Mechanical device Horse Dragon Long Ma parades in Hangzhou
12月16日,觀眾在街邊觀看大型機械裝置藝術品“龍馬精神”巡游。當日,大型機械裝置藝術品“龍馬精神”來到杭州市拱墅區武林路街區,在10余名工程師的協同操控下巡游,不時向人群噴灑水霧,吸引大批市民和游客駐足觀看。據了解,這座重達50噸、騰起高度超過15米的“龍馬精神”機械裝置藝術品,于2014年為紀念中法建交50周年而設計制作,在世界各地巡回展出。[新華社記者 黃宗治 攝影報道]
People watch as a mechanical device Horse Dragon Long Ma parades on a street in Gongshu District of Hangzhou, east China's Zhejiang Province, Dec. 16, 2023. The device is made in 2014 by French production company La Machine to celebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between France and China. (Xinhua/Huang Zongzhi)