這是山西省與內蒙古自治區交界處的黃河老牛灣(2023年8月23日攝)。地處山西和內蒙古交界處的黃河老牛灣,黃河于峽谷兩岸壁立千仞中穿流而過,蜿蜒于陡峭山崖上的明長城在這里與黃河交匯,形成了長城與黃河“握手”的獨特景觀。[新華社記者 連振 攝]
This photo taken on Aug. 23, 2023 shows the scenery at the Laoniuwan section of the Yellow River on the border between north China's Shanxi Province and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The Great Wall built during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) encounters the Yellow River at the Laoniuwan section. (Xinhua/Lian Zhen)