach. | |
實現這個美好愿景,格局與胸懷是基礎。大時代需要大格局,大格局呼喚大胸懷。面對共同挑戰,任何人、任何國家都無法獨善其身,人類只有和衷共濟、和合共生這一條出路。各國只有加強協調和合作,把本國人民利益同世界各國人民利益統一起來,才能共同朝著構建人類命運共同體的方向前行。 | To realize this goal, a broad mind and a global vision are central as we live in great times. In the face of common challenges, no person or country can remain isolated. The only response is to work together in harmony and unity. Only by strengthening coordination and cooperation, and ensuring that the interests of the people of every country will be kept in line with those of all others, can all countries move forward towards a global community of shared future. | |
實現這個美好愿景,擔當與行動是關鍵。大道至簡,實干為要。構建人類命運共同體有賴于各國共同行動。各國應有以天下為己任的擔當精神,積極做行動派、不做觀望者,加強對話、凝聚共識、促進和平、推動發展、完善治理,開展全球行動、全球應對、全球合作。 | To realize this goal, a sense of responsibility and a will to act hold the key. The key to success is simple and boils down to action. Building a global community of shared future depends on the joint actions of all countries. All countries should take a sense of responsibility that treats the task as a bound duty, and take concrete actions instead of being bystanders. We should strengthen dialogue, build consensus, promote peace and development, improve governance, and carry out global actions, global responses, and global cooperation. | |
道阻且長,行則將至;行而不輟,未來可期。前方的路縱然曲折,但也充滿希望。只要世界各國團結起來,共行天下大道,向著構建人類命運共同體的正確方向,一起來規劃,一起來實踐,一點一滴堅持努力,日積月累不懈奮斗,就一定能夠建設一個持久和平、普遍安全、共同繁榮、開放包容、清潔美麗的世界,共同創造人類更加美好的未來! | Our journey ahead will be a lengthy and arduous one. But as long as we press ahead with perseverance, there will be much to expect. Successes and setbacks await us, but hopes abound. When all countries unite in pursuing the cause of common good, plan together, and act together day by day towards the right direction of building a global community of shared future, we can build an open, inclusive, clean, and beautiful world of lasting peace, universal security and shared prosperity, and jointly create a better future for all of humanity. | |
①“五位一體”總體框架:建立平等相待、互商互諒的伙伴關系,營造公道正義、共建共享的安全格局,謀求開放創新、包容互惠的發展前景,促進和而不同、兼收并蓄的文明交流,構筑尊崇自然、綠色發展的生態體系。 | ① The five points are: We should build partnerships in which countries treat each other as equals, engage in extensive consultation, and enhance mutual understanding. We should create a security environment featuring fairness, justice, joint efforts, and shared interests. We should promote open, innovative and inclusive development that benefits all. We should increase inter-civilization exchanges to promote harmony, inclusiveness, and respect for differences. We should build an ecosystem that puts Mother Nature and green development first. | |
②建設“五個世界”的總目標:堅持對話協商,建設一個持久和平的世界;堅持共建共享,建設一個普遍安全的世界;堅持合作共贏,建設一個共同繁榮的世界;堅持交流互鑒,建設一個開放包容的世界;堅持綠色低碳,建設一個清潔美麗的世界。 | ② The five goals are: We should build a world of lasting peace through dialogue and consultation. We should build a world of common security for all through joint efforts. We should build a world of common prosperity through win-win cooperation. We should build an open and inclusive world through exchanges and mutual learning. We should make our world clean and beautiful by pursuing green and low-carbon development. | |
(注:本文省略了原文中的專欄) | (Note: Boxes omitted) | |
(來源:新華網) | (Source: Xinhua) |